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Market Oracle FREE Newsletter

Category: Gold & Silver 2024

The analysis published under this category are as follows.


Monday, September 30, 2024

Gold: 5 principles to help you stay ahead of price turns / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2024


Dear Reader,

Gold might be losing out to stocks when it comes to headlines. But, the precious metal also just hit all-time highs and did it in style -- rocketing 35% in seven months.

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Sunday, September 22, 2024

Gold and Silver Shine as the Fed Cuts Rates: What’s Next? / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2024

By: Submissions

When the Federal Reserve decides to slash interest rates, it sets off a domino effect in the financial world, and precious metals like gold and silver are among the first to feel the impact. Yesterday, we saw a 0.50% cut, so it’s time to revisit how these metals have historically performed… and let’s just say, they’ve put on quite the show.

The Golden (and Silver) Truth About Fed Rate Cuts

Since 2000, gold and silver have shown a knack for appreciating when the Fed cuts rates by a full half percentage point. Here’s a look at how they’ve danced to the Fed’s tune:

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Thursday, September 12, 2024

Gold’s Outlook CPI Data / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2024

By: P_Radomski_CFA

The CPI data is going to be released today, so the markets are tense.

Gold's Gains Limited by Short-Term Resistance

Gold moved slightly higher, but the very short-term resistance line based on the previous highs keeps gold’s gains in check.

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Sunday, September 08, 2024

Sentiment Speaks: Silver Is Set Up To Shine / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2024

By: Avi_Gilburt

When I think about the metals market, I chuckle as it has obliterated just about every expectation many have had about what drives the market.

We have seen metals decline during a strong inflationary period in 2022, wherein most were expecting it to rally alongside inflation. We have seen metals rally alongside the US Dollar, when most were expecting it to move in the opposite direction to the dollar. And, we have seen rallies surprise many market participants due to a “lack of clear catalyst.”

Well, anyone that has followed my work through the years should not be surprised. I have attempted time and again to outline the many fallacies propagated throughout the metals market, while also outlining the most accurate manner in which you should track the metals. To this end, those that have followed along through the years recognize the accuracy of our work.

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Sunday, September 08, 2024

Precious Metals Shine in August: Gold and Silver Surge Ahead / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2024

By: Submissions

As the summer winds down, investors are keeping a close eye on the precious metals market. August proved to be a stellar month for both gold and silver, with gold prices rising a solid 3.5% and silver not far behind at 3.2%.

But what does the future hold? Well, according to Bank of America, the outlook is positively golden. In a recent note to clients, the bank stated, “We believe gold can hit $3,000/oz over the next 12-18 months…”. That’s a nice 20% move up from here. If silver holds its 3x typical ratio, that’s $50 silver, which we wrote on two weeks back.

Speaking of Bank of America, strategists have a bold prediction for investors: commodities are the way to go for the rest of the 2020s. In a recent note, they argue that a “commodity bull is just starting” due to a structural rise in inflation. “Commodities are a better bet than bonds for the rest of the 2020s.”

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Sunday, September 08, 2024

Gold’s Demand Comeback / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2024

By: Zeal_LLC

This gold bull’s latest upleg has proven mighty, surging to many new nominal record highs.  Amazingly gold’s massive gains have accrued despite no demand from one of its primary drivers.  That’s differential gold-ETF-share buying by American stock investors.  Enthralled by the AI stock bubble, those guys have been missing-in-action.  When they finally return, gold’s demand comeback will supercharge its gains.

The great majority of gold’s price trends have long been driven by speculators’ gold-futures trading and/or investors’ gold-ETF-share trading.  I’ve analyzed this extensively in recent decades, discussing the latest trends of both primary drivers in countless essays and subscription newsletters.  Understanding what both groups of gold-dominating traders are doing is essential for profitably gaming gold’s upleg-correction cycles.

Born in early October 2023, today’s gold upleg has blasted up 38.7% at best over 10.8 months now!  In early December, gold achieved its first nominal record close in 3.3 years.  Since then 28 more records have been written into the books, an incredible run by any standards!  Gold’s upleg is now on the verge of powering up 40%+ into monster status.  Remarkably this has happened with one hand tied behind its back.

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Sunday, September 08, 2024

Gold’s Quick Reversal and Copper’s Major Indications / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2024

By: P_Radomski_CFA

Copper is definitely the most important industrial metal out there.

Freeport-McMoRan Reflects Market Trends

In the entire commodity sector, only crude oil is more widely used. And given the increasing importance of all-things-electronic, copper is unlikely to be forgotten anytime soon. This doesn’t mean that the only way in which its price can move is up (far from it), but it does indicate that this market is likely linked to multiple other markets – also to gold price.

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Friday, September 06, 2024

Crude Oil’s Sign for Gold Investors / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2024

By: P_Radomski_CFA

So, the GDXJ plunged about 5% yesterday, and it refused to get back up, even though gold price did.

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Friday, August 23, 2024

What happened to the Fed’s Gold? / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2024

By: Richard_Mills

As the richest nation and the world’s largest economy, it is hardly a surprise that the United States holds the most gold.

What is surprising is where the gold isn’t: the United States Federal Reserve, known colloquially as the central bank.

Mainstream media dutifully reports that the American central bank is number one out of the top 10 gold depositories in the world. Its 8,133 metric tons are worth a staggering $630 billion at USD$2,2200/oz.

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Friday, August 23, 2024

Will Electric Vehicles Be the Killer App for Silver? / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2024

By: MoneyMetals

Industrial demand for silver has been surging in recent years. Solar panel manufacturers were largely behind the 11% jump in demand for 2023 versus the prior year. Forecasters predict another 9% jump this year.

For silver investors, however, the future of demand from manufacturers may be even brighter than the recent past.

The solar industry has been behind much of the growing appetite for silver.

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Saturday, August 17, 2024

Gold Prices: The calm before a record run / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2024


The basis for analysis and forecasting at Elliott Wave International is fundamentally different from everyone else’s.

Here's a prime example in gold.

This excerpt is from the March Elliott Wave Financial Forecast, when gold was trading below $2,050/oz.

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Thursday, August 15, 2024

How Gold Can Save the US Dollar / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2024

By: MoneyMetals

Can we save the dollar before central banking kills it?

Our deficits are now stuck at 8% of GDP — unprecedented in peacetime. And our national debt just hit $35 trillion — unprecedented in the history of man.

Even the central bankers realize that this isn't sustainable. That we are coming to the day our paper money utopia crumbles.

Historically, from Song Dynasty China to Weimar Germany, when paper dies we return to hard money. Because backing the dollar with hard money like gold -- and eventually Bitcoin -- is the only way to finally kill the money printer.

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Monday, August 12, 2024

Gold Supply Falling Short of Market Demand / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2024

By: Richard_Mills

It’s been a volatile week in the markets.

On Monday, Aug. 5, the Dow Jones Industrial Average lost more than 1,000 points, and the S&P 500 dropped 3%, resulting in the worst day for both indexes since September 2022. 

The sell-off was blamed on factors ranging from worries about the economy and the slow response from the Federal Reserve, regarding interest rate cuts, to the unwind of a popular global currency trade and concerns over corporate earnings, CNBC said.

(The “carry trade” involves borrowing in cheap currencies such as the Japanese yen and buying higher-yielding currencies. It has helped to supply markets with liquidity.)

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Sunday, June 30, 2024

Gold Mining Stocks Record Quarter / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2024

By: Zeal_LLC

The gold miners will soon report what will almost certainly prove their best quarter ever.  Mostly due to Q2’s record-shattering gold prices, gold miners’ earnings should soar off the charts.  Those will be further boosted by slightly-lower mining costs many of these companies are predicting.  With such incredibly-strong fundamentals, more professional fund managers should soon start investing in this high-potential sector.

Four times a year, publicly-traded companies report quarterly results.  These earnings seasons are very important, illuminating how gold miners are actually faring fundamentally.  That really cuts through the obscuring sentiment fogs often shrouding this sector.  I enjoy learning about companies’ fundamentals, so for 32 quarters in a row I’ve analyzed the latest quarterlies from the top 25 gold stocks in both their leading ETFs.

Those are of course the GDX VanEck Gold Miners ETF dominated by super-major and major gold miners, and its little-brother GDXJ VanEck Junior Gold Miners ETF which is actually overwhelmingly weighted to mid-tier gold miners despite its name.  Those categories are defined by annual production levels, with super-majors exceeding 2,000k ounces, majors above 1,000k, mid-tiers over 300k, and juniors under that.

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Sunday, June 30, 2024

Could Low PCE Inflation Take Gold to the Moon? / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2024

By: P_Radomski_CFA

The PCE Index statistics were released today, and you might wonder what impact they will have on the price of gold.

Let’s dig in.

One might think that PCE is a critical driver of gold prices (and thus, you might be concerned with what the number is going to be), and there is some truth to it, but looking at how those reports have indeed influenced gold price provides extra context to what might seem obvious.

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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Gold Stocks Reloading / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2024

By: Zeal_LLC

The gold miners’ stocks have been grinding lower for a month now, sapping traders’ enthusiasm. But this is par for the gold-summer-doldrums course, what typically happens in June. This sentiment-rebalancing drift is quite bullish for this high-potential sector, reloading it for another strong surge higher. With their probable mid-summer bottoming nearing, traders have a mid-upleg opportunity to add undervalued gold stocks.

Reloading always reminds me of target shooting, which was a fun part of my life growing up. Back then liberals hadn’t demonized guns yet, they were part of the cultural fabric. At my high school, its parking lot was full of kids’ pickups with loaded firearms hanging in their back windows! Most teenagers hunted with their fathers, and some participated in a local trap-shooting league along with my town’s police officers.

Back then ammunition was cheap, making target shooting affordable. You could buy 1000 rounds of 5.56 at many sporting-goods stores for under $100! That made for a fun afternoon of shooting with friends. My favorite targets were eggs. They are small and challenging to hit at range, explode nicely, and don’t need to be cleaned up as they’re biodegradable. Reloading magazines before shooting was the worst part.

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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Gold Price Completely Unsurprising Reversal and Next Steps / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2024

By: P_Radomski_CFA

Did today’s decline in gold surprise you? It shouldn’t – during Thursday’s rally, gold moved to two resistance lines.

And I sent out a special Alert indicating that this was actually a shorting opportunity. That’s my second position in gold in years, and we closed the previous one (it was a long position) profitably in April this year.

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Thursday, June 20, 2024

Why a Dow Stock Market Peak Will Boost Silver / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2024

By: Hubert_Moolman

During the Great Depression, both silver (1931) and the Dow (1932) reached a significant low. Both have rallied significantly since then. However, the structure of the rallies was very different.

To date, the Dow has significantly outperformed silver since those lows. The Dow increased 988-fold from the low to the all-time high, whereas silver has only increased 179-fold from the low to the all-time high.

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Saturday, June 08, 2024

Gold, Silver and Crypto | How Charts Look Before US Dollar Meltdown / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2024

By: Hubert_Moolman

The US dollar is on the brink of a major meltdown. This is apparent based on fundamental and technical analysis. Over the last 5 years, the US dollar has sustained some major damage through policy without losing much value against other fiat currencies.

In other words, the market has not yet taken into account the true (debased) state of the US dollar, but it will soon. Since the US dollar is probably the  most significant currency in the world, its meltdown will be devastating for many.

Therefore, it is imperative to find a safe haven during a US dollar meltdown. This is a monetary crisis and should preferably be addressed with monetary alternatives. Gold and silver are the premier monetary assets, so they should be an obvious choice.

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Saturday, June 08, 2024

Gold & Silver Get Slammed on Positive Economic Reports / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2024

By: MoneyMetals

Later on in today’s program, we have an important update on Money Metals’ efforts to enact pro-sound money laws across America. Six bills have become law this year, making 2024 the most successful year for our sound money efforts so far. So, stick around for an interview with our own Jp Cortez, coming up after this week’s market update.

Well, gold has been the headline performer in the first half the year – breaking records and commanding attention. But in the second half of 2024, silver may be set to steal the show.

Silver has been quietly outperforming gold since February. Silver prices surged to an 11-year high last month.

The junior monetary metal still has a long way to go in order to reach a new all-time high above $49 an ounce. Even if it doesn’t achieve that feat in 2024, it could still set a new record for a year-end closing price.

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