“The lie is the rock on which this republic rests.”
Politics / US Politics Jan 03, 2018 - 08:08 AM GMTBy: Barry_M_Ferguson
I stole this quote from Andrew Jackson whose actual quote was, “The Bible is the rock on which this republic rests.” Of course, the United States is not the country, or republic, that is was when the extraordinary genius of Andrew Jackson graced the presidency. Jackson also once said, “One man with courage makes a majority.” With that courage, President Jackson exterminated the plague of a central bank, balanced the country’s budget, and left the US taxpayers owing no debt to anyone on the planet. Without Jackson’s courage, the country has been growing debt since he left office in 1836. Plantation slavery has been replaced with debt slavery and sovereign rule has been replaced by bankster domination. We can only pray, ‘Please Lord, send us another leader with Jackson-like courage’.
I believe courage is built upon truth. Read Jackson’s veto of Congressional approval of the central bank of his time. When President Jackson purged the central bank, he also stopped inflation cold. The result was the greatest economic expansion in human history. Then, President Woodrow Wilson, the worst leader in human history, resuscitated the central bank with the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. Jackson knew the truth. Wilson was a viper.
From Jackson’s central bank veto:
“It is to be regretted that the rich and powerful too often bend the acts of government to their selfish purposes.”
Preach it, President Jackson!!
From the same veto:
“If we can not at once, in justice to interests vested under improvident legislation, make our Government what it ought to be, we can at least take a stand against all new grants of monopolies and exclusive privileges, against any prostitution of our Government to the advancement of the few at the expense of the many, and in favor of compromise and gradual reform in our code of laws and system of political economy.”
Truth. It’s a rare commodity these days. Genius is even rarer.
What has happened to America?
Thomas Paine, author of Common Sense in 1776, once said, ”He who dares not offend cannot be honest”.
Truth is often offensive. Today, all americans seem to be offended by something. Ergo, they cannot hear the truth. Thus, their government will not tell them the truth.
President Jackson believed that the Holy Bible was the rock on which the republic rested. The Bible adhered to truth. For those wishing absolute control, the truth can be an impediment to power. Witness the following from an excellent article in Smithsonian magazine, November 2017.
It is winter in America and therefore the flu season is upon us. Few are alive today to recall the flu pandemic of 1918. However, the flu virus of 1918 was particularly lethal. The afore mentioned President Wilson had introduced the US into World War I at the behest of the newly established Federal Reserve Bank. Lending in war times is good for bank profits. Then the flu pandemic began to spread. Needing troops for war carnage and population control, needing to keep Americans focused on a German enemy, President Wilson could not afford to let the flu disrupt his plans. Besides, the US citizenry had the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) to look after their health and welfare. (Readers can’t see me right now but my head is cocked to one side and I am winking rapidly with one eye while sporting a maniacal smile of sarcasm.) In truth, the American government doesn’t do anything for the welfare of its citizens. Like all departments of government, the FDA is a sham and a shill for big pharma.
To put this story in perspective, the flu pandemic of 1918 killed more people than those who were killed in WWI and WWII combined.
What did the US government do? It did what it always does. It lied. The government lying machine kicked into high gear led by the so-called health professionals. The author of the story I am citing, John M. Barry, put it beautifully.
“What proved even more deadly was the government policy toward the truth.” President Wilson created the Committee on Public Information. Wilson was influenced by an adviser who wrote, “Truth and falsehood are arbitrary terms…The force of an idea lies in its inspirational value. It matters very little if it is true or false.”
Wilson then passed the Sedition Act making it unlawful to ‘utter, print, write or publish any disloyal, profane, scurrilous, or abusive language about the form of government of the Untied States’ or to do anything to hurt the US war effort. The government urged citizens to report other citizens ‘who spread pessimistic stories, cries for peace, or belittles our effort to win the war’. The penalty? 20 years in prison. No, I swear this is not Nazi Germany I am writing about. It is the United Banks of America. Uh, I mean, uh, the United States of America.
In other words, it is the official policy of the Untied States government to pathologically lie to the american people about everything. President Obama was particularly adept at this. Jimmy Carter was elected President in 1980 after famously staring into the TV cameras in a speech to the American people, “I will never lie to you.” But America IS a lie. The government IS a liar by law. The government employees media minders like CNN to constantly lie to the public.
As the flu pandemic progressed in 1918, public health officials obliged the government. They reported no fatalities and told the public there was nothing to be concerned about. Yet, 60 million people died from the pandemic. You know, kind of like what happened a few months ago in Las Vegas with 56 people getting murdered and over 500 getting wounded in a concert venue mass shooting covered up by the FBI and CIA. Nothing to see here. No worries. One guy did it all. He’s dead now. We even erased his ’13’ tattoo on his neck. Yeah, sure.
The flu virus of 1918 killed an estimated 60 million people worldwide including Frederick Trump, President Trump’s Grandfather. What did the US government do? It lied to the american people. What did health officials do? They lied to the american people. What rock is the republic now resting? The lie.
What is the FDA doing today concerning the opioid crises, marijuana, electronic cigarettes, and everything else? They lie. Why? Lying is big business for big pharma. The FDA does not represent the people. The FDA is a stooge for big pharma. Flu season is here and what does the lying vermin of government do? They encourage all of us to get a ‘flu vaccine’. Why? Because the flu vaccine is a multi-billion dollar business for big pharma. Yet, truthful medical professionals will admit that the vaccine is only at best 40% effective in flu prevention. More taxpayer money is stolen for big pharma.
How did America reject truth and embrace the lie? Thomas Paine also said the following:
“A body of men holding themselves accountable to nobody ought not to be trusted by anybody.”
Do readers think that the American government tells the truth about anything? This is what the perpetual lie gets us. It is generally accepted that there are some 195 countries in the world. According to Wikileaks, the US military is deployed in about 150 of them. In other words, US taxpayer money supports military occupations in 75% of the countries on the planet. Why?
This is what happens when citizens are not represented in government. We no longer have Andrew Jackson to fight for us.
Thanks again to John M. Barry who wrote the article of truth titled, ‘Journal of the Plague Year’ in Smithsonian’s November, 2017 issue.Barry M. Ferguson, RFC
President, BMF Investments, Inc.
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Barry M. Ferguson, RFC is President and founder of BMF Investments, Inc. - a fee-based Investment Advisor in Charlotte, NC. He manages several different portfolios that are designed to be market driven and actively managed. Barry shares his unique perspective through his irreverent and very popular newsletter, Barry’s Bulls, authored the book, Navigating the Mind Fields of Investing Money, lectures on investing, and contributes investment articles to various professional publications. He is a member of the International Association of Registered Financial Consultants, the International Speakers Network, and was presented with the prestigious Cato Award for Distinguished Journalism in the Field of Financial Services in 2009.
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