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Category: Coal

The analysis published under this category are as follows.


Sunday, August 17, 2014

Why King Coal is Bigger than Oil or Gas / Commodities / Coal

By: Money_Morning

Lost in the debate about exporting U.S. oil and natural gas is any mention of America’s greatest energy export.


And while legislators, corporations, environmentalists and others argue over pipelines, refineries, tariffs and trade agreements in the oil and natural gas industries, the U.S. sends tons of coal to eager customers all over the globe. Coal usage is at a 45-year peak, and Europe and Asia will take every ounce we can export…

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Thursday, May 22, 2014

Seven Things You May Not Know About Coal / Commodities / Coal

By: Marin_Katusa

The days of tossing another lump on the fire to keep warm are behind most of us, but coal is still vital to keep our modern computers, air conditioners, and even cars humming. How much do you know about one of the world’s most indispensable commodities?

#1. Before turning into coal, layers of ancient swamp bed transition through another familiar carbon compound in as little as 9,000 years. That’s peat.

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Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Peak Coal / Commodities / Coal

By: Ronald_R_Cooke


Comments about coal are usually not complimentary. Despite our dependence on it as a source of heat for electric power generation, environmentalists wish it would go away. On the other hand, advocates like to claim we have more than 110 years of coal left – “at present rates of consumption”. Both sides are overlooking crucial points. Let’s see if we can clarify the future use of coal as a fossil fuel resource.

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Friday, September 27, 2013

Coal the Most Unlikely Beneficiary of the Natural Gas Boom / Commodities / Coal

By: Money_Morning

Peter Krauth writes: An array of energy's sub-industries are making a fortune from America's natural gas boom.

Rigs, pipelines, rail, wastewater treatment, trucking, seismic imaging, well-site security... And a lot more opportunity is on the way, like the deal Kent just uncovered.

But perhaps the most unlikely beneficiary of the shale revolution is the coal industry.

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Sunday, December 16, 2012

Getting Coal in Your Christmas Investing Stocking / Companies / Coal

By: Chris_Vermeulen

We all want new and exciting electronic gizmos and gadgets for the holiday season. Unfortunately they have the tendency to lose almost all their value within weeks because of newer versions etc… but what if you just got a lump of dirty old coal in your stocking, how would you feel?

The only individuals who would appreciate a dirty gift like that would be those forward looking investors who see major opportunities before they become the next big movers and headline news.

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Sunday, November 18, 2012

Clean Coal And The Transformation Of Society / Commodities / Coal

By: Andrew_McKillop

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleThe OECD's so-called "oil and energy watchdog agency", the International Energy Agency (IEA) continues to claim, firstly, that CO2 sequestration and deep underground storage or other disposal - called CCS - is a vital and obligatory energy revolution for all countries, due to the anthropogenic global warming crisis. Secondly it claims that CCS can be made a technological and industrial reality but will not "significantly harm the economy" or create the need for an unprecedented transformation of both the economy and society.

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Monday, April 09, 2012

Coal Stocks Are Historically Cheap – Here's What You Need to Know / Companies / Coal

By: Money_Morning

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticlePatrick Vail writes: The U.S. coal industry is facing a perfect storm and has taken a beating recently, bringing coal stocks down with it.

According to the Energy Information Administration (EIA), electricity generated by coal was down more than 20% in 2011. So it's no surprise that U.S. coal producers have been hit, and their valuations stand at 15-year lows.

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Friday, March 23, 2012

China Reaches Peak Coal / Commodities / Coal

By: Andrew_McKillop

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleCoal presently supplies about 67% of China's commercial energy but its National Energy Administration, 21 March, released its five-year 2011-2016 plan for Chinese coal, which features a near-term peak, and then decline of coal in the energy economy. The world’s largest user and producer of coal intends to limit domestic output and consumption of the commodity by 2017, to reduce pollution and to curb reliance on this fuel, which also faces a rising number of supply problems from reserve depletion to coal import costs, infrastructure and transport needs.

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Sunday, July 10, 2011

If You Like the Big Trend in Gold, You Need to See the One in Coal / Commodities / Coal

By: DailyWealth

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleMatt Badiali writes: In yesterday's essay, Steve showed how profitable it is to own gold when the trend is up.

To most people, that sounds too simple to work... But as Steve highlighted, making money in the market often comes down just to sticking with the big trends.

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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

It's Time to Invest in Coal / Commodities / Coal

By: Marin_Katusa

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleMarin Katusa, Casey Research Energy Team writes: Coal prices are surging ahead even as most other commodities pull back, spurred on by expectations that metallurgical and thermal coal production will again fail to meet rising global demand this year. The result? Record profits for major coal producers like Xstrata, a surge in acquisitions from coal-hungry India, Chinese electricity shortages, and a raging carbon tax debate in Australia amid record investments in that country's coal-heavy mining sector.

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Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Coal Use Shine’s Light on China's Economic Growth / Commodities / Coal

By: Frank_Holmes

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleInternational coal prices hit $124 per ton this week, the highest levels in five months, as strong demand from reconstruction projects in Japan and reduced supply from flood-ravaged Australia has made coal supply tight. The floods in Queensland, Australia cut the country’s output of coal by 15 percent and other big coal producers such as Indonesia, South Africa and Colombia are experiencing similar production cuts due to floods of their own.

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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Coal Stocks All Fired Up / Commodities / Coal

By: The_Energy_Report

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleThe earthquake, tsunami and resulting problems at the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan could impact some coal plays as global demand shifts to fossil fuel. In this exclusive interview with The Energy Report, UBS Securities Analyst Shneur Gershuni argues a bullish case for coal demand and shares some select coal stocks poised to benefit significantly.

The Energy Report: How has the tragedy in Japan at the Fukushima nuclear power plant impacted the outlook for coal globally?

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Monday, March 21, 2011

Coal ETF Approaching Resistance / Commodities / Coal

By: Mike_Paulenoff

Once again, let's notice that the Market Vectors Coal ETF (KOL) is bumping up against its key near-term resistance line, now at 49.11, which so far has thwarted the upmove off of the most recent pivot low at 45.17.

That said, my near- and intermediate-term work argue in favor of a penetration of the resistance line, which will trigger upside follow-through above 49.85 on the way to 51.50.

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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Commodities Boom of 2011: Coal Will Be the New Gold / Commodities / Coal

By: Money_Morning

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleMartin Hutchinson writes: The run-up in commodities prices has been a long one. And it shows no signs of abating.

As a Money Morning reader, you know that we predicted this run-up. Back in October 2007, for instance, we told readers to buy gold - when it was trading at $770 an ounce. Those of you who followed our advice have done quite well.

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Saturday, January 29, 2011

Australian Floods Cause Drought in the Coal Market / Commodities / Coal

By: Marin_Katusa

Marin Katusa, Casey’s Energy Report writes: The most important metallurgical coal basin in the world is underwater. Open pits have become lakes, stockpiles are soaked, and rail lines are submerged and in places destroyed. Damage is estimated at $5 to $6 billion.

Australia accounts for almost two-thirds of global coking coal production. Much of it comes from Queensland, where an area the size of France and Germany combined is underwater. That includes the Bowen Basin coal region, which produces almost a third of the world's coking coal. The Bowen Basin was hit with 350 mm of rain in December, against an average of 102 mm.

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Friday, September 10, 2010

China and India Still Hungry for Coal / Commodities / Coal

By: Marin_Katusa

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleMarin Katusa, Chief Energy Strategist, Casey Research writes: ne can only hope that the “Don’t shoot the messenger” adage is still popular in the international community.

UK-based consultants M&C Energy Group have become the latest to join the chorus of voices asking the international community to increase the pressure on China and India to switch to cleaner energy sources.

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Thursday, June 17, 2010

Why Coal Prices Will Soar / Commodities / Coal

By: DailyWealth

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleChris Mayer writes: In 2001, consensus opinion had the population of Beijing, China hitting 14 million by 2040. It topped that by 2003. Today, it has about 22 million people.

Also in 2001, experts thought Beijing would have – gasp! – 1 million cars on its roads by 2010. It also topped that figure in 2003. Today, there are nearly 5 million cars on the road.

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Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Coal, The Contrarian’s Energy Investment / Commodities / Coal

By: Casey_Research

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleJoe Hung, Editor, Casey’s Energy Report writes: Imagine the price of gold jumping to $1,500 overnight... what would that do to the price of junior mining companies? That's what just happened to the price of coal - it jumped 38% in one day!

Coal is dirty, it's dusty, and it sends environmentalists into a tizzy. It's also the most rapidly growing fuel source in the world, it's broadly distributed with almost 70 countries having economically recoverable resources, and the energy found in it still exceeds that in all other fossil fuels combined.

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Friday, February 26, 2010

Investors Don't Count Out Old King Coal Yet / Commodities / Coal

By: The_Energy_Report

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleSiddharth Rajeev, vice president of research for Fundamental Research Corp., talks about several of the bright spots he sees on the economic horizon in this exclusive interview with The Energy Report. Sid anticipates: recovery in 2010, with rising interest rates by the end of the year. . .longer-term growth in demand for uranium, which this year's commodity corrections somehow managed to overlook. . .continuing strength for rare earth metals as applications expand in electronics and alternative energy. . .even new faces on the coal front. Despite the push toward clean energy, Sid says coal won't go away anytime soon. One of the cheapest sources of fossil fuels in abundant supply, he says that coal is "tough to replace."

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Thursday, November 19, 2009

New Technology Turns Coal Into Clean, High-Powered Gas / Commodities / Coal

By: Money_Morning

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleKent Moors, Ph.D. writes: A new fuel technology – unveiled just two weeks ago – is about to revolutionize the energy business.
I saw it firsthand.

General Electric Co. (NYSE: GE) asked me to present “The Future of Natural Gas” at the company’s Gas Turbine Symposium in Greenville, S.C. That’s where GE revealed a new generation of its market-leading turbine technology.

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