Category: Financial Markets 2011
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Thursday, August 04, 2011
Debt Issues Put a Ceiling on Stocks and a Floor Under Gold / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2011
By: Joseph_Russo
When politicians, monetary authorities, and other talking-heads refer to dire consequences for "the economy" unless XYZ legislation is passed, I can't help but think that what they are really talking about are dire consequences for stock prices.
Although their last dance-on-the-ceiling failed in this regard, bailing out an insolvent financial system, QE1, QE2, and perhaps some stealth form of QE3, are all clear efforts to keep stock prices artificially inflated.
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Thursday, August 04, 2011
Stock Market and Silver Technical Outlook / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2011
By: J_W_Jones
The following article is an update on the current technical position of the marketplace as I see it. Obviously the price action this week has been ugly as the situation in Europe has become front and center in the minds of traders and market prognosticators. The information below is an adaptation of what members of my service at received early today.
Thursday, August 04, 2011
Marc Faber: China Bubble Crash Poses a Huge Global Risk / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2011
By: Aftab_Singh
Marc Faber was interviewed on CNBC yesterday. He had some interesting thoughts on China, geopolitical trends, gold, equities, bonds and cash. See below for the video and summary.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Essentials for Investor Wealth Acquisition Acceleration / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2011
By: DeepCaster_LLC
“The U.S. Federal Reserve gave out $16.1 trillion in emergency loans to U.S. and foreign financial institutions between Dec. 1, 2007 and July 21, 2010, according to figures produced by the government's first-ever audit of the central bank.
Last year, the gross domestic product of the entire U.S. economy was $14.5 trillion.
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Thursday, July 28, 2011
Missing the August 2nd U.S. Debt Ceiling Deadline Still Not Likely / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2011
By: Chris_Ciovacco
After the market closed on July 27, we reviewed the latest news from Washington looking for information that can help us over the next six calendar days. Our current interpretation is that a deal will get done in some shape, form, or fashion.
A Bloomberg story noted that the credit markets are not overly concerned about the political banter in our nation’s capital:
Read full article... Read full article...Banks in the U.S. are scrutinizing credit-market movements as they look for distress ahead of next week’s deadline to raise the U.S. debt ceiling. So far, those metrics aren’t showing signs of panic.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
How U.S. Debt Downgrade WIll Impact Stock and Bond Market Prices? / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2011
By: Chris_Ciovacco
Since the United States has carried a AAA debt rating since 1917, the term unprecedented has been properly applied to the possibility of a downgrade to AA. The uncertainty associated with a debt downgrade/short-term default was captured by the Wall Street Journal on July 25:
Sunday, July 24, 2011
U.S. Debt Ceiling Deadlock, Default & the Markets / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2011
By: PhilStockWorld

On Thursday, Euro-area leaders stepped up their efforts to resolve the ongoing Greek debt crisis, announcing €159Bn ($229Bn) in new aid for Greece. They arranged for bondholders to foot part of the bill and expanded the power of the €440Bn Euro rescue fund to buy debt across stressed European nations - “after a market rout last week sparked concern the crisis was spreading. The fund can also aid troubled banks and offer credit-lines to repel speculators.” The Euroland leaders hope to construct a financial “firewall” around struggling countries like Spain and Italy, while assuaging fears that the debt crisis is spreading. French President Sarkozy compared the transformation of the bailout fund to the creation of a “European Monetary Fund.” (EU Leaders Offer $229 Billion in New Greek Aid)
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Sunday, July 24, 2011
Stock Market Major Top and Gold Breakout Targets $1750 / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2011
By: J_W_Jones
Recently I have had several members of my service requesting my thoughts on the macroeconomic backdrop which is shaping financial markets. I decided I would proffer an article about why I find such practice to be a total waste of time. Don’t get me wrong, acknowledging what is going on in the world around us as a trader is important because economic data and geopolitical events shape social mood. Social mood is just one catalyst that directly impacts financial markets and it is important for traders to monitor the world around them.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Zombiedon, Stick with Golden Formula as Empires Crumbles / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2011
By: Bill_Bonner
Yesterday, the concrete cracked…the glass broke…empire continued to crumble.
Not that there was anything special about yesterday. This happens every day.
In the markets, the Dow fell 54 points. Gold rose to a new record of $1,587.
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Monday, July 18, 2011
U.S. Dollar, Gold and Stock Market Trend Analysis / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2011
By: Chris_Vermeulen

The general rule is if the dollar falls in value then we tend to see both stocks and commodities rise. The inverse relationship at times can be tick for tick meaning if the dollar ticks down one increment then we see the broad market or specific commodities move in the opposite direction at the same time.
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Monday, July 18, 2011
Marc Faber on Gold, Silver, Deflation and the U.S. Economy / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2011
By: Aftab_Singh
Marc Faber was interviewed on the Financial Sense Newshour. It’s a long one, but it’s definitely worth a listen. As usual, we’ve included a summary below for our readers who don’t have the time to sit through the entire video.
Friday, July 15, 2011
U.S. Dollar Faces Resistance, Stocks Stall / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2011
By: Chris_Ciovacco
Before we take a look at the S&P 500 (SPY) and U.S. Dollar (UUP), let’s put the analysis in the context of the biggest news from July 13:
Monday, July 11, 2011
Profits and Commodities Part of Mixed Picture for Stocks / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2011
By: Chris_Ciovacco
In a volatile environment, it is helpful to take a step back and look at the bigger picture. There are serious problems with debt in the United States and Europe, which are representative of the negative side of the bull-bear debate. On the positive side, companies are doing well and the technical picture of stocks remains firmly in bull market territory. According to Bloomberg:
Friday, July 08, 2011
Financial Markets Shocker, Jobs Are Down and Unemployment's Up / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2011
Hello traders everywhere, Adam Hewison co-founder of MarketClub just posted his afternoon update for Friday the 8th of July. It was a shocker!
The video is timely, actionable and best of all...FREE!
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Friday, July 08, 2011
A Financial Permanent Crisis / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2011
By: Andy_Sutton
As the financial world breathed a collective sigh of relief as the Greek Parliament voted to impose further austerity measures on the people of Greece, I wondered aloud to no one in particular how many times we’d have to see this movie before people finally realize that this crisis is a permanent one. There are many analogies that we could use to illustrate what has gone on, but probably the best is a trauma patient coming into the hospital with a severed carotid artery. Instead of performing surgery and repairing the wound, doctors throw the unlucky fellow on a gurney with a piece of gauze taped over the incision. Every so often they check back in, throw another piece of gauze on it and walk out, never fixing the problem. That is precisely what is going on with regards to the Eurozone mess. And America’s too. Lots of tape and gauze with precious little in the way of real solutions has been the norm for quite some time now and there is no reason to think that this will change unless it is out of dire necessity.
Friday, July 08, 2011
Investor Portfolio Preparation for the Coming Crises Opportunities / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2011
By: DeepCaster_LLC
“I’m Certain we will (experience another Crisis – Ed). It will come again.”Treasury Secretary Geithner, 5/17/11
“Wall Street banks have cut back on small business lending… [by] more than double the cutback in overall lending.… [Small business] options just keep disappearing.”Elizabeth Warren, Chair of the TARP Congressional Oversight Panel
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Friday, July 01, 2011
How A Credit Market Prices In Economic Recession / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2011
By: Tony_Pallotta
In a prior post I compared the 2007 SPX topping pattern to the current May 2011 high. The assumption being the US economy is on the verge of an economic recession now as it was in December 07 when the recession officially began. The similarities were unquestionable (chart below). The unknown is are we building point E. Those believing recession is at hand will say yes, those saying it is a soft patch will say no.
Friday, July 01, 2011
U.S. Dollar Speaks While Gold, Silver, Oil and S&P500 Listen / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2011
By: J_W_Jones
Investors and traders alike were watching the action unfold across the pond earlier this week. It was seemingly a foregone conclusion that Greece would get the bailout they desired in order to prevent a potentially catastrophic default. The Greek default situation increased volatility in financial markets around the world. In addition to the Greek dilemma, the end of the 2nd quarter and the customary window dressing by institutional money managers only heightened the volatile situation.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Goldman Sucks, Risk Trade Returns / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2011
By: Adam_Brochert
The "risk on" trade seems to have returned. It may last 2 weeks or it may last 8, potentially even a few more. It may even be good for a new high in "advanced" Western markets like the United States. Everyone knows Greece is going to blow up, along with lots of other countries.
Monday, June 27, 2011
Commodities and Market Internals Concerning For Stocks / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2011
By: Chris_Ciovacco
Our global economy still faces significant balance sheet problems (assets vs. liabilities) at numerous points in the economic food chain. Consumers are still hurting from the reverse wealth effect created by falling asset prices. Numerous countries, including Greece, Spain, Portugal, and the U.S., are burdened by mismatches between government spending and revenue. Falling asset prices make problems with balance sheets worse and are not good for revenues from ad valorem taxes.