Ignore the New CPI™ at Your Peril
Politics / US Politics Jan 18, 2012 - 12:58 PM GMTBy: Submissions
Paul Owen writes: The Corruption Price Index™ (CPI™)
Modern companies and organizations have a great need to quantify the processes and corruption level(s) of our current form of crony capitalist government. The Corruption Price Index™ (CPI™) does this. The CPI™ index will allow for prior planning to prevent poor performance. It will guarantee that you will not make major a faux pas when dealing with economic and legislative issues. Also as individual investors you will begin to understand why most of our major problems will never get fixed and why you must plan for the worst case scenario.
The formula is simple and highly accurate. In our current form of corrupt government, as the amount of money at stake in the legislation increases by digits above $1 million, the amount of difficulty in passing the law generally grows exponentially from the previous level and the money needed in bribes grows at the rate of .1% of the money involved. For example, if legislation were to affect $1 million, you would need $1,000 in bribes and it would have a difficulty of 1 in passing any given legislature.
Here is a table of Corruption Price Index™. (CPI™), which you can use to calculate difficulty and bribes needed.
Money involved Difficulty Bribes needed
$1,000,000 1 $1,000
$10,000,000 2 $10,000
$100,000,000 4 $100,000
$1,000,000,000 16 $1,000,000
$10,000,000,000 256 $10,000,000
$100,000,000,000 65536 $100,000,000
$1,000,000,000,000 4 Billion+ $1,000,000,000
Now you understand why it is so difficult to properly fix health care, social security, and immigration in the U.S. They all involve sums well in excess of the trillion dollar range and their difficulty level is in excess of a whopping 4,294,967,296 (65536 x 65536)! The bribes needed to prevail are in the billions of dollars.
Of course, We The People just don’t understand all the issues related to solving most of the current issues that affect our society. But, if money is spread around, it is amazing how all the barriers to problems disappear. But that only assumes that you bribe more money than those who oppose you.
Here is an example on how to use the CPI™:
Money Factor: We have legislation that affects $28 billion. We look down the left column and locate the sum that is closest to being lesser than the $28 billion. That would be $10,000,000,000. Divide 28 billion by 10 billion and get 2.8 which is the Money Factor.
Difficulty: Go to the right to the difficulty column and we find that the difficulty for $10 billion is 256. We multiply that sum by the 2.8 money factor. This means that the difficulty level for our legislation would be 2.8 x 256 or 716.80. The square root of this number, 26.77. The 716.80 gives you an idea of the number of key people and organizations who can influence the legislation. The square root of that number (26.77) gives you a general idea of the number of setbacks and “problems” that will be encountered along the way.
Bribes Needed: We next look to the Bribes Needed column and find that $10 million is needed for $10 billion. Take the 2.8 Money Factor and multiple it by the $10 million and this gets us the total bribes needed to get our legislation passed. Bribes have to be equal to or exceed $28,000,000. You can include in this sum all matters related to campaign contributions, hiring the relatives of the corrupt officials and prior legislators or, their cronies and up to 2 levels removed for such items as stock options, director appointments, and grants for any activities of the targeted officials as well as such items related to the funding of think tanks, charities, etc. involving the targets of your money
You can actually see how the CPI™ works and how valuable it is for making sure you do not screw up and get someone upset over the monies you offer in “bribes.” Take our friends at MF Global. It appears from all the indications and daily reports that close to $1.2 billion was “stolen” from client accounts. And yet, who has been arrested, charged or detained over such a serious matter? Of course, even when the monies that Corzine and others have used to “bribe elected officials are returned, the effects of his intentionally or inadvertently following the CPI™ has kept him out of jail and has in fact allowed the allegedly “illegal” activities of MF Global to happen in the first instance.
Of course, modernly the prime example of someone who did not follow the CPI™ is Bernie Madoff and we all know where he is sitting right now.
The CPI™ is a valuable tool to use every day for future planning. It will give you the proper sense of how to buy and pay for any legislation you need. For someone not part of the corruption itself it will reinforce the need to plan for all worst case scenarios where the government is involved.
To learn more Read Corruption in Government: The Rise of National Socialism Part 1: Judicial Tyranny on Amazon.com.
Paul Owen
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Paul Owen is Author of the Book (The Rise of National Socialism Part 1: Judicial Tyranny). Paul has been involved in Artificial Intelligence Software Development over the past 20 years and has invented the most advance A.I. software language in the world where the program(s) can be educated, think and reason in many instances better than people. That program language has been used to create such remarkable and advanced products such as Dean’s Law Dictionary and 100’s of others.
© 2012 Copyright by Paul Owen - All Rights Reserved
Disclaimer: The above is a matter of opinion provided for general information purposes only and is not intended as investment advice. Information and analysis above are derived from sources and utilising methods believed to be reliable, but we cannot accept responsibility for any losses you may incur as a result of this analysis. Individuals should consult with their personal financial advisors
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