Friday, February 03, 2017
Walkers UEFA Snap & Share To Win Match Tickets, PS4 and Footballs / Personal_Finance / Freebies and Comps
By: Anika_Walayat
Walkers have just started a new promotion in conjunction with UEFA Champions League where buyers of crisp packets could win prizes including 40 pairs of match tickets, 500 play stations and 7000 footballs. All you have to do is to share a selfie that contains the top of your face with the crisp packet. Confused? Watch the video and all will become clear.
Thursday, February 02, 2017
Channel 4 War on 'Fake News', Forgets Own Alt Reality Propaganda Broadcasting / Politics / Mainstream Media
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Apparently Channel 4 is going to go to war against 'Fake News' next week with the likes of "i know nothing" Jon Snow fronting mocumentaries of the 'Fake News' of 2016. Don't get me wrong I love watching John Snow, it's about as close as the mainstream press ever gets close to a dose of reality from within their Left-Right political spectrum that they have been stuck in since the broadcast channels first started appearing in the 1970's. Since which time nothing much has changed, in that they fail to realise that the likes of Channel 4, BBC inhabit their own liberal alt-reality that each year reinforces the delirium perpetuated on themselves and the general population.
Thursday, February 02, 2017
MACD: Learn to Recognize Trade Setups / InvestorEducation / Learn to Trade
See examples in Pfizer, Inc. (PFE) and Intel Corp. (INTC)
Just as there are patterns in price, there are also patterns in momentum indicators. These patterns can support your Elliott wave analysis and help you identify tradable moves in price.
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Thursday, February 02, 2017
Could Cars Be the Death of Us This Time Around? / Interest-Rates / Debt Crisis 2017
By: Harry_Dent

We weren’t surprised. In fact, we saw it coming. After all, cars are the last large purchase people make before stepping quietly into their years of increased saving and decreased spending. From around the age of 57 to 64, one task takes center stage: save for retirement. In the durable goods sector, housing peaks first around age 40, then furnishings at age 46. Only automobiles continue to grow after the peak in spending at age 46.
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Thursday, February 02, 2017
American Fracking Companies Keeping Their DUCs in a Row / Commodities / Articles
By: Rodney_Johnson

And in addition, several non-OPEC producers, like Russia, are also cutting production. If history is any guide we could do away with the titles and simply call the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, and the all rest, the Energy Liars’ Club.
They often say one thing and then do another.
Even Saudi Arabia’s Oil Minister noted that OPEC members have a history of lying to each other. I don’t care how they treat each other. I’m only interested in how their actions – not their words – affect the money in my pocket.
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Thursday, February 02, 2017
Red States vs Blue States - What’s Next: A Third and Potentially Lethal Trigger / Politics / US Politics
By: Harry_Dent

Unfortunately, the state we find ourselves in today has been painted on the wall for a long time! And my hierarchy of cycles – which includes the Spending Wave Cycle, the Technology Cycle, the Geopolitical Cycle and the Boom/Bust Cycle – have shown me for many years now what we have in store. And now a near 100-year cycle in globalization has peaked, much like the last one did when World War I started.
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Thursday, February 02, 2017
How Misconceptions Are Driving the US to Sociopolitical Disaster / Politics / US Politics
By: David_Galland
Throughout history, bad ideas such as those espoused by Marx have taken hold in the public arena and become institutionalized. This occurred despite the inherent violence required by a system in which individuals are forced to be subservient to the state. I’ve discussed issues like this previously, but I find it continues to be relevant today.
The iconic socialist revolutionary, Che Guevara, made the case that in a true socialist revolution, large swaths of the population had to die.
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Thursday, February 02, 2017
Trump Voters And The News Media Have Something In Common / Politics / US Politics
By: John_Mauldin
BY PATRICK WATSON : Donald Trump won the White House for two main reasons.
First, in the last 20 years, new technology and globalist “free trade” agreements combined to destroy millions of middle-class jobs. Particularly, manufacturing jobs. I’ve written about the future implications of this trend in Connecting the Dots (subscribe here for free).
Second, our political and business elites didn't recognize this was happening—or just didn't care. In either case, they failed to respond adequately. President Trump is a direct result of their negligence.
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Thursday, February 02, 2017
Buy Gold Because of Uncertainty Not Doomsday / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2017
By: The_Gold_Report
Doomsday Clock moves closer to midnight
- World not been as close to self-destruction since 1953
- Threat of nuclear powers, climate change and technology all considered heightened risks
- First time the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists have singled out an individual – President Trump
- Doom-mongering is arguably distracting and uncertainties should be more considered
- Gold and silver perform well during times of uncertainty and provide a safe-haven
- Wall Street’s largest fund managers have bet on gold in face of growing uncertainty
Thursday, February 02, 2017
Stock Market More Fluctuations Following Monday's Move Down - Which Direction Next? / Stock-Markets / Stock Market 2017
By: Paul_Rejczak
Briefly: In our opinion, speculative short positions are favored (with stop-loss at 2,330, and profit target at 2,150, S&P 500 index).
Our intraday outlook remains bearish, and our short-term outlook is bearish. Our medium-term outlook remains neutral, following S&P 500 index breakout above last year's all-time high:
Intraday outlook (next 24 hours): bearish
Short-term outlook (next 1-2 weeks): bearish
Medium-term outlook (next 1-3 months): neutral
Long-term outlook (next year): neutral
Thursday, February 02, 2017
White House Puts Iran on Notice Over Its Legitimate Missile Tests / Politics / Iran
By: Stephen_Lendman
On Wednesday, Trump’s National Security Advisor Michael Flynn irresponsibly lashed out against Iran’s recent legitimate ballistic missile tests.
Without justification, he claimed they “undermine security, prosperity and stability throughout and beyond the Middle East that puts American lives at risk.”
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Thursday, February 02, 2017
The Oil War Is Only Just Getting Started / Commodities / Crude Oil
By: OilPrice_Com
It’s been a month now that investors and analysts have been closely watching two main drivers for oil prices: how OPEC is doing with the supply-cut deal, and how U.S. shale is responding to fifty-plus-dollar oil with rebounding drilling activity. Those two main factors are largely neutralizing each other, and are putting a floor and a cap to a price range of between $50 and $60.
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Thursday, February 02, 2017
Weaker US$ Could Send Gold & Gold Stocks to Higher Targets / Commodities / Gold & Silver Stocks 2017
By: Jordan_Roy_Byrne
Gold has underperformed both in nominal and real terms. Last week it formed a bearish reversal in nominal terms and against foreign currencies. However, the good news for bulls is the US Dollar Index lost support at 100, due to the Trump administration’s tough talk against Germany (and the Euro). Couple that with no movement from the Fed and the greenback should continue its decline, thereby juicing the current rebound in Gold and especially gold stocks.
Thursday, February 02, 2017
NDX Closes in Plus Column as Market has Interesting Day / Stock-Markets / Stock Market 2017
By: Harry_Boxer
The stock market indices had an interesting, volatile day. The day started out with a big gap at the opening, had a very sharp, pullback retest midmorning, then a 5-wave advance that was much stronger on the Nasdaq 100 than the S&P 500, they pulled back, bounced around, held support, and closed positive on the Nasdaq 100, but the S&P 500 closed flat on the day.
Net on the day, the Dow was up 27.86 at 19,890.87. The S&P 500 bounced off the 2272 level to 2282, and closed up just .68 at 2279.55. The Nasdaq 100 went from 5130 to 5159, and close up 35.92 at 5152.69.
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Thursday, February 02, 2017
Pass the Gatorade - How Much Did the US Election Really Matter? / Politics / US Politics
By: Andy_Sutton
We’ll start out this week by prepping you. This article is going to annoy quite a few people. We’ll warn you up front that neither of us subscribes to the idea of political parties or platforms. We have the Constitution; that is good enough for us. We credit people like Dr. Paul Craig Roberts for having the backbone to be one of the early people to break out the box of pins to pop the balloon of idiocy that has been floating around the past few months. What we’re talking about is the kind of idiocy we haven’t seen since 2008 when one side of the political spectrum swamped into Washington DC and absolutely trashed the place. We’ll see if the other side can do better.
Thursday, February 02, 2017
Unrest Is The Only Growth Industry Left / Politics / US Politics
By: Raul_I_Meijer
Benoît Hamon won the run-off for the presidential nomination of the Socialist party in France last weekend. The party that still, lest we forget, runs the country; current president François Hollande is a Socialist, even if only in name, but he did win the previous election. Hamon ran on a platform of shortening the workweek from 35 to 32 hours, legalizing cannabis and ‘easing’ the country into a universal basic income of €750/month per capita. He’s way left of Hollande, who has a hilariously low approval rating of 4%.
Thursday, February 02, 2017
Tesco Supermarket Tomatoes vs Homegrown - Which is Better, Bigger? / Personal_Finance / Gardening
By: Sami_Walayat
Now is the right time of year to get started growing your own vegetables of which given the high shop prices tomatoes should be at the top of ones grow our own list. So exactly what difference can one expect between home grown tomatoes, say on a window sill and supermarket shop bought tomatoes such as from Tesco? Find out in this video.
Wednesday, February 01, 2017
Stock Market Retracement Retreats at the Trendline / Stock-Markets / Stock Market 2017
By: Anthony_Cherniawski
SPX retraced 65% of its decline, a reasonable bounce, before retreating back toward its opening price. Filling this morning’s gap give SPX permission to decline even further. That may not happen until later this afternoon. My best analysis is that SPX may level off in a 2-hour consolidation until early afternoon. However, a decline beneath Short-term support at 2277.08 may put SPX in a position to challenge (and possibly defeat) Intermediate-term support at 2268.40.
Wednesday, February 01, 2017
Why Alternative Facts and Cashless Will Benefit Gold / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2017
By: GoldCore
Why gold will benefit from the alternative fact of the cashless society
- Alternative facts prevail in the European Commission’s calls for cash controls
- Terrorism is blamed for the need to control cash
- Evidence shows criminals find alternative ways to finance activities
- Citizens continue to want and to use cash in day-to-day life
- Cashless society is being used to force through other ‘agendas’
- Gold and silver will be used as savers are forced to hold assets outside of the financial system
Wednesday, February 01, 2017
China’s “One Belt, One Road” Is a Nice Thought, but Nothing More / Politics / China
By: John_Mauldin
BY JACOB SHAPIRO : In late 2013, Chinese President Xi Jinping showed off the One Belt, One Road (OBOR) plan in Kazakhstan and Indonesia.
Xi’s OBOR could be a bold economic development program that will vault Chinese political power ahead in the modern day. However, the OBOR plan is at an early stage.
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