Category: Apple
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Monday, January 28, 2019
Did AAPL Save the Fed, or Did the Fed Save APPL? / Companies / Apple
By: Mike_Paulenoff
The upcoming week is loaded with potentially significant directional markets catalysts such as earnings from mega-cap industrial names like CAT, BA, and XOM, as well as from technology powerhouses AAPL, FB, AMZN, AMD, and QCOM. At the end of the week, the BLS is scheduled to release the December Employment Report.
To my mind, though, the most consequential potential market-moving "events" will occur Wednesday afternoon starting at 2 PM ET, when the FOMC releases its next policy statement, and at 2:30 PM ET, when Fed Chairman Powell addresses reporters at the post-meeting press conference. The Fed will clearly have Apple Inc. (AAPL)'s earnings news from Tuesday after the bell on its mind.
This is because back on Jan 2 -- the first trading session of the new year -- AAPL pre-announced a shortfall in revenues for fiscal Q1, 2019. It was the first such slash in quarterly earnings in the past 15 years, mostly blaming the decline in iPhone demand on sluggish economic conditions in China (aka the US-China trade dispute).
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Friday, January 18, 2019
The End of Apple! / Companies / Apple
By: Stephen_McBride
“Oh man, that’s almost a month’s rent for me…”
Here I am sitting in a cab in New York City.
I’m headed uptown to Columbia University where we’re holding the first-ever American Disruption Summit.
You can register to watch for free here… more on that in a minute.
The driver and I are talking about the absurd price tag of the latest Apple (AAPL) iPhone.
He’s shocked when I tell him the cheapest model is $1,149.
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Monday, September 17, 2018
The Apple Story - Trump Tariffs Penalize US Multinationals / Companies / Apple
By: Dan_Steinbock

Trump tariffs are based on flawed pre-global doctrines, which penalize US multinationals, as evidenced by Apple. It is not China that fails Americans, but US taxation, as evidenced by Apple.
In the pre-1914 era and during the protectionist interwar period, global economic integration declined drastically. As major corporations competed largely in home markets, their value activities were mainly domestic. Following World War II, the US-led Bretton Woods system ensured a greater degree of internationalization – including systemic US trade deficits since 1971, decades before deficits with China.
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Friday, August 03, 2018
Apple Tops $1 Trillion Valuation with New Price High — What’s Next? / Companies / Apple
By: Mike_Paulenoff
Apple (AAPL) has kissed a new all-time high above 207, where the company is valued at $1 trillion. So far, the high, as seen on the chart linked to below, represents about a 1.9% overshoot of the upper channel boundary line of the February- August bullish price channel.
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Thursday, December 21, 2017
Is Apple Old iPhone's Stealth Slow Down IOS Update a SCAM? / Companies / Apple
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Technology expert John Poole has forced Apple to come clean on the real secret behind Apples marketing and sales success, of why customers are so eager to upgrade to the latest iPhone model, and the answer may surprise you!
Apparently what Apple has been doing for at least a year and probably for more than 5 years is to SLOW DOWN the operation of Older iPhone's via IOS software updates. Which has the effect of encouraging older phone owners to UPGRADE to the latest model. This way the consumers have no real world first hand experience to compare the speed and performance between an Old iphone and a New i-phone!
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Wednesday, July 19, 2017
AAPL's 6% June slide - When Prices Are Falling, TWO Numbers Matter Most / Companies / Apple
On June 29, the Apple iPhone turned 10 years old. But, for many, the mood surrounding the milestone was less than celebratory. Reason being, in June alone, Apple Inc. (AAPL) plunged 6% to two-month lows amidst a broad-scale bruising of the global tech sector.
And so, the cursor on some Smartphone stock trading apps sits there -- blinking, blinking, blinking...
What's the next move? Is AAPL's 6% sell-off the start of a new downtrend. Or, will prices find a bottom and reclaim the upside?
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Sunday, April 10, 2016
Apple (AAPL) Stock Price Set To Fall / Companies / Apple
By: Austin_Galt
Apple Inc (AAPL) is involved in the design, manufacture and marketing of mobile communication and media devices, personal computers and portable digital music players. It is listed on the NASDAQ with a market capitalisation of around $600 billion. Price last traded at $108.66.
Let's take a top down approach beginning with the quarterly chart.
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Wednesday, January 27, 2016
The End Is Near, Apple's Revenue 'Falls Off A Cliff' / Companies / Apple
By: John_Rubino
One by one the pillars of the recovery are toppling. Last year the Chinese infrastructure party ended and the shale oil boom went bust. More recently the FANG stocks went from pulling the market up to pushing it down. And today Apple -- whose sales would always go up because everyone on Earth wants an iPhone and there were still some people in Africa and the Amazon Basin who don't yet have one -- reported that not only is its revenue no longer growing, but it might shrink in the year ahead.
Thursday, November 26, 2015
Apple Stock is a 10-Year Short - Bear Market Environment / Companies / Apple
By: EconMatters
Holiday Melt Up in Stocks
Apple and most stocks do routinely well during the 4th quarter, and especially the last couple of months of trading after earnings are out, and the fund managers are pushing everything up with the goal of making their trading numbers by year end window dressing. It is amazing more people don`t realize this phenomenon and just buy December expiration calls on the SPY after the usual selloffs that happen in the third quarter, and wait for the holiday rally where stocks routinely melt up at year end.
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Friday, October 30, 2015
Apple Clever Business Strategy—But Is It Clever Enough? / Companies / Apple
By: John_Mauldin
Back when I was in business school, the PC manufacturers were go-go football stocks. Bull market, dude.
There was Dell, Hewlett-Packard, Compaq, and Gateway, which used to sell its computers in a Holstein cow-pattern box. Apple was making Macs but had a much smaller market share than it does today.
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Saturday, September 12, 2015
What Really Mattered at Apple Corps Big Event / Companies / Apple
By: ... Michael A. Robinson writes: After 30-plus years in Silicon Valley, I’ve developed a thick skin.
I need it to keep myself immune from the daily barrage of useless hype that comes out of the Valley’s publicity mills every day.
That’s why I don’t fill your inbox with breathless reports every time Elon Musk burps.
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Wednesday, August 19, 2015
How Apple Stock Will Help Us Beat China's Downturn / Companies / Apple
By: ... Michael A. Robinson writes: It's been about a month since Apple Inc. (Nasdaq: AAPL) shares started their recent slip. They're now down about 12% in that time, and a few talking heads are still trying to scare investors into selling…
As usual, they're wrong.
The stock market has pulled back overall, and Apple isn't immune from those downturns.
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Thursday, August 06, 2015
Apple Stocks Five Down Days in a Row: Here’s What to Do Now / Companies / Apple
By: ...
Keith Fitz-Gerald writes: Apple Inc. (NasdaqGS:AAPL) lost another 3.2% yesterday on more than double the usual volume, making many investors wonder if it’s time to throw in the proverbial towel. It finished the day down 14% from the $133 a share high it set in February, and paper losses now tally $133.4 billion.
To put that in perspective, Apple’s just lost more than McDonald’s, which carries a $95 billion market cap, is worth.
I can’t help but think this is great.
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Tuesday, August 04, 2015
AAPL Breaking Down.... Stock Market Is Not.... / Companies / Apple
By: Jack_Steiman
The stock market is proving once again that the biggest of all leaders can break down, yet still hang in there as the bigger theme of rotation continues onward. Apple Inc. (AAPL) is in very bad shape technically, but the market is hanging very tough. This has happened before when AAPL declined into the upper three hundreds before its split. The stock fell apart but the market did not. AAPL is a drag and isn't helping the market here, but this market has remained resilient, because as one sector or key stock goes into a bear, another is coming out of it and start to perform better.
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Saturday, July 25, 2015
How Wall Street Put Apple Stock in Animal House / Companies / Apple
By: ...
Michael A. Robinson writes:I bet you don’t know about the connection between tech investing and that 1978 comedy classic Animal House.
It has something to do with the very recent history of Apple Inc. (Nasdaq: AAPL) stock.
And for investors like you, there’s a very powerful lesson to be learned.
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Monday, July 06, 2015
Wall Street Is Ignoring Apple Music – We Shouldn't / Companies / Apple
By: ... Michael A. Robinson writes: With Apple so often on the cutting edge of technology, it is easy to treat its latest breakthroughs as the status quo for such an innovator.
That typically leaves real unclaimed value on the table when it has a new product or service in the market.
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Sunday, June 28, 2015
Elliott Wave Analysis of AAPL Apple Stock / Companies / Apple
By: WavePatternTraders
Simply put time is running out for the bulls, the failure to move back above 130 is a problem, it supports an earlier idea I was working and that a peak could well be in place for AAPL at 134.55. The bulls need to see some buyers and push it back above 130 very quickly or I think with the way the rest of the markets are looking we could see much more downside from current levels especially, if we see a sustained break of support on the other tech indexes such as the NDX, COMPQ and AAPL.
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Thursday, June 11, 2015
Why Apple’s New Music Service Will Crush Spotify / Companies / Apple
By: Investment_U
Alexander Moschina writes: I love music. I sit at my desk with earbuds in all day (for my coworkers’ sake). Which is why most professional conversations typically begin with “Sorry, what?” or “Wait, I didn’t catch that...”
That said, I haven’t bought a physical album since 2012.
It’s not that I don’t appreciate liner notes... artwork... or higher-quality audio. I just prefer the convenience of having the world’s music at my fingertips - at all times - via streaming services like Spotify and Pandora (NYSE: P).
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Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Three Reasons Why Carl Icahn Is Wrong About Apple Stock / Companies / Apple
By: ... Michael A. Robinson writes: Just try to find a bigger Apple Inc. (Nasdaq: AAPL) bull than me.
I was among the first analysts to put a pre-split target price on the stock of $1,000. (Following last year’s 7-to-1 stock split, that works out to a price of $142.85, just 7.7% above today’s opening price.) And I’ve been helping you find good entry points on Apple stock ever since.
But for me, Apple is not just a way to make money. Sometimes it seems like my whole life depends on Apple products and the Silicon Valley legend’s unique tech “ecosystem.”
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Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Apple Watch Means Apple Will Become Worlds First $1 Trillion Stock / Companies / Apple
By: Money_Morning
Michael A. Robinson writes: s much as I love to research tech investments and share my finds with you, I also get a charge out of trying out all the new gadgets that come out every year.
The Apple Watch will be one of the catalysts that drives Apple Inc. to a $1 trillion market cap. Today, I predict how long it will take to get there – and how much that will boost Apple’s share price.
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