Category: Home Maintenance
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Monday, December 26, 2022
Fuse Box RCD Tripping - How to Troubleshoot Putting Power Back On. Before Calling an Electrician / Personal_Finance / Home Maintenance
Fuse box keeps tripping? Does your electric keep tripping? Then watch this video on how to troubleshoot to get your power back on before calling an electrician.
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Sunday, February 13, 2022
Boiler Winter Tip - How to Prevent Cold Snap Sudden Death Failures / Personal_Finance / Home Maintenance
As soon as there is a winter cold snap your boiler fails! If this sounds familiar then watch this video for an easy to implement tip that helps prevents such sudden death boiler failures.
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Thursday, December 23, 2021
What is Frosted Window Film and How Long Does It Last / Personal_Finance / Home Maintenance
By: Travis_Bard
Homeowners who are looking to improve the functionality of their windows are likely to come into contact with the phrase frosted window film, but what is frosted window film and how can it be used within a property? To help you make an informed decision on whether frosted window film is the right option for you and your property we have compiled the article below to explain what it actually is, how it can be used within commercial and residential properties and even how long you should be expecting it to last.
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Wednesday, July 21, 2021
Killing Driveway Weeds FAST with a Pressure Washer - 8 months Later - Did it work?- Block Paving Weeds / Personal_Finance / Home Maintenance
By: N_Walayat
Over 8 months ago I used a Karcher K7 pressure washer to blast the weeds away on our weed infested drive way, since when many have commented that it would not last and that the weeds would soon return, well here 8 months on is the state of our driveway to show the extent of the return of the weeds, to see if this is a good way to get rid of weeds for decent amount of time all without using a single drop of chemicals.
Again the block paving was covered with weeds and too much to use a wire brush to scrub them out so I used our new pressure washer for the first time on full power hoping that it would work, else the power washer would be heading back to amazon. And it did the job at them time all the weeds were gone!
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Monday, June 07, 2021
Wire Brush vs Block Paving Driveway Weeds - How Much Work, Nest Way to Kill Weeds? / Personal_Finance / Home Maintenance
Wire Brushes to get rid of driveway block paving weeds, is it worth the effort, find out in our latest video which is in response to the videos we posted where we used a Karcher K7 pressure washer to blast away driveway weeds where many said to get a wire brush and other manual tools to get rid of weeds instead of using a pressure washer, we'll we had already been there done that hence this video. So now you get to compare the two methods of getting rid of driveway weeds and can make up your own minds of which to go for!
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Monday, January 25, 2021
Can Karcher K7 Pressure Washer Clean a Weed Infested Driveway? Extreme Power Test / Personal_Finance / Home Maintenance
Is this costly Karcher K7 Pressure washer any good? Find out in our latest video where we put it through it's paces in tackling an extremely weed infested driveway/. If it can get rid of these weeds then it can clean anything!
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Friday, November 27, 2020
4 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Put off Your Roof Repairs / Personal_Finance / Home Maintenance
By: Steve_Barker
Unfortunately, a lot of people are under the wrong impression that they can easily put off their roof repairs and maintenance until a later time. Signs of roof damage are usually hard to spot unless you know what to look for, which is why most homeowners notice them when it’s too late. Roof maintenance can quickly become a costly affair when left unchecked. This is why you must never ignore your roof’s needs, especially if it has sustained several beatings over the years.
From strong winds to hot UV rays, your roof is bound to start deteriorating due to continuous exposure to such harsh external factors. To help you understand why you should never put off repairing your roof, we’ve listed the four most important reasons you should keep in mind.
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Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Tips on Pest Control: How to Prevent Pests and Rodents / Personal_Finance / Home Maintenance
By: Submissions
Have you had rodents, insects, or any other pest inside your home lately? Here are a few pest controls tips to stop rodents and pests from invading your home.
The fewer rodents or pests you have breeding and feeding outside of your home, the less problems you will experience inside.
Eliminating or preventing the condition inside a home that usually appeal to these types of pests will help to lower the attraction to your residential property and eliminate the probable damages they can do to your home.
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Tuesday, May 07, 2019
DIY Money Saving Magic with Wood Moisture Meter for DIY Repairs / Personal_Finance / Home Maintenance
Here's how a cheap moisture meter can save you a lot of time and money in DIY repairs. For instance we bought a cheap meter from Amazon for just £14 ( to test the boards on a 10 year old decking so that we don't unnecessarily replace good boards, better to get the job all done in one go rather than having to revisit a few months later.
The Moisture meter has 4 sharp prongs, It basically works by sticking the prongs into wood and then gives a percentage moisture reading, anything over 20% means the woods likely rotting, most wood should read less than 20%. I tested it on a tree and it came back at 40%. The dry deck boards generally gave 0%-5% readings so were fine. 1 board that needed replacing underside was giving readings of over 30%!
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Friday, October 14, 2016
DIY Winter Home Maintenance Money Saving 22 Point Checklist to Get Ready for Winter/Fall / Personal_Finance / Home Maintenance
By: Adnaan_Walayat
Now is the time before the temperatures drop to conduct a relatively quick but comprehensive preventative home winter weather proofing survey that than can save on costly repair bills such as damage form blocked drains, gutters, leaking roofs, and burst pipes, claims from which can result in soaring insurance premiums, as well as save on costly excessive energy usage due to drafts, poor insulation and boiler problems.
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
22 Step Home Winter Weather Proofing Checklist to Save Money and Energy Costs / Personal_Finance / Home Maintenance
By: Sami_Walayat
With October soon drawing to close, now is the best time before the temperatures drop to conduct a relatively quick preventative home winter weather proofing survey that than can save on costly repair bills such as damage form blocked drains and gutters, leaking roofs and burst pipes that can result in soaring insurance premiums on claims, as well as save on costly excessive energy usage due to drafts, poor insulation and boiler problems.
Thursday, January 15, 2015
Winter Storms Snow and Wind Tree Damage Dangers, DIY Pruning / Housing-Market / Home Maintenance
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Barely a fortnight after the last snows melted, the weather forecasts are again for both more snow and strong winds ahead that despite deciduous trees having shed their leaves several months ago nevertheless they are still are in danger of broken branches or even toppling over just as Evergreen trees are as Britain's trees are about under go structural shocks following a couple of years of growth with no significant snowfall.
Sunday, November 03, 2013
Home Winter Weather Proofing 22 Steps to Save Money on Energy and Repair Bills / Personal_Finance / Home Maintenance
By: Sami_Walayat
Now is the time before the temperatures drop to conduct a relatively quick preventative home winter weather proofing survey that than can save on costly repair bills such as damage form blocked drains, gutters, leaking roofs, and burst pipes that can result in soaring insurance premiums on claims, as well as save on costly excessive energy usage due to drafts, poor insulation and boiler problems.
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Home Winter Weather Proofing 22 Point Survey, Save Energy & Repair Bills / Personal_Finance / Home Maintenance
By: Sami_Walayat
Conducting a preventative home winter weather proofing survey can save on costly repair bills such as damage form blocked drains, gutters, leaking roofs, and burst pipes, as well as saving on excessive energy usage due to drafts, lack of insulation and boiler problems.
This comprehensive 22 point video DIY home survey will show you all of the main areas that should be covered that has the potential of saving £ thousands each year.
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