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Analysis Topic: Housing Market Price trends

The analysis published under this topic are as follows.


Thursday, September 12, 2024


By: Nadeem_Walayat

All those who want house prices to go up should be bending over backwards to encourage immigration because those western nations with little immigration are literally DYING. One only needs to look at Asia.

Japan, immigrant population 2.3% - Fertility rate 1.2 - DYING - Population falling at the rate of near 1 million per year!

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Sunday, April 07, 2024

Hidden cost of US homeownership just saw its biggest spike in 5 years / Housing-Market / US Housing

By: Submissions

As millions of Americans lose sleep over record mortgage costs, many overlook one of the biggest expenses they’ll incur as homeowners: property tax.

According to real estate data analytics firm ATTOM, property taxes jumped by 6.9% or more than $4,000 in 2023—the largest annual increase in five years. It's also double the gain from a year earlier.

“Property taxes took an unusually high turn upward last year, pushing effective rates up, while huge gaps in average tax bills between different parts of [the] country remained in place,” said Rob Barber, ATTOM’s chief executive.

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Saturday, February 17, 2024

Nick Millican Explains Real Estate Investment in a Changing World / Housing-Market / US Housing

By: Sumeet_Manhas

Real estate has long been considered the gold standard for investment, anchored by reliable returns and long-term stability. However, the world of real estate investment is constantly evolving, and successful investors must be able to adapt to the changing economic, technological, and environmental landscape to remain profitable. Nick Millican of Greycoat Real Estate has established himself as a recognized and trusted thought leader and advisor in the real estate market, particularly when it comes to large commercial properties and developments in central London.

Nick Millican’s work primarily involves acquiring, developing, and operating commercial properties. His company owns and manages a deeply diversified portfolio of assets, and his investment strategies have evolved significantly over the past several years in response to many multifaceted changes across the global economic, political, financial, and real estate worlds.

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Friday, January 19, 2024

U.S. Real Estate Market: A 24% Problem / Housing-Market / US Housing


"...24% of U.S. single family homes are owned by investors."

A big reason that U.S. home prices have skyrocketed is that big investors like corporations did a lot of buying.

As a headline noted nearly two years ago (Feb. 16, 2022):

Real Estate Investors Are Buying a Record Share of U.S. Homes

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Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Current State of the UK Housing Market as Stocks Climb a Wall of Worry / Housing-Market / UK Housing

By: Nadeem_Walayat

Dear Reader

The stock market is literally climbing a wall of worry, refusing to give any opportunity for the mass of investors sat on the sidelines to jump on board the AI gravy trains unless they buy the highs! Most AI tech stocks are now very overbought i.e. Nvidia, Microsoft, Apple, KLAC, AVGO which had an insane spike last week to $933 that triggered one of my distant SELL limit orders at $899 (current $812).

Whilst many are very overbought that does not mean they cannot become more overbought! This is the problem with TA, the charts tells you that markets are over bought and ripe for a correction, and so one anticipates a fat juicy correction to accumulate into on buying opps perhaps down to below S&P 4000, but as I often state Technical Analysis on it;s own is a coin flip, and worse still is that which most focus on the S&P which is a RED HERRING! Put the two together and you can see how easy it is for most investors to be constantly wrong footed by a. focusing on the S&P and b. not realising that TA is not that reliable going forward, in hindsight its perfect, but going forward it's at best 55/45. One has to go beyond the charts and crunch the numbers and understand the fundamentals that differ for every stock.

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Monday, July 24, 2023

Will UK House Prices Crash 2023? / Housing-Market / UK Housing

By: Nadeem_Walayat

First a reminder of some of the primary drivers for UK house prices (in order of importance).

1. Population Growth

2. Inflation courtesy of money printing.

3. Growing economy.

4. Insufficient new housing construction.

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Tuesday, July 04, 2023

US Real Estate Bubble From A Technical Analysis Point Of View / Housing-Market / US Housing

By: Chris_Vermeulen

Understanding The Market Cycles

My focus usually lies with stock indexes, sectors, and commodities, but today, we venture into the real estate market. Real estate is a market that many people don’t fully comprehend. Many are excited by the robust housing market, believing it’s never been a better time to buy. But the reality is, I believe we’re in a phase that isn’t ideal for such investments.

Taking a leaf from Stan Weinstein’s book, he proposed that the market has four stages: Stage 1, where active investment capital isn’t advisable due to the choppy, flatlining market; Stage 2, the bull market phase; Stage 3, a volatile phase where struggle reigns; and Stage 4, a phase marked by a massive decline. Stages 2 & 4 are usually an easy time for investors to make money. But in Stages 1 & 3, it becomes harder to grow your capital and much easier to lose a hefty portion. This is the crucial time to preserve and protect your wealth for reinvestment when conditions improve.

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Monday, May 15, 2023

The Ultimate Guide to Luxury Property Investment in Turkey / Housing-Market / Turkey

By: Sumeet_Manhas

Are you a high-net-worth individual considering an investment in foreign luxury real estate but need to know which country would be a great fit? We invite you to consider Turkey, a popular destination for investors from all around the world. In this article, we will share knowledge about the steps of buying a property in Turkey and tips on making an excellent choice for your investment portfolio.

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Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Is It Cheaper To Buy A Home In Canada Compared To The UK? / Housing-Market / UK Housing

By: Submissions

The cost-of-living crisis has been hitting heavily in the last couple of years. Not only is it affecting the price of consumer goods and services and the cost of materials and energy, but it is also affecting the very homes we live in.

Back in 2021, property experts were stating that the UK would experience a “bumper year”, but now it is not looking very likely. In fact, housing prices are expected to dip under the rate of inflation, meaning there will be a real-terms reduction, meaning higher interest rates and pricier mortgages for cheaper properties.

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Monday, February 27, 2023

US Housing Market House Prices Current State / Housing-Market / US Housing

By: Nadeem_Walayat

The only way I am going to be able to get the US housing market mega analysis done and dusted is if I break it up into digestible chunks, hence it will be delivered in 3 parts -

1. US Housing Stocks and Implications for House Prices

2. US Economy Implications for House Prices.

3. US House Prices Analysis and concluding 3 year trend forecast.

Why housing stocks first and not last?

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Saturday, February 18, 2023

How This Pattern from the Prior US Housing Market Bust is Repeating / Housing-Market / US Housing


Here's when homes will likely sell for once-in-a-lifetime bargains

Just like the gold "in them thar hills" motivated people from all walks of life to become miners way back when, real estate booms have motivated people from far and wide to become agents.

In both cases, easy riches seemed to be there for the taking.

But easy riches can be hard to get sometimes, as this New York Times headline indicates:

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Friday, January 06, 2023

US Real Estate and Banking Warning Signs / Housing-Market / US Housing


Dear Reader,

Here's a paradox for you: The more investors are convinced of a trend, bullish or bearish, the LESS likely that trend is to continue.

Yep. The big crowd gets aboard right as the trend is ready to change.

What about now? Is now one of those moments?

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Tuesday, December 06, 2022

UK House Prices CRASH 2023 - Warns every man and his dog! Reality vs Perma Doom! / Housing-Market / UK Housing

By: Nadeem_Walayat

The doom merchants are back, that's if they ever went away, go search UK house prices forecast and you are met with a stream of expectations that UIK house prices will fall by between 10% to 30% all latching on to utterances from the OBR and Bank of England despite the fact that neither can forecast their way out of a paper bag!

SO are house prices about to enter a bear market or worse CRASH in response to RISING interest rates? Find out in my latest UK housing market video.

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Thursday, October 06, 2022

US Housing Market BUST - Why the Real Estate Tide is Turning / Housing-Market / US Housing


Here's your next step to get a handle on the global property market.

Treat houses as a consumption item -- or simply as a place to live, and history shows that real prices will fluctuate only modestly over the decades.

Treat houses as an investment, and the value of houses takes on the characteristics of the stock market.

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Saturday, October 01, 2022

Will UK House Prices CRASH Following Bond Market Panic? - 3 Year Trend Forecast 2022 to 2025 / Housing-Market / UK Housing

By: Nadeem_Walayat

The Bank of England PANICS and Bailouts the Banks and Pension Funds once more by reversing course on barely begun Quantitative Tightening to buy up a huge supply of Government Bonds to force long-term interest rates lower because the Banks and Pension funds had gambled with pension fund holder funds on interest rate derivatives.

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Friday, July 29, 2022

All You Need to Know About the Increase in Building Insurance Premiums for Flats / Housing-Market / Insurance

By: Boris_Dzhingarov

If you’ve not heard about the cost of living crisis, then you must have been living under a rock. Expenses are going up while wages are going down and the consequences can be felt across the country. Whether it’s the eye-watering cost of filling up your car or the hike in the bill when you finish your food shop, rising costs are affecting everyone.

Insurance premiums are just one of the casualties.

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Friday, July 29, 2022

The Challenges on the Horizon for UK Landlords / Housing-Market / Buy to Let

By: Boris_Dzhingarov

Climate change – it’s a phrase we’ve heard all too often in recent months, years, and decades. The UK government has begun to action aspects of its manifesto towards tackling the problem and as a result, there are stricter regulations coming into play that will begin to effect landlords across the country. With such changes in the not-too-distant future, many landlords might already start worrying about the cost. Fortunately, companies like Propp specialise in finding the best finance for any given property, especially short-term funding agreements that will assist in covering the costs incurred of getting a property to the standard it needs to be to meet upcoming laws and policies.

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Wednesday, July 13, 2022

UK House Prices 2022 to 2025 Trend Forecast Conclusion / Housing-Market / UK Housing

By: Nadeem_Walayat

My expectations are for for average UK House prices (Halifax) to continue to trend higher over the next 3 years, punctuated by a brief pause during early 2023 in response to interest rate hikes, weakening economy and tax rises. However persistent high inflation, extreme over crowding and continuing strong population growth ensures that the bull market will remain in tact. Therefore my forecast conclusion is for average UK house prices (Halifax) to target a rise from £278,123 as of February 2022 over the next 3 years to £340,632 for February 2025 data (Halifax) targeting a price increase of 22.5% over 3 three years as as illustrated by my trend forecast graph below -

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Tuesday, July 12, 2022

UK House Prices Trend Forecast 2022 to 2025 / Housing-Market / UK Housing

By: Nadeem_Walayat

This is the 3rd and final part of my extensive analysis of the UK housing market that concludes in a detailed 3 year trend forecast for UK house prices ( Part 1, Part 2 )

UK House Prices Trend Forecast 2022 to 2025

High Inflation Forecast for Whole of this Decade Due to Rampant Money Printing
Fed Inflation Strategy Revealed
Russian Sanctions Stagflation Driver
UK Debt Inflation Smoking Gun
Britains' Hyper Housing Market
UK Population Growth Forecast 2010 to 2030
UK House Building and Population Growth Analysis
UK Over Crowding Ratio
Overcrowding Implications for UK House Prices
UK Housing Market Affordability
UK House Prices Real Terms Sustainable Trend
UK House Prices Relative to GDP Growth
UK House Prices Momentum Forecast
UK House Prices and the Inflation Mega-trend
Is the US Yield Curve Inversion Broken?
UK house Prices and Yield Curve Inversions
Interest Rates How High WIll they Go?
Work From Home Inflationary BOOM?
Formulating a UK House Prices Forecast 
UK House Prices 2022 to 2025 Trend Forecast Conclusion
Peering into the Mists of TIme
Risks to the Forecasts
US House Prices Trend Forecast 2022-2024

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Sunday, July 10, 2022

Formulating a UK House Prices Forecast  / Housing-Market / UK Housing

By: Nadeem_Walayat

House prices will be higher a year from now, 2 years from now and definitely 3 years from now, the question mark is how high?

Momentum suggests a flat lining market from late 2022 with very light upwards price pressure during early 2023 that could see house price inflation briefly fall towards zero accompanied by maybe a couple of down months before the bull market resumes going into 2024 and 2025.

Net immigration of 300k and an expected Ukrainian influx of at least 200k is going to put the UK housing market under extra strain and upwards price pressure.

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