Category: Stock Market 2017
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Monday, November 27, 2017
S&P 500 At New Record High, Will Uptrend Continue? / Stock-Markets / Stock Market 2017
By: Paul_Rejczak
Intraday trade: Our Wednesday's intraday trading outlook was neutral. It proved accurate because the S&P 500 index lost 0.1%, following neutral opening of the trading session. The market broke above its short-term consolidation last week. We still can see negative technical divergences along with medium-term overbought conditions. However, there have been no confirmed negative signals so far. Therefore, we prefer to be out of the market today, avoiding low risk/reward ratio trades.
Our intraday outlook is neutral today. Our short-term outlook is neutral, and our medium-term outlook is neutral:
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Monday, November 27, 2017
The Insanity Of Stock Market Investors / Stock-Markets / Stock Market 2017
By: Avi_Gilburt
As I read articles in early 2016, the debate centered around how deep the “crash” is going to take us, and much of it was event-focused. As I now read articles as 2017 comes to an end, they are still discussing how deep the “crash” is going to take us, and it still remains event-focused. But, while many are debating that issue, I now see much debate on how high this market will take us.
When investors begin to turn towards the “how high” debate is the point in time where one must become truly worried about how high this market can take us. You see, market sentiment is a funny market driver. When the great majority of market participants speak in terms of inevitable crash, you should be looking for an imminent bottom. However, when the great majority are speaking in terms of “new paradigm,” or how the market will “certainly continue in its current trend,” then its time to begin to look towards a market top.
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Monday, November 27, 2017
Stock Market Bulls Beware - We Are Finally Closing In On A Top / Stock-Markets / Stock Market 2017
By: Avi_Gilburt
When former bears call for a “New Golden Age” of the stock market, with targets of the DOW set at 100,000, well, it is clearly time for bulls to beware.
In fact, the Dow 100,000 prediction of this former bear is explained as follows:
“This is not some pie in the sky prediction.
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Sunday, November 26, 2017
Stock Market Minor Top / Stock-Markets / Stock Market 2017
By: Andre_Gratian
Current Position of the Market
SPX: Long-term trend – The bull market is continuing with no sign of a major top in sight.
Intermediate trend – Soon coming to an end – 2 wks?
Analysis of the short-term trend is done on a daily basis with the help of hourly charts. It is an important adjunct to the analysis of daily and weekly charts which discusses the course of longer market trends.
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Friday, November 24, 2017
Stock Market Lemmings Are Heading Towards The Cliff… Again / Stock-Markets / Stock Market 2017
By: Gary_Savage
Did we learn nothing from the tech bubble?
The real estate bubble?
The energy bubble?
Apparently not, as here we go again. The next series of bubbles is now in progress (Bitcoin is the first).
Let me go over again the signs of a bubble. Price will usually rally at least 100% or more in a year or less. A clear sign of out of control human emotions.
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Thursday, November 23, 2017
Stocks Are At The End Of The Line – Prepare Yourself Now! / Stock-Markets / Stock Market 2017
By: Enda_Glynn
I pay as much attention to anecdotal evidence from the actions of market actors as I do to the actual price action on a daily basis!
Well heres another new all time high for you,
The NYSE margin debt figures were released a few days ago for September last.
NYSE margin debt was up 1.59% on the August figure.
And now stands at a new all time high of $559,641.
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
Stock Market High May be Nearby... / Stock-Markets / Stock Market 2017
By: Anthony_Cherniawski
SPX has hit the first of its targets. While it may go higher, this may warn that there may not be much left in this rally. The European markets close at 11:30 and this fits well with the chance of a reversal within this time frame.
Monday, November 20, 2017
Many Stock Market Investors Are Waiting for the New Tax Plan to Hit the Sell Button / Stock-Markets / Stock Market 2017
By: John_Mauldin
BY PATRICK WATSON : Congress is deciding your portfolio’s future right now—so you might want to pay attention.
In Connecting the Dots six months ago, I said, “There will be no tax cut this year, and likely not in 2018, either.” I still see almost no chance that anything will pass.
Saying the parties are divided would be an understatement. It’s a chasm that separates not just Democrats and Republicans, but Republicans internally as well.
Add the lobbying firepower brought in by those who stand to lose and any significant changes are almost impossible. So we’re probably stuck with the present system.
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Sunday, November 19, 2017
Stock Market More Correction Ahead? / Stock-Markets / Stock Market 2017
By: Andre_Gratian
Current position of the market
SPX: Long-term trend – The bull market is continuing with no sign of a major top in sight.
Intermediate trend – Soon coming to an end.
Saturday, November 18, 2017
SPX Cycle Concern / Stock-Markets / Stock Market 2017
By: SurfCity
I have the SPX on just day two of a new short term Trading Cycle but many of the technical indicators I watch are showing signs that the momentum of the SPX’s longer 5-6 month Intermediate Cycle (IC) are starting to stall near the 3 month mark of the current IC Uptrend. My first Daily chart shows volatility has returned and we often see this at cycle turns. Yes we are on day 2 out of a TCL/DCL but my second chart also shows 3 key TA indicators that may be signaling a top forming on the SPX’s longer Intermediate Cycle.
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Friday, November 17, 2017
Stock Market Ready To Pull The Rug Out From Under You! / Stock-Markets / Stock Market 2017
By: Enda_Glynn
This week we got the news that the fed has finally reached its 2% inflation goal!
This is after 9 years of interest rates pinned on the floor,
About 4.5 trillion in cheap credit flooded into government and wall st.
That is all it takes!
Now the central bank can rest easy as the target has been met and all is well with the world.
Thursday, November 16, 2017
Stock Market Crash Omens & Predictions: Another Day Another Lie / Stock-Markets / Stock Market 2017
By: Sol_Palha

Over the past several years the Naysayers have predicted the Market would crash and burn; we blatantly disagreed and opted instead to state that the market would continue to soar higher and higher. Despite the severe beating these naysayers have taken, they insist on regurgitating the same trash over and over again in the blind hope that by some miracle their insane ramblings come to pass. As soon as October was upon us, these experts started screaming at the top of their lungs. What was their latest prediction; a repeat of the 1987 Stock Market Crash. We immediately repudiated these predictions. Here is a brief excerpt from the article we posted in October.
Thursday, November 16, 2017
Stock Market Last Time This Happened - Consumers Are Both Confident And Broke / Stock-Markets / Stock Market 2017
By: John_Rubino
Elliott Wave International recently put together a chart (click here or on the chart to watch the accompanying video) that illustrates a recurring theme of financial bubbles: When good times have gone on for a sufficiently long time, people forget that it can be any other way and start behaving as if they’re bulletproof. They stop saving, for instance, because they’ll always have their job and their stocks will always go up.
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Wednesday, November 15, 2017
What "Too Confident to Save" Means for Stocks / Stock-Markets / Stock Market 2017
What "Too Confident to Save" Means for Stocks
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
Harry Dent’s Fourth Cycle: More Evidence of Stock Market Downturn / Stock-Markets / Stock Market 2017
By: Harry_Dent

I’ve already got the label of “crackpot,” so giving skeptics more meat to chew on was tough. I did it anyway because I’d done my research (as I always do) and knew that we’ve had major or minor recessions about every 10 years!
They occurred in the early 1960s, early-to-mid 1970s, early 1980s, early 1990s, early 2000s, and between 2008/2009.
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Monday, November 13, 2017
Has the Stock Market’s Topping Process Begun? / Stock-Markets / Stock Market 2017
By: Harry_Dent

My co-author on the new book, Zero Hour (out next Tuesday), Andrew Pancholi, also identified the largest ever turn point in his newsletter. He pinned that turn point to mid-October.
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Monday, November 13, 2017
Stock Market Critical Supports are Being Challenged / Stock-Markets / Stock Market 2017
By: Anthony_Cherniawski
SPX futures appear to be challenging the Ending Diagonal trendline near 2575.00 and Short-term support at 2578.41. The decline to the 50-day Moving Average at 2540.61 may be considered underway once those supports are broken. A break of the 50-day Moving Average in European stocks may trigger the same response in US stocks.
ZeroHedge reports, “S&P futures gave up early gains and were trading down -0.2%, as Donald Trump completes his first Asian tour and as pressure mounts on U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May, sending the pound plunging. European stocks fell, tracking many Asian shares as the Nikkei plunge accelerated.
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Monday, November 13, 2017
Short-Term Stock Market Uncertainty Following Recent Rally, Will Stocks Continue Higher? / Stock-Markets / Stock Market 2017
By: Paul_Rejczak
Intraday trade: Our Friday's intraday trading outlook was bearish. It proved partly wrong because the S&P 500 index lost 0.1% (neutral), following slightly lower opening of the trading session. The market remained within relatively narrow intraday trading range. We still can see technical overbought conditions along with negative divergences. Therefore, intraday short position is favored again. Stop-loss is at the level of 2,600 and potential profit target is at 2,555 (S&P 500 index).
Our intraday outlook is bearish today. Our short-term outlook is neutral, and our medium-term outlook is neutral:
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Sunday, November 12, 2017
Anyone Else Want To Call For A Stock Market Crash? / Stock-Markets / Stock Market 2017
By: Avi_Gilburt
Hindenburg omens. Market valuations. Record low volatility. And, I am only scratching the surface of all the reasons paraded before investors as to why this market is, in their opinion, “too high.”
So, is this time different? Have we finally conquered the business cycle and the stock market will rally on forever?
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Sunday, November 12, 2017
Stock Market Correction Phase / Stock-Markets / Stock Market 2017
By: Andre_Gratian
Current position of the market
SPX: Long-term trend – The bull market is continuing with no sign of a major top in sight.
Intermediate trend – Soon coming to an end.
Analysis of the short-term trend is done on a daily basis with the help of hourly charts. It is an important adjunct to the analysis of daily and weekly charts which discusses the course of longer market trends.
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