Analysis Topic: Consumer Watch
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Sunday, December 23, 2018
Land Rover Discovery Sport 1 Year Owner Driver Mega Review - What's Good and Bad / ConsumerWatch / Motoring
By: N_Walayat
Here is my comprehensive mega review of what's good and bad about the Land Rover Discover Sport after having owned and driven a HSE Black trim for over 1 year. All of the questions answered that you need to ask before buying a Discovery Sport after having put the car through its paces for a whole year of driving, of what to expect under real world driving conditions, all that is good and bad which includes the following and more -
Tuesday, November 20, 2018
Rail Chaos Transpennine Express Cancels Services to Manchester Airport Whilst on the Train! / ConsumerWatch / Travel & Holidays
Strikes and power failures have become the norm for Britain's increasingly unreliable railway network as illustrated on a grand scale just yesterday when virtually the whole of the South East rail network being brought to a shuddering halt for over 6 hours for the second time in a month, leaving passengers scrambling once more for alternatives to reach their destinations on time, especially stressful for time critical appointments such as catching a flight.
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Monday, November 19, 2018
Getting Your Cabin Bags on Board Budget Airlines - EasyJet, Manchester Airport / ConsumerWatch / Travel & Holidays
By: Anika_Walayat
Budget airlines such as Ryan Air and EasyJet have become notorious for hitting their passengers with extra baggage fees as they try to board their flights at the Gate. Worse still is for those passengers who are forced to have their cabin bags literally thrown into the aircrafts hold because we all know that baggage handlers could not careless about what happens to the contents of peoples bags, thus resulting damage or worse.
So here is our comprehensive guide of what you should do to ensure you get ALL of your cabin bags on board with your on your flight, as well as a few hold luggage tips as we managed to get 6 cabin bags onto full flights to and from Turkey from Manchester Airport on board easyjet planes.
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Monday, November 12, 2018
Olympus Tough TG-5 Camera Stuck or Dead Pixels, Rubbish Video Auto Focus / ConsumerWatch / Reviews
Thinking of buying a Olympus TG-5 Tough Camera due to it's under water use capabilities? Tthen you need to watch this video before you find yourself disspaointed with the camera's poor performance, especially in in terms of ability to auto focus during shooting video footage. And what's worse the likes of Currys are selling brand new cameras with stuck or dead pixels. For which there is a possible solution i.e. pixel mapping BUT brand new cameras should NOT have stuck or dead pixels!
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Thursday, November 08, 2018
Buying an Approved Used Land Rover From a Dealer - What You Need to Know! / ConsumerWatch / Motoring
By: N_Walayat
Here's the resulting guide from my 10 month long experience of buying an owning an approved used landrover (Discovery Sport), my top tips of what you need to know and do before you buy that hopefully will make your choice to buy or not a much easier and better experience.
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Wednesday, November 07, 2018
Britain's Unreliable Railways - Transpennine Express to Manchester Airport / ConsumerWatch / Travel & Holidays
By: Anika_Walayat
Strikes and power failures have become the norm for Britain's increasingly unreliable failing rail network as illustrated on a grand scale recently which saw the whole of the South East rail network being brought to a shuddering halt for over 6 hours leaving passengers scrambling for alternatives to reach their destinations on time, especially stressful for time critical appointments such as catching an airplane.
Therefore we were playing russian roulette in our choice to go by train from Sheffield to Manchester Airport to catch our easyjet flight to start our 10 day holiday in Turkey. We allowed plenty of time for the Transpennine Express to screw up, so what could go possible wrong? Find out in our latest video.
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Saturday, November 03, 2018
Olympus Tough TG-5 Water Proof Camera Under Water Test / ConsumerWatch / Reviews
In this seres of videos we put the compact Olympus Tough TG-5 waterproof under water use camera through it's paces. Where in this vide we conduct it's first water proof test to see what happens when one submerges a TG-5 camera under water for over a minute. So find out in our third video what happens and what to expect from a TG-5 camera that costs in the range of abotu £320 to £400, as set against an average price of abotu £300 for for waterproof cameras.
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Saturday, September 29, 2018
How Often to Change Engine Oil and Filter Land Rover Discovery Sport / ConsumerWatch / Motoring
By: N_Walayat
The latest video in my Land Rover Discovery Sports series answers the question of how often should Disco Sport owners change their car's engine oil and filter. Which is not as obvious as it should be for Land Rover sales pitch is to change your engine oil once every 2 years or 21,000 miles, which ever comes first. But as my video reveals that may not work in real world, so owners could be putting their cars engines at risk if they relied just on the sales pitch and left the oil change for the 2 year service.
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Wednesday, September 19, 2018
Land Rover Discovery Sport 'Approved Used' Bad Paint Job - Inchcape Chester / ConsumerWatch / Motoring
By: N_Walayat
Following my Land Rover Discovery Sports 1st service at 15,000 miles at a Land Rover dealer (Guy Salmon, Sheffield) I now have another item to add to my Inchcape list of issues, including fixes promised that would be rectified at time of purchase that never were, such as a ripped door fabric. However, this may be the most serious to date, as apparently at least one of the panels has a bad paint job that is now disintegrating.
So watch the video which acts as a warning to all those who are thinking of buying an APPROVED USED Land Rover, because "Approved Used" is just a sales pitch Land Rover dealers successfully use so that customers let their guards down. For instance the 'bad paint job' should be fixed under warranty but of course the dealer says its no, which means APPROVED USED is just a hit or miss sales pitch, either that or Land Rovers factory paint sucks.
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Sunday, September 09, 2018
Witty Teen, With the Help of His Parents, Steals from a Maltese Online Casino / ConsumerWatch / Gambling
By: John_York
Thursday, August 30, 2018
Lucozade Win Larazade Lara Croft Tomb Raider Prizes - Don't Bother! / ConsumerWatch / Freebies and Comps
Lucozade's latest promotion aptly named Larazade seeking to capitalise on the success of the latest game in the Lara Croft Tomb Raider franchise, with the promo featuring a healthy list of potential prizes to be won all for just entering the code off of a Larazade lucozade bottle. Such as £1000 X40, 100 XBox One consoles and 200 Tomb raider games. All of which sounds good on paper, however there is a fly in the ointment which is that when one comes to trying to decipher the codes on the bottles as our following video illustrates of why this promotion is probably one to give a miss!
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Thursday, August 23, 2018
Car Pricing For Large Model Vehicles in 2018 / ConsumerWatch / Motoring
By: Dylan_Moran
Big cars are as popular as ever, but if you’re looking to buy a brand new big car in 2018, you need to know about the current value and costs of these bigger car models. Let’s take a closer look at some of the common big car model pricing for this year, along with what you need to keep in mind when shopping for a new car.Read full article... Read full article...
Saturday, August 18, 2018
Land Rover Discovery Sport 90% Motorway Driving MPG Fuel Economy in ECO Mode / ConsumerWatch / Motoring
By: N_Walayat
This is the latest video in out Land Rover Discovery Sport's series that answers the question of what to expect in terms of fuel economy for this great looking Land Rover model as compared against Land Rovers sales pitch of 53.3 MPG, which in reality no one really expects to achieve. Still here is what to expect from a 2 year old Land Rover Discovery Sport in the month immediately after a full dealer service, with 90% of the driving down on Britain's motorways such as the M1, M6 and A1 roads on road trips from Sheffield to London, Warrick, and Blackpool and back.
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Saturday, August 11, 2018
Land Rover Discovery Sport 1st Dealer Oil Change Service - What to Expect / ConsumerWatch / Motoring
By: N_Walayat
Land Rover's sales pitch is that the Discovery Sport's first service is due at 21,000 miles or 2 years, thus saving owners on expensive annual services. That and their service packs only tend to cover for 1 service every 2 years which may be the reason for the 21,000 miles service sales pitch. Unfortunately on the one hand there's the sales pitch and then there's the reality of what to actually expect when owning and driving a Land Rover Discovery Sport as the two don't quite tend to match.
For instance, the internet is littered with comments about how warnings are popping up on owner dashboards requesting an oil service for a potential multitude of reasons such as diesel getting into the engines? which in some examples oil change services are being requested at less than 7,000 miles!
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Monday, August 06, 2018
Land Rover Discovery Sport Oil Change Service Dash Warning Message / ConsumerWatch / Motoring
By: N_Walayat
Land Rover's sales pitch is that the Discovery Sport's first service is due at 21,000 miles or 2 years, thus saving owners on expensive annual services. That and their service packs only tend to cover for 1 service every 2 years which may be the reason for the 21,000 miles service sales pitch. Unfortunately on the one hand there's the sales pitch and then there's the reality of what to actually expect when owning and driving a Land Rover Discovery Sport as the two don't quite tend to match.
For instance, the internet is littered with comments about how warnings are popping up on owners dashboards requesting an oil service for a potential multitude of reasons such as diesel getting into the engines? which in some examples oil change services are being requested at less than 7,000 miles! So I decided to track the service indicator for my HSE Black for when the car would request a service and this is the resulting video that all DISCO Sport owners should take note of, that they should NOT rely on the 21k sales pitch but check their oil service mileage indicator on a regular basis, else risk being in for an unexpected dash shock message that an oil service is now due!
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Thursday, August 02, 2018
Land Rover Discovery Sport Oil Dash Service Warning Message / ConsumerWatch / Motoring
By: N_Walayat
Land Rover's sales pitch is that the Discovery Sport's first service is due at 21,000 miles or 2 years, thus saving owners on expensive services. That and their service packs only tend to cover for 1 service every 2 years which may be the reason for the 21,000 miles service sales pitch. Unfortunately on the one hand there's the sales pitch and then there's the reality of what to actually expect when owning and driving a Land Rover Discovery Sport as there exists a wide gap between the two.
For instance, the internet is littered with comments about how warnings are popping up on owners dashboards requesting an oil service for a potential multitude of reasons such as diesel getting into the engines? which in some examples services are being requested at less than 7,000 miles! So I decided to track the service indicator for my HSE Black for when the car would request a service and this is the resulting video that all DISCO Sport owners should take note of, that they should NOT rely on the 21k sales pitch but check their service mileage indicator on a regular basis, else risk being in for an unexpected dash shock message!
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Thursday, August 02, 2018
Alton Towers vs Thorpe Park, Car Parking and Exit Driving Experience / ConsumerWatch / Theme Parks
By: N_Walayat
Were now well into the summer holidays so families will be busy planning multiple day trips to Britains theme parks, where the number 1 UK operator is the Merlin group with it's 32 theme parks and attractions including 10 or so in and around London, where there two biggest and most popular theme parks are Thorpe Park situated in Stains. And Alton Towers near Derby. However, motorists need to be fully aware that the car park facilities are not all the same, as this video illustrates the difference between Alton Towers and Thorpe Park, especially when visitors attempt to leave the park after it closes.
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Sunday, July 15, 2018
Buying Used Car From UK Dealer - Alloy Wheels Trick Revealed After 1st Wash! / ConsumerWatch / Motoring
Here's what I discovered after I first washed my 16 month old Land Rover Discovery Sport that I bought from a Land Rover Dealer. One of the little tricks the dealers / sellers tend to pull on buyers. A valuable lesson learned that I am sharing with all so you also don't fall for similar tricks.
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Tuesday, June 19, 2018
Minor Car Accident! What Happens After You Report Your Accident to Your Insurer / ConsumerWatch / Motoring
By: N_Walayat
So you have been involved in an minor accident that's not your fault. Initially you may be confused and bewildered by the numerous options of what to do next of which the easiest to implement is to just let your insurer handle everything from arranging the repairs, courtesy car, to claiming all of the costs off of the other drivers insurer. Unfortunately, what's easiest to implement usually turns out to be the cheapest for the insurers even if they eventually claim all of the costs back. So find out what to expect when you decide to go with your insurer in terms of repairs and the supposed like for like courtesy car that tends to be promised for you to drive whilst your car is being repaired.
Friday, June 15, 2018
Bumper Crash! Land Rover Discovery Sport vs Audi / ConsumerWatch / Motoring
By: N_Walayat
We recently made the fatal mistake of visiting the Thorpe Park Theme Park in London. We were completely unaware of the nightmare that becomes its car park when trying to exit the park where even leaving exiting for a couple of hours makes little difference to the ensuing chaos! CRASH BANG! Find out what happened in my latest video in our Land Rover Discovery Sport Series of just how a Land Rover fairs in an car accident when hit from behind by an Audi, which comes off worse?