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Hillary Planning a 2020 White House Run?

Politics / US Politics Feb 27, 2017 - 07:53 PM GMT

By: Stephen_Lendman


She tried and failed twice. Does she have another run in mind?

Reports suggest she may launch a TV talk show, featuring her as host, perhaps intending it to be platform for a third presidential campaign.

She considers herself party leader in exile, likely seeks revenge for losing to Trump. A TV show would be a way to bash him and serve as a self-promotion vehicle.

She no doubt thinks she can beat Trump in 2020. Will she again seek her party’s nomination? It’s too early to know, but at this stage no other Democrat has popular support for the nation’s highest office.

One thing seems sure. She’s not going away gently into the good night. We’re stuck with the menace she represents - the specter of possible nuclear annihilation if she gets her finger on the nuclear trigger as America’s military commander-in-chief.

On Friday, she released a short video on the Democrat You Tube channel, saying:

“Hello Democrats. Thank you all for coming together to represent our party at its best. United, energized and ready to wage and win the battles ahead.”

She lied calling her 2016 campaign platform “the most progressive…in history.” She ludicrously claimed her ideas “inspir(ed) leaders and activists across the country.”

She absurdly said support for her campaign “fuel(ed) grassroots energy and activism,” adding “everywhere people are marching, protesting, tweeting, speaking out and working for an America that is hopeful, inclusive and big-hearted.”

Fact: Throughout the presidential campaign, post-election, and since Trump’s inauguration, dark forces orchestrated protests against him.

There’s little or no grassroots activism about most of it.

Hillary: “From the Women’s March, to airports where communities are welcoming immigrants, refugees and people of every faith, to town hall meetings where people are speaking up for healthcare, the environment, good jobs and all the other issues that deserve our passionate support.”

Fact: Hillary supports Wall Street, war-profiteers and other predatory corporate interests. Most voters despise her for good reason.

She urged supporters to “stay engaged in the field and online,” adding “(l)et resistance, plus persistence equal progress for our party and our country.”

She wants Trump delegitimized, his agenda undermined, perhaps positioning herself for another run against him.

By Stephen Lendman

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”

He lives in Chicago and can be reached in Chicago at

Also visit his blog site at and listen to The Global Research News Hour on Monday through Friday at 10AM US Central time for cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on world and national topics. All programs are archived for easy listening.

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