Category: Dividends
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Sectors and Stocks to Invest in to Weather a US Recession / Companies / Dividends
By: Money_and_Markets
Nilus Mattive writes: Tony's off today, so he asked me to fill in for him. Since he's such an advocate of foreign investing, and I'm the advocate of dividend-paying stocks, I'm taking this opportunity to tell you about a stock that combines both: It's riding the wave of rapid foreign growth. Plus, it pays nice dividends.
We don't often name specific investments here in Money and Markets , but I figured I'd do something a little bit different today. Think of it as an early holiday gift.
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Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Hedging Your Income Stocks Portfolio Against Credit and Inflation Risks / Stock-Markets / Dividends
By: Roger_Conrad

Part of that is axiomatic. You can't collect the distributions unless you stick around for them to be paid. Individual bonds are the exception because they accrue interest as long as you hold them. But as far as stocks, Canadian trusts, limited partnerships, income-paying funds, preferred stocks or anything else goes, you've got be in there on the ex-dividend dates or you won't get paid.
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Monday, June 11, 2007
US Stocks that BENEFIT from a Falling Dollar / Companies / Dividends
By: Money_and_Markets
Nilus Mattive writes: Good morning! Martin's off today. So he's asked me to jump in.
I'm Nilus Mattive, the Associate Editor of Money and Markets , and it's my job to edit nearly every issue you get every morning, rain or shine.
Plus, I'm also responsible for a new research division in our company covering a sector that too many analysts have neglected for too long: Dividends.
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