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Category: Global Financial System

The analysis published under this category are as follows.


Thursday, May 23, 2013

Why The Petrodollar System Is Crippled / Politics / Global Financial System

By: Andrew_McKillop

For Jerry Robinson ( the reasons why the so-called Petrodollar System must collapse is ultimately because the political and monetary drivers of the system date back to the fast-fading times of 1945-1971 when the the USA's global hegemony and monetary power was almost unchallenged.

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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Hackers and the Alternatives to the Global Financial System / Politics / Global Financial System

By: Submissions

Keith Hilden writes: We find ourselves as a world currently at a pivotal point where the current maligned global financial system is falling way to multiple alternatives as new global financial system models emerge as solid competitors. Hackers will undoubtedly prove themselves as a disruptor to the alternative new financial system frameworks that emerge, and will sculpt the initial framework into its matured institutional state. Due to the leverage that hackers will possess, emerging alternative global financial system frameworks will be heavily influenced by hackers. Simply said, regardless of which global financial alternative is chosen, hackers will own the day. And investment into cybersecurity firms products and services will absolutely skyrocket.

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Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Can Banks Really Just Create Money? / Interest-Rates / Global Financial System

By: Paul_Tustain

It's the banks, not their customers, who actually wind up owing each other money...

OBSERVERS of Fractional Reserve Banking have noticed that your deposit into a bank can cause the bank to offer new loans well above and beyond the size of your deposit.

Those watchers often object on the grounds that this is new money which shouldn't have been created.

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Monday, December 17, 2012

67 Trillion Reasons to be Cheerful, the Shadow Banking System / Stock-Markets / Global Financial System

By: Submissions

David Rose writes: The much-maligned ‘shadow banking’ sector has so far been accused of causing the global financial crisis, restricting access to capital and, probably, global warming too.  But maybe the time has come to bring ‘shadow banking’ out of the shadows and into the light, so that the discussion can become a little more constructive. 

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Friday, June 15, 2012

Anti-Fragile Banking / Interest-Rates / Global Financial System

By: William_Bancroft

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleWe’ve been big fans of the author and academic, Nasim Nicholas Taleb, for some time. We have enjoyed his best-selling book, ‘The Black Swan’, his media appearances and have used his work to find other interesting works by the likes of Benoit Mandelbrot.

A central theme in Taleb’s writing is that systems should be built not just to withstand 99% of scenarios, but all scenarios. A bit like saying we should build a house that stands for 365 days a year, not one that stands for 364 days only to be toppled by the perfect storm.

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Monday, April 16, 2012

Another Gust of Stench from IMF / Politics / Global Financial System

By: Pravda

International Monetary Fund Senior Resident Representative in Russia, Odd Per Brekk has recently made a surprisingly lucrative suggestion to the international community. According to Mr. Brekk, one should invest their money in the development of national economies rather than saving up the funds on bank accounts. If something happens, the IMF will be there to help the country in trouble. The idea seems to be perfect, but there is a downside to it.

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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

IMF Make or Break Time / Politics / Global Financial System

By: Andrew_McKillop

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleThe IMF's real goal, today, has mutated from supplying rapid aid to countries in balance of payments crisis (BOP crises) and more vague official goals for stabilizing exchange rates, aiding the growth of world trade, fighting poverty and newer elite fear themes, most recently global warming until its sudden fall from grace, after the disastrous and embarrassing Copenhagen "summit" of Dec 2009. Since the collapse of global warming as the underlying theme for generating new underlying financial assets, tied to emissions credits and carbon finance and thought able to generate at least one $ 100-billion-plus new funding vehicle for the IMF, it has shifted to its last and probably make or break role.

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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Why the IMF is a Drain on Your Wallet / Politics / Global Financial System

By: Money_Morning

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleMartin Hutchinson writes: Dominique Strauss-Kahn's forced resignation from the International Monetary Fund - and the search for an IMF successor - is a blessing in disguise. Strauss-Kahn's term in office saw a vast expansion of the IMF's activities, a fact often used to praise his tenure.

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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Pro Bank Bailout Christine Lagarde IMF Shoo In Replacement for Strauss-Kahn / Politics / Global Financial System

By: Mike_Whitney

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleFrench Finance Minster Christine Lagarde has emerged as the front-runner in the race to replace ex-IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn. She is a champion swimmer, an accomplished attorney, and a competent bureaucrat. She's also a friend of Wall Street who will ferociously defend the interests of big capital. Research assistant for the far-right American Enterprise Institute Jurgen Reinhoudt notes that under "France's free-market oriented economics minister"..."the top income tax rate was cut and, in a frontal assault on the 35-hour workweek, overtime work for hourly workers was made tax-free." (Don't Give Up on Sarkozy Just Yet, AEI)

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Sunday, May 22, 2011

After The Sleaze Story : The Complex Wake Of The Strauss-Kahn Affair / Politics / Global Financial System

By: Andrew_McKillop

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleWhat can be called the liberal media has gone into high gear on this sex scandal with all the body fluid details needing round-the-clock reporting from drab and repressive prison buildings and crowded court rooms as well as chic downtown high-rent apartment blocks. To be sure, the IMF and what this director was doing at the IMF almost never features, lkely because it is so much complex than anal sex and therefore very boring for average consumers of pap media.

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Friday, May 20, 2011

The Battle for New IMF Managing Director Between Emerging and Developed Countries / Politics / Global Financial System

By: Money_Morning

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleKerri Shannon writes: Dominique Strauss-Kahn resigned as leader of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) late Wednesday night, triggering a global battle between developed economies and emerging markets to find a new IMF managing director.

Strauss-Kahn, who was arrested May 14 on sexual assault charges, said in a statement released yesterday (Thursday) morning that he felt "compelled" to resign.

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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Dominique Strauss-Kahn Was Tying to Torpedo the Dollar / Politics / Global Financial System

By: Mike_Whitney

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleIt's all about perception management. The media is trying to dig up as much dirt as they can on Dominique Strauss-Kahn so they can hang the man before he ever sees the inside of a courthouse. It reminds me of the Terry Schiavo case, where devoted-husband Michael was pegged as an insensitive slimeball for carrying out the explicit wishes of his brain-dead wife. Do you remember how the media conducted their disgraceful 24 hour-a-day Blitzkrieg with the endless coverage of weepy Christian fanatics on the front lawn of the hospital while Hannity, Limbaugh and O' Reilly fired away with their sanctimonious claptrap?

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Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Coming IMF Crisis / Politics / Global Financial System

By: Andrew_McKillop

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleAFTER STRAUSS-KAHN - Countries pushing for a quick resignation of disgraced IMF chief Strauss-Kahn, and others arguing a slower approach underline by coded messages who stands to gain or lose when a new IMF chief is named by a weighted majority vote at the IMF's 24-person executive board. But whoever wins, we all lose when the IMF-run gold laundering and illicit or 'gray' capital recycling operations get known.

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Monday, April 18, 2011

Bretton Woods II - The Final Enslavement of Mankind, Totalitarian Collectivism / Politics / Global Financial System


Best Financial Markets Analysis Article“The rising powers must be present at the creation of this new system in order to ensure that they will be active supporters.” - George Soros

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Friday, February 11, 2011

The Illuminati's Secret 20 Trillion Dollar Bank / Politics / Global Financial System

By: Chris_Kitze

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleZen Gardner writes: Of all the scams, the worldwide banking system is one of the most mind-boggling. Never mind the entire false premise of fiat money and the debt system, that vast amounts of this illusory "currency" get shifted every micro-second just begs deceit and piracy.

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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The IMF and the ECB on Perfecting Stupidity / Politics / Global Financial System

By: Richard_Daughty

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleThis week's winner of the coveted Mogambo Bluster And Incompetence Award (MBAIA) goes to Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund.

I will skip the part where I heap disdain on the IMF and say rude things like how I think that the IMF is a worthless bunch of incompetent, self-serving, socialist scumbags.

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Monday, November 22, 2010

Global Monetary Policy - Negligence, Ignorance or Fraud? / Interest-Rates / Global Financial System

By: The_Gold_Report

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleRecovery? What recovery? With more money in circulation than ever before in history, Midas Letter Editor James West asks, "Where's all the money?" The government would have us believe a "recovery" is underway and that we're all firmly back on the road to prosperity. "A recovery is underway," says James, "but those elements of the global economy that are recovering aren't in the economic interests of most planetary citizens." In this Gold Report exclusive, James looks beyond media talking heads and rosy governmental economic forecasts to ponder the eventual consequences of a regulatory framework that is fractured and impotent.

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Monday, November 15, 2010

G20 Summit Fails to Resolve Global Trade and Currency Conflicts / Politics / Global Financial System

By: Barry_Grey

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleThe G20 summit of leading economies held in Seoul, South Korea concluded Friday without any agreement on policies to bridge differences over global currency and trade issues that have grown increasingly bitter in recent weeks.

President Barack Obama failed to obtain a consensus to demand that China allow its currency, the renminbi (also known as the yuan), to appreciate more rapidly. But the US continued to defend its policy of printing hundreds of billions of dollars, dismissing complaints from countries ranging from Germany, Japan and China to Brazil, Thailand and South Africa that Washington is deliberately devaluing the dollar in order to obtain a trade advantage over its competitors.

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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Will G20 Take a Collective Stand on Capital Controls? / Politics / Global Financial System

By: Global_Research

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleKavaljit Singh writes: Leaders of the G20 will meet in Seoul on Nov. 11 and 12 to discuss a myriad of issues concerning global financial stability and economic recovery. In many ways, the G20 Seoul Summit is significant because for the first time it is hosted by a non-G8 nation and one in Asia too.

The two-day Seoul summit covers an expansive agenda, ranging from global safety nets to new rules on bank capital and liquidity requirements to reforming the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

World Bank Head Calls for Monetary System Linked to Gold / Politics / Global Financial System

By: Barry_Grey

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleIn the run-up to the G20 summit of leading economies, to be held Thursday and Friday in Seoul, the president of the World Bank has published a column in the Financial Times calling for a fundamental revamping of the global currency system involving a lesser role for the US dollar and a modified gold standard. The Financial Times underscored the significance of the column by making it the subject of its front-page lead article on Monday.

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