Category: Financial Markets 2016
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Wednesday, November 16, 2016
What Does a Trump Presidency Imply for The Credit Market? / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2016
By: Nicholas_Kitonyi
The US just voted Donald Trump to become the next president in the process shocking the world after going against all odds. Many people, including the media, polls, analysts and statisticians had predicted that Hillary Clinton would win the election, but in the college electoral vote she was resoundingly beaten by Trump.
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Tuesday, November 15, 2016
This Is What a Market Mania Looks Like / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2016
By: The_Gold_Report
The Trump election has ignited a market mania, but in economic terms, nothing real has changed and the relief probably won't last long, posit Rudi Fronk and Jim Anthony, cofounders of Seabridge Gold.
The Trump election has ignited a market mania, to everyone's surprise. Our sense is that it reflects an enormous relief that the Obama years of deadlock and do-nothing have finally ended. It's how you would feel if, after eight years, someone finally stopped hitting you with a hammer; you would probably feel pretty good. But in economic terms, nothing real has changed and the relief probably won't last long.
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Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Trump World: What Happens to Your Investments Now? / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2016
By: MoneyMetals
Donald Trump’s victory came as the first surprise for many around the world. The reaction in the markets was the second surprise. Investors got what they expected for a few hours overnight as the ballot results came in; stocks were crushed and metals spiked higher. By mid-morning on Wednesday, however, stocks were surging and metals rolled over.
Now, a few days post-election, commentators and “experts” have written stories to explain the action in markets. Some of these stories may even prove true. But at this early stage, investors should recognize that markets mostly reflect hopes, fears, and high frequency trading shenanigans. Reality tends to arrive later.
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Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Did President-Elect Trump Just Inadvertently Kill The Golden Goose? / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2016
By: Gordon_T_Long
President-Elect Trump may have just unwittingly sowed an equity market draw-down which will send even more protesters into the streets of America. Donald Trump's stated economic policies are clearly pro-growth and if he manages to implement his pro-business, anti-regulation agenda, in the longer term they have the potential to surpass the bold and successful initiatives of Ronald Reagan. However, in the near term he has already unknowingly just shot himself in the foot.
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
The news they're burying in "Trump Week" / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2016
By: Submissions

Trump Trump Trump.
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Monday, November 14, 2016
Commodities, Forex and Stocks Trend Forecasts / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2016
By: Ken_Ticehurst
Our forecast down phase for WTI continues and was largely unaffected by the volatility seen in some markets last week. We could easily see price back down to $30 early in 2017. We expect this weakness to be reflected in many other parts of the commodity sector.
Sunday, November 13, 2016
Bonds, Commodities and Stocks / Commodities / Financial Markets 2016
By: Gary_Savage
Bonds – this past week saw one of the largest weekly selloffs in decades. After finally reaching negative rates in much of the world, has the 36 year bond bubble finally popped?
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Friday, November 11, 2016
Only Winners of the US Presidential Election Are… / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2016
By: Chris_Vermeulen
HSBC,(, is projecting gold to rise to $1,500 an ounce, since the ‘real-estate magnate’ triumphed up from behind in the election results ( It is protection against everything!
The U.S. Debt-to-GDP ratio is 125% and will be growing. ‘Main Street America’ has been told that these are measures required to stimulate economic activity, to prevent crises, increase employment, and soothe the financial markets.
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Friday, November 11, 2016
Financial Markets, Gold, Stocks Full out “RISK ON” / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2016
By: Dan_Norcini
Financial markets are becoming absolutely giddy with delight as they are now firmly looking beyond their “dark night of captivity” to the Obama administration’s growth killing regulatory scheme with all its oppressive mandates to a “new morning” of a business friendly Trump administration.
Wall Street is sensing growth and investors are responding by unceremoniously trash-canning the safe haven or defensive categories of stocks.
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Thursday, November 10, 2016
Trump Win and Brexit - What the Two Biggest Events of 2016 Are All About / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2016
By: Harry_Dent
Like Brexit, Trump staged a surprising win last night, proving every poll wrong.
This is a sign of an underlying trend more massive than the winter economic season that began in 2008. It’s clear evidence of the end of globalization (at least for now). And that’s an important point to take away from the election… and from Brexit.
People are angry. They’re discontent. They’re sick and tired of how small the world has become and they’re ready to revolt. This brings us to the heart of my 250-Year Revolution Cycle.
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Tuesday, November 08, 2016
Watch The EU Banks After The US Election Gyrations Are Over / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2016
By: Gordon_T_Long
We may not know for a fact who will win the US election, but what we do know is that the Credit Cycle has turned. This will turn out to be more important in the near term, once the expected US Election market gyrations have subsided!
Credit Cycle Has Turned
It's time for investors to refocus on the banks who live via the credit cycle, and specifically the troubled EU Banking sector.
When the Credit Cycle turns, those banks most over-extended always "pay the piper"!
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Tuesday, November 08, 2016
Forecast summary: Commodities, Forex and Stocks / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2016
By: Ken_Ticehurst
Our forecast down phase for WTI has now begun, we warned that $50 would be the top and that we would descend in to 2017 with a potential major low to come. Our forecast has not changed and we could easily see price back down to $30 early in 2017. We expect this weakness to be reflected in many other parts of the commodity sector.
Sunday, November 06, 2016
Markets Not Much Action but Don’t Get Careless / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2016
By: Dan_Norcini
The payrolls report came in pretty much as expected and thus seems to be a non-event for the most part.
The Dollar is slightly weaker, bonds are higher, oil is lower and gold is a tad higher. Mining shares are showing weakness today.
I honestly do not think we are going to get much in the way of any CONSISTENT direction in these major markets ( with the exception of crude oil) until after the election results become clear.
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Monday, October 31, 2016
The Fed’s LITERALLY Broadcasting That a MAJOR Monetary Event Is About to Happen / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2016
By: Graham_Summers
The biggest moves… the ones that make the MOST money in the markets are the ones no one is talking about for months.
With that in mind, you NEED to know that the Fed is going to let inflation run wild in the US.
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Friday, October 28, 2016
$50 Trillion in Cash Is Sitting on the Sidelines Today / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2016
By: David_Galland
Dear Parader,
I have just come off what can only be described as “Hell Week” in opening Bad Brothers Wine Experience.
To give you a sense of the enterprise, below are photos of Bad Brothers four days before we opened, and a photo on opening day.
The dramatic difference between before and after is attributable to the way many Argentines approach a job. Weeks, or even months, can go by with modest progress, but when the deadline is staring them in the face like the proverbial onrushing train in the tunnel, 30 or 40 people show up at the door like the company of dwarves in The Hobbit.
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Wednesday, October 26, 2016
4 Incredible Market Forecasts You Have to See to Believe / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2016
Dear reader,
Consider the common thread among these four market calls:
Read full article... Read full article...Forecast 1: A two-month, double-digit rally in a blue-chip stock index, even as investor sentiment hit a negative extreme last seen at the epic market lows of March 2009.
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
The Next big Catalyst for Stocks and Commodities / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2016
By: Clif_Droke
We’re about to enter that time when financial commentators offer up their best guesses as to what investors can expect in the Near Year. It always makes for fun reading, but it also never fails to disappoint. Instead of engaging in that tired exercise in futility, investors would do better to focus on something more productive. And that would be next year’s most likely catalyst for stock and commodity prices.
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Monday, October 24, 2016
Stocks, Crude Oil and EURUSD Trend Forecasts / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2016
By: Ken_Ticehurst
We should now begin to see a drop in WTI over the next couple of months and in to 2017, so far the consolidation that has ocurred over the last few weeks has been as forecast and the next down phase we have been modelling for months is now due.
Monday, October 17, 2016
A Falling Stock Market Cannot Be Allowed - Financial Repression Is Now “In-Play”! / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2016
By: Gordon_T_Long
The Central Bankers have clearly painted themselves into a corner as a result of their self-inflicted, extended period of “cheap money”. Their policies have fostered malinvestment , excessive leverage and a speculative casino approach to investments. Investors forced to take on excess risk for yield and scalp speculative investment returns, must operate in an unstable financial environment ripe for a major correction. A correction because of the high degree of market correlation that likely would be instantaneously contagious across all global financial markets.
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Monday, October 17, 2016
Commodities, Forex and Stock Market Trend Forecasts / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2016
By: Ken_Ticehurst
We should now begin to see a drop in WTI over the next couple of months and in to 2017. So far the last few weeks have been as forecast and the next down phase we have been modelling for months is now due.