Category: Credit Crisis 2013
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Monday, March 25, 2013
As Cyprus Struggles, Now Is the Time to Buy Gold / Stock-Markets / Credit Crisis 2013
By: Money_Morning
Peter Krauth writes: I'll bet a few Cypriot bank account holders are paying much closer attention to gold now.
Since the announcement that Cyprus was looking to confiscate up to 10% of bank deposits, gold has risen by up to $24/ounce on safe haven demand.
After all, gold is real wealth, and it's the only asset that's not simultaneously someone else's liability.
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Monday, March 25, 2013
First Iceland then Greece Now Cyprus and Who is next in Asia ..? / Stock-Markets / Credit Crisis 2013
By: Sam_Chee_Kong
Ever wonder why the shit is starting to hit the fan (SHTF) in Europe now? This kicking the can down the road thingy will have to come to an end one day. The whole financial system is on the verge of collapsing right now as every available effort utilized to pump up the system seems to be going nowhere. Ever since the financial crisis erupted in 2008, the system has been kept afloat by pouring more money into it. Unfortunately the unlimited injection of funds by means of Quantitative Easing has not been very effective as of late mainly because most of it went to unproductive sectors such as the real estate and stock market. Thus what we are ended up is inflated property and stock prices which resulted in a Great Disconnect between the asset prices and the real economy.
Monday, March 25, 2013
Cyprus Shows Your Savings Will be Stolen! UK Theft is by Means of High Inflation / Economics / Credit Crisis 2013
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Different faces but the same old story is being replayed in a small part of the Euro-zone, Cyprus, and that story is one of the Cypriot banking crime syndicate gambling with depositor funds on the debt markets, this time it's Greek bonds, yes, these master-eds of the universe used depositor funds to pile into soon to go bankrupt Greece because of the high yields they offered so that the bankster's could bank bonuses on the basis of fictitious profits as illustrated by the fact that they have dumped an infinitely pile of losses (Greek Bond's ) onto Cypriot tax payers, far beyond anything that any other Euro-zone member has had to face to date.
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Cyprus Bankruptcy Contagion Financial Armageddon Risk, Santander Down for Maintenance? / Personal_Finance / Credit Crisis 2013
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Whilst Cyprus's banking system remains frozen and teetering on the brink of collapse with it's politicians literally battling to meet an eye popping deadline to agree to the terms of a euro-zone bailout, the consequences of failure should not be construed as just being limited to Cyprus as the whole euro-zone and even the whole of world's banking system is at risk.
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Cyprus Mass Panic Banks Are Collapsing and ATMs are Running Out Of Money / Politics / Credit Crisis 2013
By: Global_Research
Economic Collapse writes: European officials are openly admitting that the two largest banks in Cyprus are “insolvent“, and it is now being reported that Cyprus Popular Bank only has “enough liquidity to cover the next few hours“. Of course all banks in Cyprus are officially closed until Tuesday at the earliest, but there have been long lines at ATMs all over Cyprus as people scramble to get whatever money they can out of the banks. Unfortunately, some ATMs appear to be “malfunctioning” and others appear to have already run out of cash.
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Cyprus Bank Battle: The Long-planned Deposit Confiscation Scheme / Politics / Credit Crisis 2013
By: Ellen_Brown
“If these worries become really serious, . . . [s]mall savers will take their money out of banks and resort to household safes and a shotgun.” — Martin Hutchinson on the attempted EU raid on private deposits in Cyprus banks
The deposit confiscation scheme has long been in the making. US depositors could be next …
On Tuesday, March 19, the national legislature of Cyprus overwhelmingly rejected a proposed levy on bank deposits as a condition for a European bailout. Reuters called it “a stunning setback for the 17-nation currency bloc,” but it was a stunning victory for democracy. As Reuters quoted one 65-year-old pensioner, “The voice of the people was heard.”
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Sunday, March 24, 2013
Get Ready for Capital Controls, Right here in America / Politics / Credit Crisis 2013
By: Bill_Bonner
"Can you by legislation add one farthing to the wealth of the country?" The great classical-liberal thinker Richard Cobden asked the House of Commons on Feb. 27, 1846.
The Argentines think so. So do the Europeans. And of course, the Americans.
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Saturday, March 23, 2013
Cyprus - Little Island, Big Problem / Stock-Markets / Credit Crisis 2013
By: Steve_H_Hanke
Who’s going to bail out Cyprus: Brussels or Moscow? That’s the multibillion-dollar question. In mid-March, the European Union and the International Monetary Fund proposed a rescue package for the tiny island—to the tune of roughly $20.5 billion. But this bailout proposal was different: $13 billion in aid being offered was conditional upon Cyprus raising the remaining $7.5 billion through a hefty one-time tax on its bank depositors. Not surprisingly, the Cypriots, among others, were not pleased with this idea. And on March 19, to Brussels’s surprise, the Cypriot Parliament overwhelmingly rejected the bailout package. Officials are now scrambling to arrive at a solution before March 26, when Cypriot banks are scheduled to reopen.
Friday, March 22, 2013
Warning Latest Cyprus Ultimatum Could Derail the Eurozone / Stock-Markets / Credit Crisis 2013
By: Money_Morning
Keith Fitz-Gerald writes: You probably know the story by now.
Following riots in the streets and a run on local banks, Cypriot lawmakers voted down a key element of the European Central Bank's (ECB) bailout proposal that would have required the country to impose a one-time 9.9% tax on bank deposits of more than 100,000 euros and a 6.75% tax on bank deposits under that amount.
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Thursday, March 21, 2013
Cyprus and the Confiscation of State-guaranteed Bank Deposits / Politics / Credit Crisis 2013
By: Fred_Sheehan
Even for those living on a distant continent, the confiscation of state-guaranteed bank deposits in Cyprus is a reminder. (At this stage, it is not clear the Eurocrats will succeed.) Governments and central-banks blew their capital to save a financial Ouija board - not system - in 2008. Former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker reminded an audience last week there is no financial system: "And what I'm talking about is the international monetary system. Of course you know it's hard to call it a system. A system concerns itself with some interrelated parts and a mechanism that are working together to produce some stability and progress. That's hardly a description of the international monetary system. And as many people have said, 'international non-system.'"
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Savers Beware! Confessions from the Leading Edge of the Financial Crisis / Stock-Markets / Credit Crisis 2013
By: Ben_Traynor
Long, long ago, in a booming bank far from Cyprus...
"WE'RE TOP of the Best Buy table again," my manager said, "so we're expecting A LOT of business."
And so it proved. The bank I worked for at time saw millions pour through the door in deposits.
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Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Could Cyprus Blow Up the Global Banking System? / Stock-Markets / Credit Crisis 2013
By: Graham_Summers
The EU continues to flounder around as Cyprus, a country whose GDP accounts for just 0.2% of the Europe’s economy, has proven the truth behind all of the “solutions” thrown around by the ECB and EU politicians: that they really don’t have a clue how to fix the problem plaguing Europe.
Why is this?
Because at the end of the day, there is really only one solution to this whole mess: DEFAULT… both by the banks and by EU nations as a whole.
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Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Cyprus and the Biggest Myth of Banking Today / Stock-Markets / Credit Crisis 2013
By: Adrian_Ash
Bank deposit accounts should be sacred. Right up until they're not...
YOU'D THINK that with all this practice, politicians would know how to handle a banking crisis by now. Most especially in the Eurozone.
But no. Five years since Bear Stearns hit the skids (the anniversary was Monday) the Cypriot mess is such a mess that people elsewhere feel the urge to say that "it couldn't happen here."
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Why the Cyprus Depositors Savings Theft Could Set Banking Back 300 Years / Stock-Markets / Credit Crisis 2013
By: Money_Morning
Martin Hutchinson writes: Even by the standards of the EU bureaucracy, raiding the private deposits of Cyprus' banks is spectacularly foolish.
For a measly $5.8 billion euros, the EU has now put the entire Eurozone on edge-not to mention the entire global economy.
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Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Cyprus Record Bank Heist Spells End Game For Your Wealth / Politics / Credit Crisis 2013
By: Jeff_Berwick
The emergency bank holiday in Cyprus has been extended through Tuesday and Wednesday in what as far as the team at Dollar Vigilante has researched, will be the longest emergency bank holiday in Europe or North America since the Second World War.
Marking the first time during the five-year-old global credit crunch, depositors may be forced to pay upfront for their nation's bailout. European finance ministers are reaching into Cypriot savings accounts to backstop a 13 billion euro bailout for Cyprus. The decision was made public early Saturday morning, shortly after which Cyprus banks closed to slow down withdrawals.
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Sunday, March 17, 2013
Holiday In Cyprus - Cypriots Forced to Pay for Bailout / Stock-Markets / Credit Crisis 2013
By: Andy_Sutton
Buried among the weekend news stories, the battle for the few remaining NCAA basketball slots, and the new Pope’s shoes is a growing crisis on a small island far removed from mainstream America. Perhaps at first glance one might wonder why I am even spending the time covering this developing story. After all, Cyprus is just a little island nation of around a million people and our Congress borrows more money in one day than the GDP of Cyprus for an entire year. What relevance could the goings on in Cyprus possibly have to do with the mightiest nation on Earth?
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Cyprus: Bank Deposit Levy - How Important? / Stock-Markets / Credit Crisis 2013
By: Ian_R_Campbell
As you almost certainly know, Cyprus is all over the news today in light of its announcement yesterday that it proposed a 'bank savings levy' on Cyprus bank depositors. In one sense, the following is more 'grist for your mill', but at the same time
■may include thoughts you hadn't considered; and,
■as a minimum provides you with immediate access to articles that you may not as yet have read.
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Sunday, March 17, 2013
Cyprus Wakeup Call To The Rest Of The World / Stock-Markets / Credit Crisis 2013
By: GoldSilverWorlds
Major news hit the wires on Saturday March 16th. Cyprus, although a very small island in Southern Europe, is the next country to announce a bailout of their banks. European officials and the government in Cyprus worked out a deal in which depositors become part of the bailout: every depositor of a bank in Cyprus will be charged a “one-time fee” of either 6.75% (for deposit less than 100,000 euros) or 9.9% (for deposits exceeding 100,000 euros). Source: Reuters.
Saturday, March 16, 2013
Cyprus Bank Run, Who's Next? / Stock-Markets / Credit Crisis 2013
By: Raul_I_Meijer
Overnight last night, the Eurogroup (Eurozone executive committee) negotiated a deal for a bailout of the banking system in Cyprus. As part of the deal, a one-time, one-off levy on depositors was agreed: deposits below €100,000 are subject to a 6.75% levy, while those over €100,000 are subject to a 9.99% "fine".
While none of the timing is surprising - late Friday, early Saturday is always the ideal time to push such measures down people's throats -, neither did it come as a surprise that a bank run ensued as soon as those few Cypriot banks that do business on Saturday mornings, opened their doors.
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Saturday, February 16, 2013
Fiat Currency Witches Brew, Collapse of the Keynesian Ponzi Economic Model / Stock-Markets / Credit Crisis 2013
By: Ty_Andros
Throughout history Fiat currency and credit systems have failed upon the greed and avarice of those who controlled them and this episode will be no different. The currency and markets are GROUND ZERO of the unfolding Societal and financial system destruction. The money printed to date will be dwarfed by what is to come. This is the greatest OPPORTUNITY in HISTORY for applied Austrian investing and the demise of the KEYNESIAN PONZI model.
The greatest transfer of wealth from those that hold/store it in paper to those that don't is underway!
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