Category: Subprime Mortgage Risks
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Tuesday, June 13, 2017
The Everything Bubble, Return Of The Subprime Mortgage / Interest-Rates / Subprime Mortgage Risks
By: John_Rubino
This cycle’s main bubble is in government bonds and fiat currencies, with a dash of large-cap tech thrown in for variety. But like a hurricane spawning tornadoes at its periphery, this Money Bubble is creating secondary bubbles like student debt and subprime auto loans that are impressively destructive in their own right.
An example of how extreme things have gotten is US housing, which — as the previous decade’s main bubble — wasn’t supposed to be a problem this time around. But apparently no sector is immune from all that excess central bank liquidity. As today’s Wall Street Journal notes, the subprime mortgage is now being resurrected:
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Tuesday, November 01, 2011
U.S. Mortgage Crisis Goes Primetime / Housing-Market / Subprime Mortgage Risks
By: Peter_Schiff
John Downs writes: A near-death experience often provides needed perspective to effectuate real change. But no matter how often the over-regulated and over-subsidized US banking sector flirts with disaster, it never seems to change its ways.
Three years have gone by since subprime mortgage exposure threw the financial system into cardiac arrest. Experienced analysts are under no illusions about the progress since then: the banks are still not eating right and they're certainly not slimming down. It seems these institutions feel trapped by their situation and are just waiting for the inevitable. This month, the PrimeX group of indices, a measure that quantifies the likelihood of default in prime residential and commercial mortgages, began flashing red.
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Sunday, October 24, 2010
U.S. Housing Subprime Mortgage Market Securitization Debacle, They Knew What They Were Selling / Housing-Market / Subprime Mortgage Risks
By: John_Mauldin
The Subprime Debacle: Act 2, Part 2
They Knew What They Were Selling
Warning to Mr. Robert Rubin and Management
Popping Through
It's Time for Some Putback Payback
The Worst Deal of the Decade?
At the end of last week's letter on the whole mortgage foreclosure mess, I wrote:
"All those subprime and Alt-A mortgages written in the middle of the last decade? They were packaged and sold in securities. They have had huge losses. But those securities had representations and warranties about what was in them. And guess what, the investment banks may have stretched credibility about those warranties. There is the real probability that the investment banks that sold them are going to have to buy them back. We are talking the potential for multiple hundreds of billions of dollars in losses that will have to be eaten by the large investment banks. We will get into details, but it could create the potential for some banks to have real problems."
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Government is Setting Us Up for a Second Subprime Mortgage Financial Crisis / Housing-Market / Subprime Mortgage Risks
By: Money_Morning
Shah Gilani writes: Is the government creating another subprime-mortgage bubble?
The first time around, the three-headed federal serpent - the Bush administration, the Treasury Department and the U.S. Federal Reserve - used Fannie Mae (NYSE: FNM) and Freddie Mac (NYSE: FRE) to "legitimize" trillions of dollars worth of toxic financial waste known as subprime mortgages.
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Tuesday, October 28, 2008
U.S. Mortgage Bonds Crash to New Low / Economics / Subprime Mortgage Risks
By: Mike_Shedlock

Subprime, Alt-A and prime-jumbo mortgage securities reached or approached record lows this month as forced asset sales contributed to the decline in values.
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Thursday, February 07, 2008
Response to Subprime Article by Nobel Prize Winner Joseph Stiglitz / Economics / Subprime Mortgage Risks
By: John_Lee
Mr. Joseph E Stiglitz, a Nobel Prize winner in 2001 for his work on the economics of information, recently attended the World Economic Forum in Davos and wrote an article published on February 5th, 2008 titled:
Sub-prime crisis has led to the humbling of America.
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Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Subprime Mortgage Bailout - Paulson Vs the Free Market / Housing-Market / Subprime Mortgage Risks
By: Michael_Pento
Joining the Fed's effort to meddle with the free market is Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson and his plan to rescue the housing market. The essence of his plan is to convince the owners of sub- prime adjustable mortgage debt to freeze the interest rate resets for a period of about five years, a proposal which is supposedly only to be available to those who will become indigent once the higher rates become effective. Ostensibly, this will ameliorate the anticipated surge in mortgage foreclosures and prevent a further decline in home prices.Read full article... Read full article...
Monday, December 03, 2007
Popeye Paulson To Bailout SIV's and Subprime Mortgages But Without Constructive Workable Policies / Interest-Rates / Subprime Mortgage Risks
By: Brady_Willett
Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson was trying to strong-arm the supposedly free markets again last week, this time catching headlines for his fronting of the government's proposal to temporarily freeze interest rates on some troubled subprime mortgages. You have to give Mr. Paulson credit for having the bluster to constantly make media appearances – first to dispel contagion fears, then to announce that he was helping banks set-up an SIV bailout, and now to provide an update on his subprime bailout plans. At the same time, you have to give the media very little credit* for questioning both his tactics and his apparent lack of results. Of course juggling two Treasury coordinated bailouts at the same time is no simple task. Most immediately there are the tactical concerns associated with directing Citigroup representatives to the right conference room – we can only imagine the reception desk querying new arrivals as if they were diners at a low-end stake-house: ‘are you here for the SIV or subprime bailout?'Read full article... Read full article...
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Freddie Mac Facing Insolvency and Gold's Immediate Outlook / Companies / Subprime Mortgage Risks
By: John_Lee
This is a follow up to my last article: ‘ Subprime Mortgages Lead to Subprime Currency' (available here ) in which I wrote:
“The curious mind asks, who holds those $trillions worth of mortgages? Thanks to the genius of the American banking and marketing machine, just about every sizable institution underneath the sun with a fixed income portfolio. From Europeans to Asians, from Banks to Brokerages, from Hedge Funds to Pension Funds, Institution to Retail, Trusts to Endowments.
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Tuesday, November 27, 2007
US Subprime Mortgages Lead to a Subprime US Dollar / Interest-Rates / Subprime Mortgage Risks
By: John_Lee
Last Thursday, according to Financial Times, Mr Bernanke told Congress he would support raising the limit on the size of the individual loans eligible for securitisation by the government-sponsored mortgage finance entities from $417,000 to $1m (€680,000, £475,000) on a temporary basis.
He suggested that Fannie and Freddie could pay insurance premiums on these loans to the federal government, which would "act as guarantor" by taking on some of the credit risk.
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Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Quant Hedge Funds and the August Subprime Financial Markets Meltdown / Stock-Markets / Subprime Mortgage Risks
By: John_Mauldin
What really happened last August? There was blood in the street for many hedge funds, while others did ok. But in this week's Outside the Box, Jon Sundt from Altegris Investments (and my US partner) dives you the behind the scenes details of what was going on inside the trading rooms of various quantitative hedge funds. It makes for interesting, if not sobering, reading.
I think you will find this analysis helpful in your own efforts to analyze your investment managers. How much real risk are your managers taking? Can you tell just by the performance numbers? Jon suggest different ways to look at the risk in your portfolio.
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Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Stock Market Subprime Mayhem and Bush's Moral Swamp / Stock-Markets / Subprime Mortgage Risks
By: Mike_Whitney

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Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Britain's Subprime Mortgage Lending Industry Revealed - BBC Panorama Online Video Documentary / Housing-Market / Subprime Mortgage Risks
By: Sarah_Jones

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Saturday, September 15, 2007
Greenspan on Questionable Subprime Lending Tactics: Mr Bubble Writes a Book / Stock-Markets / Subprime Mortgage Risks
By: Brady_Willett
"While I was aware a lot of these [questionable lending] practices were going on, I had no notion of how significant they had become until very late...I really didn't get it until very late in 2005 and 2006".
Greenspan Defends Low Interest Rates ~ 60 Minutes
After Greenspan 'got it', and before the toxic paper started to blowup, what did he think about the U.S. housing market? That the worst was over, of course:
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Friday, September 07, 2007
US Housing Market Subprime Crash Too Big To Be Bailed Out / Housing-Market / Subprime Mortgage Risks
By: Peter_Schiff
Now that home mortgage defaults are spreading like wildfire from coast to coast, there is a growing sense of certainty that the government will attempt to bail out homeowners and lenders. The ideas put forward last week by President Bush may be the camel's nose pushing under the bottom of the tent. However, just as some things are too big to fail, this problem is far too big to fix.Read full article... Read full article...
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Gold and Subprime US Dollar Backlash / Interest-Rates / Subprime Mortgage Risks
By: Jim_Willie_CB

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Thursday, September 06, 2007
What Lies Beneath the Subprime Mortgage Credit Crunch / Housing-Market / Subprime Mortgage Risks
By: Doug_Wakefield
On September 2 nd , at the 2004 Republican National Convention, President Bush's remarked : “Thanks to our policies, homeownership in America is at an all-time high. (Applause) Tonight we set a new goal: seven million more affordable homes in the next 10 years so more American families will be able to open the door and say: Welcome to my home. (Applause)” [Italics Mine]Read full article... Read full article...
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
If You Want a Subprime Mortgage Bailout, do it Properly! / Housing-Market / Subprime Mortgage Risks
By: Axel_Merk
The administration's plan to bail out homeowners with adjustable rate mortgages (ARMs) may make them slaves of their homes. We propose an alternative that we believe better serves both homeowners and the marketplace.Read full article... Read full article...
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Sub-prime Mortgage Credit Crunch From Bad to Worse / Stock-Markets / Subprime Mortgage Risks
By: David_Vaughn
Well, that poor bull seems to be tiring. Uh, oh! No! Wait! I believe there's life in that ole' gold bull yet. Anyway, there is life for those with enough sense to observe its strength and consistency.
Well, I spent an entire article last week about this subprime mess and scandal and I still do not feel I said enough on the topic. The damage this will cause our country and the rest of the world really is enormous. I really don't like to come across as a doom and gloomer, but I would be a coward to run from the subject and choose to ignore it.
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Friday, August 31, 2007
Subprime Mortgage Mess - Whose Fault Is it Anyway? / Housing-Market / Subprime Mortgage Risks
By: Andy_Sutton
A few weeks back I did a special edition of my radio program 'Beat the Street' during which I discussed the recent problems in the subprime mortgage markets and the credit arena in general. The broadcast lasted nearly 30 minutes and covered maybe half of what I wanted to talk about, and left unanswered was my opinion of the culprit in the subprime mortgage mess.
To really get at the answer, we have to look at, challenge and either uphold or repudiate some of our assumptions about the roles of the various players and where their motivation comes from.
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