Category: France
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Thursday, November 27, 2014
Socialist France Just Cannot Compete Against Google Freedom / Politics / France
By: Mike_Shedlock
I happen to like the sun. By definition, the earth would not even be a planet without the sun. No one on earth would be alive without free sunshine.
I happen to like Google. I could survive without Google, but like the sun, much of what Google provides is free.
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Thursday, September 25, 2014
Hollande Says Global Warming Causes ISIS Terror / Politics / France
By: Andrew_McKillop
The Killing of Herve Gourdel
At the UN General Assembly, 24 September, French president Francois Hollande condemned the killing in Algeria of a French hostage, by terrorists claiming they are now part of the Islamic State and have abandoned al Qaeda. Their message to France by Internet was titled a 'Message in Blood for the French Government'. French journalists and terror experts suggested that a ransom demand of several million euros had been rejected at the “highest levels of the state”, by Francois Hollande.
Sunday, September 21, 2014
Ecology Politics And Haeckel's Tree Of Meaning / Politics / France
By: Andrew_McKillop
Shattered Ecology Politics
The desperately unpopular Parti Socialiste (PS) government of Francois Hollande in France stumbles forward with the uncertain support of a few Ecology party deputies, and even more uncertain and fewer French Communist party supporters, who collectively now have a key role in either saving or destroying Hollande's power. They can abstain or even vote against the PS in key votes such as the early-September confidence motion of the parliament, won by the PS without an absolute majority. But this also signs a death warrant for Ecology-and-Communist party influence in national politics because both parties, as well as the PS, are so unpopular. For the moment, Hollande refuses to recognize this, and especially courts the Ecology party called EELV, itself a coalition of now “historical” French ecology and environment parties and movements.
Tuesday, September 02, 2014
France And The Long-Gone Thatcher Moment / Politics / France
By: Andrew_McKillop
More Failed Remedies
Writing for Saxo Bank, 1 September, Steen Jakobson said “France needs a Thatcher moment, with a new leader brave enough to get elected on a mandate for change”. He also noted that Francois Hollande is the most unpopular president since the start of opinion polling on French presidents in the 1950s but did not say that former president Nicolas Sarkozy and his riotously unsuccessful “liberal reform program” of 2007-2012 also set out “do a Thatcher moment”.Sarkozy paid homage to Thatcher but also called it a Gerhard Schroeder and Tony Blair moment due to these supposed social democrats doing exactly the same thing.
Thursday, July 03, 2014
France And The End Of 'Sarkozyism' / Politics / France
By: Andrew_McKillop
Once Upon A Time
Not so long ago, but a long time in politics, Nicolas Sarkozy and his win-all neolib political gimmick called “Sarkozyism” was riding high. French voters seemed to love it. But times change.
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
France's “Presidential Majority” Ump Party Now Shipwrecked / Politics / France
By: Andrew_McKillop
Get Out and Don't Come Back
The Policy Bureau of France's “Union pour une Majorite Presidentielle” (also called “Union for a Popular Movement”) shook with rage at 11 am on Monday 26 May following the European elections of 25 May. The UMP party founded by Jacques Chirac following the massive shock vote for candidate Jean-Marie Le Pen and his “unconstitutional” Front National party in the 2002 presidential elections was “in torment”. As reported by the finance broadsheet 'Les Echos', 27 May, party president of the UMP, Jean-Francois Cope, was unanimously told to resign and get out immediately - “or nobody in this building will ever shake your hand again”.
Monday, May 26, 2014
Doomburgers For France / Politics / France
By: Andrew_McKillop
Le Pen
French glove puppet media was roaring by the evening of May 25. It supplied a barrage of “politically correct explanations” for the tsunami of votes for what the glove puppets (until recently) called the unconstitutional, fascist, anti-semite, anti-Arab, anti-Black, anti-European and certainly not Me Too-Two-Party, consumer friendly, socially acceptable political party - the Front National. The FN was anti-ecological, the media also told us. Isn't that a surprise?
Friday, April 25, 2014
The Big, Bad Market: A French Psychosis? / Politics / France
Louis Rouanet writes: There is a cliché according to which the French are genetically against classical liberalism and free-market economics. However, that wasn’t always the case. At the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, most French politicians and bureaucrats admitted that the State is globally inefficient and should be as small as possible. Even a large number of leftists, inspired by the anarcho-socialist Pierre Joseph Proudhon, were strongly opposed to taxation and big government. They criticized the wastefulness and the parasitism of the State. In his Théorie de l’impôt (Theory of Taxation) published in 1861, Proudhon described taxation as an “illusion” and accused the progressive income tax of being a “joujou fiscal” (tax plaything) used by self-proclaimed progressives in order to amuse the people.
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
France Wakes Up To The Multicultural Multi-Threat / Politics / France
By: Andrew_McKillop
Manuel Valls the Immigrant
With total predictability, new French prime minister Manuel Valls almost immediately waded into the ever-rising rejection of multiculturalism in France. He made sure to play the Good Immigrant himself, peppering his talk with references to his Spanish origins as a second-generation immigrant to France, working his way up the “social elevator” or greasy pole, by learning all the tics and foibles of French national identity, and copying them perfectly. But the day he moved into office, March 31, the government watchdog on human rights in France, the Commission nationale des Droits de l'Homme, produced another in a long series of reports, from organizations across the political spectrum, that underlines how racism, segregation, economic inequality and religious discrimination are now squarely part of French society. For Valls and the political elite, to be sure, this is just a “decline of tolerance” and more laws and repression, and more government propaganda will smother the glowing embers of riot and rebellion. But as in other European states, his predictable elite kneejerk is not working.
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Wednesday, April 09, 2014
France’s Delusional Valls Is No Bill Clinton / Politics / France
By: Steve_H_Hanke
President Francois Hollande has put in place a new French government led by Prime Minister Manuel Valls. This maneuver has all the hallmarks of shuffling the deck chairs on the Titanic. Yes, one has the chilling feeling that accidents are waiting to happen.
President Hollande’s new lineup is loaded with contradictions. That’s not a good sign.
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Saturday, April 05, 2014
Party Time Over For French Political Ecology / Politics / France
By: Andrew_McKillop
The Once-Was Natural Party of Government
When President Hollande swept to power a long time ago on the political timescale - nearly 24 months ago – sweeping out the eccentric and ever more-corrupt Sarkozy with his non-performing economy and ever-rising jobless numbers, budget deficits and national debt, Hollande also swept in the ecologists. To do just the same thing as Sarko! French ecology politicians banded together in a shifting coalition called Europe Ecologie-Les Verts, EELV, and were handed key roles in Hollande's first government, of course receiving the Energy-Ecology ministry, and also the Housing ministry.
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Wednesday, April 02, 2014
French President Dismisses Government, Calls In The 'Blairites' / Politics / France
By: Andrew_McKillop
Tony Blair To The Rescue
French president François Hollande dismissed his Prime Minister and cabinet on Monday following his Parti Socialiste's massive loss of power, symbolized by PS mayors and councillors being voted out in 155 large cities, following the 23 and 30 March local elections. Key PS “bastions”, where in some cases Hollande's party has held uninterrupted power for 100 years, such as Limoges, fell with other bastions such as “red” Toulouse and Angers. The supposed xenophobic and unconstitutional, racist and Nazi-leaning Front National of Marine Le Pen made huge gains.
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Monday, March 31, 2014
French Local Elections Prove France Is Ungovernable / Politics / France
By: Andrew_McKillop
Turnout Low - Interest in Democracy Even Lower
French media made a brave attempt following the second and final round of local elections, 30 March, to paint a picture of a “moderate recovery” in voter interest. In fact the countrywide turnout to vote was around 53% on 30 March compared with 52% on 23 March, according to the French Interior Ministry. Many large cities were plagued by turnouts in some districts of as low as 16% of registered voters bothering to vote. In other words, 84% of voters did not vote.
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Sunday, March 23, 2014
France Advanced Tech And Retarded Diplomacy / Politics / France
By: Andrew_McKillop
Sell Russia Weapons – Then Apply Sanctions
France's sale to Russia of two high tech Mistral-class military ships, described as helicopter assault, electronic warfare support, and local area missile capable “invasion platform” fighting ships, for a total of about 1.4 billion euros enabling more than one thousand jobs at French shipyards in a region of high unemployment, has become collateral damage in Europe's sanctions war against Putin. Russian military and diplomatic officials are openly mocking European sanctions imposed on them over Crimea. They point out that the Mistral-class ship sales were officially hailed, previously by the French, as a signal for the complete and final end to the Cold War.
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Thursday, January 16, 2014
Hollande Versus Obama In The Race To The Bottom / Politics / France
By: Andrew_McKillop
Le Fait du Prince
Different countries have different styles. In France, power has always been concentrated in Paris, from the last days of the monarchy, and then even more so under Napoleon. When the prince, king, president, or Emperor as Napoleon liked to call himself exceeded his powers, and then gave himself more of them, the cry rang out that this was “Le fait du Prince”.
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Tuesday, January 07, 2014
France's Iranian Nuclear Obsession / Politics / France
By: Andrew_McKillop
The Obama Administration Just Might Think
Writing for Wall Street Journal January 7, the former International Herald Tribune editor and Bilderberg Club member John Vinocour said that it looks awfully evident that France's hardline on Iranian nuclear proliferation has been outsmarted by the Iranians – and has even been used by the Obama administration to do what it can to increase the President's tattered public approval ratings at home. Vinocour wrote that if the US “takes over the show” in negotiating with Tehran, “In this case, the Obama administration just might think that France, with its irritating vision of itself as the world's guardian of nuclear non-proliferation, could be dismissed as a strategic nag, increasingly alone, and no longer Washington's co-equal in dealing with Tehran”.
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Friday, January 03, 2014
Eurozone Economy Expands but Hollande Concedes France Crippled by High Taxes / Economics / France
By: Mike_Shedlock
Eurozone manufacturing is at a 31-month high according to Markit. Every country but France and Greece are expanding. French manufacturing is at a seven-month low in an intensified downturn.
Read full article... Read full article...The seasonally adjusted Markit Eurozone Manufacturing PMI® rose for the third month running to post 52.7 in December, up from 51.6 in November (and unchanged from the earlier flash estimate).
Sunday, December 29, 2013
France Economic Stupidity Taxing Facebook, Google And YouTube, to Finance French Films No One Watches / Politics / France
By: Mike_Shedlock
The economic stupidity in France is astounding. It's hard keeping up with all the inane ideas of President Francois Hollande's socialist administration. Here's another one of Hollande's ideas for your amusement.
Sunday, December 29, 2013
France's Culture Tax And The Cult Of Exception / Politics / France
By: Andrew_McKillop
Although he makes a point of not living in France and denies he does that to avoid taxes, Depardieu is an ikon for French films and the business needs money. Why it needs money is already political – since many in France say the film industry should not be subsidized – and is already complicated because film theaters and some movie and TV producers pay taxes to the government, while they and others can also receive huge grants, aid and tax rebates from the same government.
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
France Suspends Its New Muppet Tax / Politics / France
By: Andrew_McKillop
Reuters reported, October 29, that French Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault is suspending the application of a planned environmental tax, called the “ecological” tax on vehicles above 3.5 tons weight after mounting protests in the western Britanny region, dealing another setback for President Hollande's Parti Socialiste government tax policies.