Category: China US Conflict
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Monday, September 19, 2022
China Could Deliver the MOTHER of ALL BLACK SWAN's! / Politics / China US Conflict
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Continuing the trend trajectory of China's collapsing insane ponzi property market that is triggering bank runs and CCP crackdowns including the deployment of tanks to meet protesting bank customers who are systematically having their lifetime savings stolen, converted from bank deposits into risky investments in bankrupt developers, then this trend towards financial collapse could result in the mother of all Black Swan events that is not on anyone's radar which is that Chairman Xi Mao Jinping literally presses the RESET button in a new GREAT LEAP BACKWARDS! THAT CHINA COULD ONCE MORE TURN FULL BLOWN COMMUNIST! The slaves got a taste of CCP capitalism which they then erased ALL of the masses hard earned wealth on the click of a mouse button.
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Tuesday, May 24, 2022
Why Ray Dalio is WRONG About China - Principles for Dealing with the Changing World Order / Politics / China US Conflict
By: Nadeem_Walayat
A number of patrons mentioned Ray Dalio and his new book "Principles for Dealing with the Changing World Order" and asked for my opinion, In respect of which Ray Dalio posted a high production 40 minute youtube video of the same title.
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Sunday, October 10, 2021
Can US Save Taiwan From China? Taiwan Strait Naval Battle - PLA vs 7th Fleet War Game Simulation / Politics / China US Conflict
By: N_Walayat
China over the past week has been ramping up it's incursions into Taiwanese air space culminating with Emperor Xi Jinping reiterating that Taiwan is a province of China and will reunify with the mainland either by peaceful means or by force. Whilst recently the US deployed 3 carrier groups accompanied by Britain's sole aircraft carrier near Taiwan though not in the Straits.
This war game simulation pits the Chinese PLA Navy against the US 7th Fleet that comprises 70 war ships including 2 air craft carriers, also deployed is a third carrier group with the objective of deterring the Chinese Navy from attacking Taiwan.
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Saturday, October 09, 2021
US China War over Taiwan Simulation 2021, Invasion Forecast - Who Will Win? / Politics / China US Conflict
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The War with China Mega-trend. If you have been following my analysis over the past 5 years then you will know that I expect a war with China is being inevitable with many flashpoint's for an hot war likely culminating in the nuking of the spratly Islands in the South China Sea.
This simulation covers what is most probable outcome if China launched an all out assault to seize Taiwan and the US chose to intervened with determined force i.e. its 7th Fleet comprising 2 air craft carriers and about 70 ships to deter such an attack.
So who would win such an engagement of largely naval forces on an epic scale?
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Thursday, September 30, 2021
America’s Revolving-Door Politics Behind the Fall of US-Sino Ties / Politics / China US Conflict
By: Dan_Steinbock
The US-Sino ties plunged in the Trump era, but the downfall has intensified in the Biden era. Without policy shifts, the tensions, fueled by defense contractors, translate to arms races and elevated nuclear risks in Asia.
In just nine months, Biden’s net ratings have plunged by a stunning 20 percent, which leaves him behind all U.S. postwar presidents except for Trump, many of whose policies his White House has embraced. Today, Biden’s performance divides the nation, just as Trump’s did before him.
True, Biden pledged to end America’s longest war in Afghanistan. That does not spell end to the “forever wars.” It only means shifts of resource allocations to new regions. Last June, Bernie Sanders warned that such policies could "start another Cold War” against China.
The global challenges America faces – climate change, pandemics, nuclear proliferation, massive economic inequality, corruption and authoritarianism – are shared challenges. They cannot be overcome unilaterally, Sanders warned. It is “distressing and dangerous that a fast-growing consensus is emerging in Washington that views the U.S.-Chinese relationship as a zero-sum economic and military struggle.”
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Monday, September 07, 2020
From Trump’s TikTok Mess to US Tech Cold War against China / Politics / China US Conflict
By: Dan_Steinbock
As the Trump administration is expanding trade wars, which could derail global recovery, the White House is targeting Chinese innovators thus fostering US national champions under the pretext of ‘national security.’
In the early 2010s, an aspiring Chinese internet entrepreneur Zhang Yiming launched ByteDance, while developing a video sharing platform. After success in China, he began to internationalize TikTok.
To avoid conflict in national jurisdictions, Zhang had TikTok and its Chinese version Douying run on separate servers. TikTok's data collection is similar to that of major US social media and certainly less intrusive than Facebook’s.
By August, Douying had over 500 million active users, while TikTok surpassed 1 billion users worldwide in barely four years. To manage the global concern, Zhang hired a Disney executive to head TikTok and oversee its parent ByteDance. Backed by the largest US and Japanese financial giants, the parent was valued at $75 billion; the most valuable startup worldwide.
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Tuesday, August 18, 2020
From Trump’s TikTok Mess to Technology War against China / Politics / China US Conflict
By: Dan_Steinbock
As the US economy is expanding trade wars, which will derail global recovery, the Trump White House is targeting Chinese innovators thus fostering US national champions under the pretext of ‘national security.
In the early 2010s, an aspiring Chinese internet entrepreneur Zhang Yiming launched ByteDance, while developing a video sharing platform. After success in China, he began to internationalize TikTok.
To avoid conflict in national jurisdictions, Zhang had TikTok and its Chinese version Douying run on separate servers. TikTok's data collection is similar to that of major US social media and certainly less intrusive than Facebook’s.
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Wednesday, June 10, 2020
Trump's Final Gamble: From Chinagate to Hybrid Wars / Politics / China US Conflict
By: Dan_Steinbock
The disastrous failure of the Trump administration to contain COVID-19 will result in catastrophic 2nd quarter data. As a result, Trump is risking his re-election on domestic unrest, fatal geopolitics and a global depression.
The cold reality is that the Trump administration learned about the virus already on January 3, when CDC Director Dr. Robert R. Redfield informed Secretary of Health Alex Azar that China had discovered a new coronavirus. Yet no mobilization was initiated until toward late March (see my report here):
Indeed, the Trump White House missed three opportunities to contain the virus outbreak; in January (between CDC alert and WHO’s international emergency), the 1st quarter (between the WHO emergency and the pandemic alert) and the 2nd quarter (since social distancing began 6-8 weeks late and inadequately).
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Friday, May 01, 2020
Coronavirus Wuhan Bio Lab Origins Paving Way for US War with China / Politics / China US Conflict
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The CCP opened one of their desk drawers marked "Do Not Open" to reveal that the number of total deaths is actually 50% higher than previously reported. Expect more such revisions upwards though likely we will never know the true number since many bodies were disposed off in mass cremations, and I would not be surprised if the real number was at least 5 times higher than Beijing propaganda, all of which acts as accelerant on the War with China mega-trend as what the West is experiencing does not match that which China reported to the world to expect for which there will be a reckoning with China. As is the focus of my latest video based on excerpted analysis from my article made available to Patrons on the 6th of April.
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Wednesday, April 29, 2020
US Paving the Way for War with China / Politics / China US Conflict
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Meanwhile the CCP opened one of their desk drawers marked "Do Not Open" to reveal that the number of total deaths is actually 50% higher than previously reported. Expect more such revisions upwards though likely we will never know the true number since many bodies were disposed off in mass cremations, and I would not be surprised if the real number was at least 5 times higher than Beijing propaganda, all of which acts as accelerant on the War with China mega-trend as what the West is experiencing does not match that which China reported to the world to expect for which there will be a reckoning with China. As is the focus of my latest video based on excerpted analysis from my article made available to Patrons on the 6th of April.
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Friday, April 17, 2020
Coronavirus Attack is America's Pearl Harbor Moment - US Heading for War in South China Sea / Politics / China US Conflict
By: Nadeem_Walayat
If you have been following my analysis for sometime then you will be aware that one of the key mega-trend drivers of our time is the War with China mega-trend that I set forth in the following two pieces of in-depth analysis of what I expected to follow that were posted BEFORE Trump took office, a TREND that remains firmly in progress encompassing Trade, Economic, Cyber, Market, Corporate, Territory, Military and Nuclear!
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Monday, April 06, 2020
Coronavirus is America's "Pearl Harbour" Moment, There Will be a Reckoning With China / Politics / China US Conflict
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The Coronavirus catastrophe continues to unfold which makes a mockery of all those from the President downwards who used to peddle the line that it was not much worse than the flu. Well whilst many including the President have since changed their tune, however a significant number of people continue to not take it seriously stating that the high death rate is as a consequence of lack of testing..
However, if the coronavirus was little worse than the flu then as the US has now increased testing to over 100,000 per day then the case fatality rate should be falling. But that's not what's happening as the more the US tests then the higher the death rate climbs each day and each week.
So the problem with the not much worse than the flu assumption is that the Case Fatality Rates are INCREASING WITH MORE TESTING!
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Tuesday, November 19, 2019
China's Grand Plan to Take Over the World / Economics / China US Conflict
By: John_Mauldin

There is no simple disengagement path, given the scope of economic and legal entanglements. This isn’t a “trade” we can simply walk away from.
But it is also one that, if allowed to continue in its current form, could lead to a loss of personal freedom for Western civilization. It really is that much of an existential question.
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Tuesday, November 05, 2019
China Is an Underrated Threat to the World / Politics / China US Conflict
By: John_Mauldin
In Hong Kong, somewhere between 1–2 million people (out of a 7+ million population) have taken to the streets protesting an extradition bill proposed by Beijing.
These protests have been ongoing and persistent. That the extradition bill has now been withdrawn is seemingly not enough to satisfy a smaller but active protest group.
And then came the furor over the NBA. The general manager of the Houston Rockets, Daryl Morey, tweeted out a small and rather innocuous message of support for the Hong Kong protesters.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
War Gaming the US-China Trade War / Politics / China US Conflict
By: John_Mauldin
By Justin Spittler: People respond to incentives. So do national governments. This is foundational to both economics and geopolitics.
Carefully examining each side’s incentives can illuminate how a conflict will end. No one has infinite choices. They choose from limited options.
That applies to the US-China trade war, which is right now one of our top economic issues. So let’s think through what the players really want, and what each can actually do.
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Sunday, August 04, 2019
Trade Tariff Economic Damage Spreading in US, China within Target in H2 2019 / Economics / China US Conflict
By: Dan_Steinbock

After an important meeting of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), participants said that China seeks to make its fiscal policy more effective and to maintain “reasonably ample” liquidity.
Instead of resorting to a stimulus in the real estate market, the emphasis will be on “proactive fiscal policy and prudent monetary policy.” It is a challenging balancing act, but the right stance in the right time.
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Friday, August 02, 2019
Trump Trade Tariffs US War with China Mega-trend Impact on Stock Markets / Stock-Markets / China US Conflict
By: Nadeem_Walayat
For some reason there are still mainstream media journalists out there going on about how China is winning the trade war against the US. Perhaps they just want to pump out any propaganda that hurts trumps re-election prospects? Or more likely are clueless automatons whose primary purpose is to regurgitate the editorial line of media out fits they represent. Anyway they are still just as wrong as they have been for the duration of the Trump presidency.
Sunday, June 16, 2019
US China War - Thucydides Trap and gold / Politics / China US Conflict
By: Richard_Mills
When an emerging power attempts to supplant a hegemonic power in international politics, major conflict often ensues. This is the definition of “The Thucydides Trap” as explained in a recent op-ed piece in The Japan Times.
The Thucydides Trap (pronounced “thu”, like you have a heavy lisp + sid + idees) is a term invented by Graham Allison, a professor at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government. Alison has been saying since 2015 that war between a rising power, China, and an established power, the United States, is inevitable, based on historical examples. The argument is fleshed out in his book, 'Destined for War: Can America and China Escape Thucydides’sTrap?'
Allison’s Thucydides Trap has become a popular topic of conversation among the chattering classes in these troubling times in America, especially with a loose cannon like Trump as the tweeter-in-chief who has the keys to the nuclear button. As positions in the trade dispute get more entrenched, and issues like Huawei crop up, many are talking about a march to war with a new adversary: China.
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Wednesday, May 29, 2019
US is Winning Trade War with China...for Now / Economics / China US Conflict
By: Richard_Mills
The ongoing battle between the United States and China for economic supremacy isn’t only being fought in the gilded ballrooms of Washington, as trade negotiators from either side parry over automobile parts content, intellectual property rights, government subsidies and the like.
Casualties and victories are also borne out over the decks of hulking freighters that carry the commodities which make up the nuts and bolts of international trade.
Indeed, shipping statistics are often sought by economics and traders trying to predict the health of a country’s economy or the world economy. The Baltic Dry Index (BDI) is one such leading indicator. Another is the Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI). PMIs are a monthly survey of supply chain managers across 19 industries. An economy with a PMI of over 50 is considered to be growing; under 50 means an economy is treading water or possibly drowning.
This article is concerned with the Baltic Dry Index and other shipping statistics - such as cargo volumes through West Coast ports - that we can use to determine who, at this stage, China or the US, is winning the trade war.
The overall conclusion we, at Ahead of the Herd, came up with, is that the United States is winning, in terms of raw economic data, but at a cost to both economies of roughly $165 billion in two-way trade. The losers also include US consumers who are paying more for imported goods, and companies in both countries that can’t afford 25% tariffs for an extended period of time.
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Monday, May 13, 2019
Stock Market US China Trade War Panic - Video / Stock-Markets / China US Conflict
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Just as the mainstream media had gotten used to the stock market rallying towards new all time highs into the end of April. Suddenly, out of the blue TRADE WAR PANIC hits the markets and apparently is responsible for the ongoing downturn in the US and world general stock market indices. This illustrates the way the mainstream media tends to work where the big news story of the day is used to explain the direction of a market, with the same news usually spinned as an explanation for either when the market goes up or down! And Mays big news story to explain the downswing is the latest saga in the US / China trade war, namely increased tariffs from 10% to 25% to kick on $200 billion of Chinese goods today (Friday 10th May) triggered by China trying to pull a fast one on the US by backtracking on earlier promises, which illustrates that NO ONE can trust what China says, not even the worlds Super Power!