Category: US Presidential Election
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Thursday, February 28, 2008
US Presidential Election - God Bless Ralph Nader / ElectionOracle / US Presidential Election
By: Joel_S_Hirschhorn
Because he wants to salvage American democracy and help Americans, Ralph Nader is running for president again. He deserves the support of all Americans that see themselves as progressives, dissidents, independents, and patriots who want to remove the stranglehold of the two-party plutocracy on our political system.Read full article... Read full article...
Friday, January 18, 2008
US Presidential Election Candidates Spouting CHANGE But Stay the SAME / ElectionOracle / US Presidential Election
By: Walter_Brasch
All of the presidential candidates are spouting “CHANGE” as their “catch-word of the day.” Change the health care system. Change the economy. Change the corporate hold on middle-class Americans. The only thing they're not relying upon to get votes is spare change. A multi-million dollar campaign needs corporate investment—the kind the candidates say they oppose, but most are taking, nevertheless.Read full article... Read full article...
Friday, January 18, 2008
Ron Paul Tops US Election's False Agents of Change / ElectionOracle / US Presidential Election
By: Joel_S_Hirschhorn
The good news is the huge pent up public demand for political change. The bad news is that presidential candidates have made a mockery of the concept of change while ignoring true political reforms. Missing are details about fixing the corrupt, dysfunctional political system and restoring balance among the three branches of government and between the states and the federal government.Read full article... Read full article...
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
US Presidential Election 2008 – The Politix Ron Paul the One ? / ElectionOracle / US Presidential Election
By: Ian_Brockwell
The Red or the Blue pill? - Its strange how often Science Fiction can sometimes touch reality and one can't help but think that US politics (and other countries) have a striking resemblance to some areas of the film “Matrix”.Read full article... Read full article...
Monday, February 26, 2007
The Zaniest U.S. Election Campaign of Modern Times - Inflation, Debt, and a Falling Dollar / ElectionOracle / US Presidential Election
By: Money_and_Markets
Almost every non-dollar asset in the world is surging: Gold has just gone through the roof. Other natural resources are following. And foreign stock markets are beating the S&P by up to 11-to-one.
Meanwhile, the dollar is falling, and nearly every dollar-based asset is underperforming or sinking.
Yet few American investors are doing much about it. With rare exceptions, they have ...
- All their real estate in the United States ...
- All their cash in U.S. banks or money markets, and ...
- Nearly their entire stock portfolio in U.S. stocks.
Few have stopped to realize how severe — or how serious — the dollar decline has become.
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