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David Cameron Humiliated in Poland Over Refusal to Stop Taking UK Benefits, BrExit or Super State?

ElectionOracle / EU_Referendum Feb 08, 2016 - 04:40 AM GMT

By: Nadeem_Walayat


The British Prime Minister, David Cameron within days of waving a white piece of paper 'Chamberlain' style received form the EU's Donald Tusk, has since been busy trying to put up a propaganda smoke screen of success of negotiations for the British public to swallow in the run up the UK's EU Freedom Referendum, literally seen begging Eastern European states to play a long with the charade so as to hood wink the British people into giving up their very final chance of attaining freedom from the emerging EU super state.

Whilst Premiers of states such as Hungary are apparently playing along with the smoke and mirrors game. However, Poland being the largest recipient of transfer payments form the UK in form of UK tax payer funded benefits for its citizens that the Polish economy has come to heavily rely upon as a huge and growing windfall, much as Norway relied on the North Sea oil windfall (before the oil price collapsed). However, the Polish PM instead of playing along instead gave the British PM a icy cold visit, refusing to budge an inch on the £billions in UK benefits pocketed by Poland's citizens in what amounts to a humiliating public slap in the face for David Cameron. This despite the fact that David Cameron's feeble EU deal only applied to FUTURE migrants and not the 1.5 million or so of Poles who have already flooded into Britain over the past 15 years that and the break on benefits would be subject to European Union authorisation, so in effect was probably totally worthless, something that many eastern european states fully understand, apart from Poland that is.

Again, this slap in the face is despite Britain at huge cost once more being asked to station military forces on Poland's eastern borders so as to act as a deterrence against Czar Putin's ambitions for expansion of the Russian Empire.

As a reminder, Poland has sent an estimated 1.5 million economic migrants westwards to Britain alone, at least 90% of whom are in receipt of in work benefits that result in an estimated transfer payment to Polish citizens of £15 billion a year, which in large part contributes to Britains £90 billion annual budget deficit as well as all of the social consequences in terms of impact on services such as health, schooling and of course Britain's severe housing crisis as a consequence of an influx of over 4 million migrants over the past 15 years.

Furthermore it should be noted that ALL of the dozen eastern european states that have flooded Britain alone with over 4 million economic migrants over the past 15 years, publically tend to reject any attempts to share the refugee burden, even for settling literally handfuls of refugees fleeing war and probable death in their depopulated homelands. A I wrote at length about last September that illustrates just how dysfunctional an institution the European Union has become.

23 Sep 2015 - Poland, Czech, Slovakia and Hungary Refugee Hypocrisy After Flooding UK with 4 Million Economic Migrants

And as the population density figures illustrate that England is by far the most over crowded major european nation.

  Population Density / sq km New Migrants to Match England's Density
England 419  
Holland 408 .45mill
Belgium 370 1.5mill
Wales 258 1.8mill
Germany 226 68.8mill
Italy 205 62.6mill
Poland 130 85.6mill
Portugal 116 27.4mill
Hungary 108 28.8mill
France 105 197mill
Spain 94 161mill
Romania 89 74mill
Greece 82 44.3mill
Scotland 67 32.5mill
Bulgaria 66 38.8mill

What stands out from the table is the overwhelming disparity in capacity to accommodate migrants, especially for depopulated eastern european nations many of whom are demonstrating ZERO inclination to offer asylum to refugees despite having exported many millions of their own people westwards. For instance Poland would need to experience an influx of 85 million migrants to equal the population density of England.

Meanwhile the finger wagging Germans could allow 68 million migrants to settle in Germany and still be less densely populated than England. Whilst France would need to increase its population by near 200 million! Even a constantly bleating Greece would require a 44 million jump in its population to equal the state of over crowding in England.

The obvious solution to the migration crisis remains for the migrants to be settled in the depopulated Eastern Europe with HUNGARY being a good starting point as it is a primary transit route and could easily accommodate several tens of millions before reaching the same level of population density as England and then there is the mega empty space called Poland that could take 85 million and still not be as densely populated as England. For instance 4 million Poles have recently migrated westwards therefore Poland could easily be repopulated by 4 million Syrian refugees. But of course these fascist states don't want that to happen! Because their membership of the European Union has always been one of take, take, take and give nothing in return.

The bottom line is that the migration crisis as did just a few weeks ago the euro debt crisis illustrate that the European Union is BROKEN and is trending towards an apocalypse of sorts the magnitude of which cannot be discerned at this point in time. So this is a wake up call for the people of Britain to vote to LEAVE THE E.U. before it starts to disintegrate in unpredictable and probably very violent ways!

Britain's Very Last Chance for Freedom

In my following recent video I explained why the E.U. Referendum really IS Britain's very LAST chance to gain Freedom from the emerging European Super state.

Britain's Last Chance to Gain Freedom from Emerging European Super State

What most pundits fail to recognise or lack experience of is trend and momentum both of which for the past 40 years have been moving in one direction that for the emergence of a highly centralised European super state that the financial crisis and subsequent economic depression of southern europe is accelerating the trend towards.

So whilst it is too late for the euro-zone members who for better or worse are locked into a death embrace that has all but nullified democracy for most of the euro-zone states as the elections in Greece, Spain and Italy have clearly demonstrated the lack for even radical governments such as Syriza to do anything other than obey their German paymasters who control the euro currency and can within a couple of weeks bring fellow euro-zone members to the brink of collapse as was repeatedly demonstrated by Greece last year.

Thus, for Britain the saving grace of not being in the euro-zone offers the UK a unique final opportunity to make the choice of either FREEDOM or become another satellite state revolving around a German centre that will increasingly dictate terms and conditions.

Therefore, given that there would probably not be another referendum for at least 20 years, then this really is Britain's VERY LAST CHANCE. There WON'T be another opportunity because with each passing year the price for a BREXIT increases, and we are not that far off from the point of no return when an exit would result in an economic collapse, much of the situation the euro-zone members have been since they signed up to scrap their currencies and join the Euro-zone.

Of course both the LEAVE and the REMAIN camps put out a lot of propaganda and spin on the others consequences. For LEAVE it's a case of everything smelling of roses in a Britain that has been freed from increasing European bureaucracy and interference, that would be in full control of Britain's borders. Whilst the REMAIN camp paints a picture of FEAR, of economic and financial catastrophe coupled with punitive terms for exit that would seek to punish Britain for daring to exit the euro-zone, so much for so-called european unity built on common purpose and friendship instead the European Union is increasingly a club of FEAR and PARALYSIS.

The Price for Freedom

The truth is that a BREXIT WILL BE ECONOMICALLY PAINFUL despite all of the benefits of being outside of the E.U. The cost of BrExit will be anywhere from 2% to as high as 5% of GDP if the euro-zone is determined to make an example of Britain to act as a warning to others by raising punitive tariffs on trade. However remember that attaining FREEDOM ALWAYS carry's a PRICE, in which respect even the worst case scenario for a 5% loss of GDP in the grand scheme of things does not compare against the infinitely greater price the people of Britain paid for their freedom in both past World Wars and so it is now THIS generations turn to pay a price for the freedom of future generations.

What the people of Britain need to fully understand is that this really is their VERY LAST CHANCE for Freedom!

Though given the backtracking of Schengen currently underway, and Greece, well still bankrupt then the European project could yet unravel all on its own even BEFORE a BrExit referendum is held! In fact a BrExit would likely be THE nail in the European Unions coffin that would literally start to disintegrate and it could all unravel quite quickly as I have been warning of for some time.

I also covered Britain's housing crisis consequences of continuing out of control immigration impact on London in the following comprehensive video analysis:

Youtube 26 Mins -

Ensure you are subscribed to my always free newsletter (only requirement is an email address) for the following forthcoming analysis -

  • US Interest Rates 2016
  • US Dollar Trend Forecast
  • Stock Market Trend Forecast 2016
  • US House Prices Forecast 2016 and Beyond
  • Gold and Silver Price Forecast 2016

By Nadeem Walayat

Copyright © 2005-2016 (Market Oracle Ltd). All rights reserved.

Nadeem Walayat has over 25 years experience of trading derivatives, portfolio management and analysing the financial markets, including one of few who both anticipated and Beat the 1987 Crash. Nadeem's forward looking analysis focuses on UK inflation, economy, interest rates and housing market. He is the author of five ebook's in the The Inflation Mega-Trend and Stocks Stealth Bull Market series that can be downloaded for Free.

Housing Markets Forecast 2014-2018The Stocks Stealth Bull Market 2013 and Beyond EbookThe Stocks Stealth Bull Market Update 2011 EbookThe Interest Rate Mega-Trend EbookThe Inflation Mega-trend Ebook

Nadeem is the Editor of The Market Oracle, a FREE Daily Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting online publication that presents in-depth analysis from over 1000 experienced analysts on a range of views of the probable direction of the financial markets, thus enabling our readers to arrive at an informed opinion on future market direction.

Disclaimer: The above is a matter of opinion provided for general information purposes only and is not intended as investment advice. Information and analysis above are derived from sources and utilising methods believed to be reliable, but we cannot accept responsibility for any trading losses you may incur as a result of this analysis. Individuals should consult with their personal financial advisors before engaging in any trading activities.

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© 2005-2022 - The Market Oracle is a FREE Daily Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting online publication.


08 Feb 16, 14:42
Unilateral declaration

In the event of Britain voting to stay in the E.U ( would they really honour a vote to leave anyway? ) and the E.U sliding toward economic and social chaos, the prospect of Britain being dragged into the abyss could result in a reaction from the public and the election of a harder line nationalistic government. Such a government could just stick two fingers up to the E.U and walk away. Such a thing may seem outlandish at present, but stranger things have happened, including outright revolutions!

08 Feb 16, 15:22
Politicians and Brewing Storm

The problem is that politicians don't think like normal people, they are stuck in their own bubbles.

So yes, as you outline above, Britian could swing towards the far right which would detablise the union so it's not just Europe that would fall apart but the UK and England as well.

It's the calm before the storm.

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