Politics / Social Issues Jun 30, 2014 - 10:58 AM GMTBy: Charlie_Tarango
America is in transition as is the world
Eroei and debt are the drivers going forward
Eroei is what will define the future for better or for worse
America is the cradle of innovation = humanity’s greatest chance on eroei
Nixon was our most experienced president
Obama the most charismatic
We rarely have both at the same time
Obama’s greatest power is sincerity and charisma
He had it before the presidency and will have it after
He neither caused nor can stop the natural
Consequences of mathematics and human nature
= why americans gave him two terms
America got exactly what it wanted
Participants want to believe that “they” can inflate “their” way out
As richard nixon says to henry kissinger in the film “nixon”,
“your ass is twisting in the wind with us”
Indeed. Caveat emptor: hyperinflation is politically impossible in the united states = deflation of capital relative to king dollar = sun tzu
“euro” exists at the pleasure of the us and germany
“euro” liabilities will never be borne by germany =
“euro” worthless
America and germany are not natural adversaries
Germany and russia are
= geopolitical keystone of the world
Russians want to move toward freedom, not away
= putin defeated from within
China is japan c 1989, but worse + has awakened ambition =
It will leave the current chinese political system in its wake
= implications geopolitically and economically to reinforce
Us and germany as top powers
The “gold bugs” are right, paper doesn’t mean a thing - nor does gold:
Us gdp v china gdp = zero value
Per capita = res judicata
Productivity = true economic power
Geopolitics is not defined by individuals, or mediums of exchange, but rather the totality of the circumstances
Even the most powerful individuals are still but
Actors on the overall stage
Julius caesar proved this long ago both in life and death
Wealthy in most of world totally dependent on a friendly government – u.s. Not so, because we have the strongest legal system in the world
As de tocqueville observed this virtue: “objects between men and government”
This most american virtue will serve us in the years to come as it is alive and well = king dollar and prince deutsche mark and world structured around those currencies
America has gone from open segregation and blatant racism
To a black president in 50 years
Virulence against obama is the latent racism boiling off =
It is at its end in america, not beginning =
Reflects the depth and strength of american culture
Our steady evolution from the civil war
No cycnicism can negate this reality
Nor can it deny our ability to evolve as a nation –
The very ability that will serve us in the stormy years to come
Are their “the powers that be” ?
Indeed – as is the hierarchical nature of humanity
“imperial presidency”
= natural progression to 21st century
The vignette in “nixon” of the midnight jaunt to
The lincoln memorial captures the truest essence of the
“imperial presidency”:
“wild animal”
Understand that and you understand
The presidency and american democracy itself
No one individual is in control of it all
Our nation does not rise and fall on the individual
Lincoln proved it in his century; jfk in his
At once our greatest strength and our greatest impediment
= the true paradox of america
Law is king
Ignorance and knowledge direct its power
In america, the law protects the vigilant, before those who sleep on their rights
= true democracy, not necessarily fair
The balance between ignorance and knowledge is dictated by
Individuals, not governments
Nowhere is this more true than in america
Warren buffett is right as rain: betting against america is a losing proposition
But his self serving non sequitur that berkshire hathaway
And/or the spx 500 long is “the right position” is dead wrong:
Quite the contrary, i can take him on in his own stock and
Out yield him on the downside, hands down
The biggest tell of all, both transparent and patronizing:
Reputation is better served by giving it away, than losing it
Most wealthy today will understand that perfectly tomorrow
Social and economic upheaval is the very
Catharsis which will revitalize america
Not “crony capitalists” talking their book
Rather the inherent strengths of a great nation
Bound by an ideology of liberty that transcends humanity
Regression to the mean socially, politically and economically
The vast majority americans have enjoyed a lifetime of freedom
At no cost = loyalty to america is owed, for better or for worse
That is the currency that is “king”
Eisenhower was right about the “mic” – but wrong in results:
“peace through strength” = power to pick wars =
Von clausewitz supreme act of judgment
Vietnam represented the transition
“mic” = most disciplined and experienced military in the world =
Us can protect its interests and project power worldwide
= usa geopolitically rock solid
+ usa in best position on eroei , the ultimate metric
Any failings of us leadership, and there are many,
Are far outweighed by delivering this situation:
Strongest miltary and best position going forward on eroei
The debt will be resolved:
America can and has always solved its internal problems
Contrary to the ad hominem incantations tyranny won’t prevail
Ambition and the second amendment guarantee it
There are more guns in america than there are chinese =
Control but not tyranny
Control to resolve the inevitable
Consequences of mathematics and human nature:
Us is not japan = american people are not docile
Americans will not abide “lost” decades with
Structural unemployment, no growth &
General economic malaise, even assuming arguendo
It could make it that far mathematically
+ crucial distinction of the reserve currency
= deflationary purge politically inevitable
This is the political calculus absent from the rationale
Of economists, pundits, and the like
The analogy to japan is inapposite:
Japan has been a concomitant to
Our bond bull market
Failure to grasp this renders all reasoning flowing therefrom flawed
But the doomsayer’s and pundits inherent non sequitur that a financial reckoning = usa collapse:
Belied by our storied history, the fundamental geopolitical structure of the world and by this economic dispositive:
Has always been subservient to military power
The usa survived brutal civil war over slavery
= we can and will survive financial reckoning
No matter how severe
In the timeless words of ‘the gipper’:
“as government expands, liberty contracts”
The tide of expansion will turn to contraction
Mathematics and american nature ensure it
A majority has never been necessary in either direction
Nor has the relative strength and/or knowledge of
The people been determinative either
It is the very consequences that will bring the outcome
Sought by patriots and libertarians
The true wisdom and legacy of our founding fathers
Is a constitution that has a natural structural ability to
Right itself, no matter how far imbalanced it may get
This will be proven in the years to come, as it has in years past
Rome laid the foundation of modern civilization
Usa = everything rome was and more
+ feeds itself by many mutliples =
Usa is natural progression of humanty
What’s left = going backwards
That truth is our greatest power
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