Category: Financial Markets 2013
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Friday, May 10, 2013
Bubbles,Bubbles Everywhere, Including the One Around You / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2013
By: Dr_Jeff_Lewis
Lots of bubbles have been developing in recent years, but many investors only see the notable rise in precious metal prices over the last ten years as a bubble.
Nevertheless, the more astute observers of the modern era will also have perceived the housing bubble, the stock market bubble, the derivatives bubble and the U.S. Dollar bubble.
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Monday, May 06, 2013
Dow, Gold and Jobs Up - The Fed’s Next Step! / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2013
By: Robert_M_Williams
“When you're in jail, a good friend will be trying to bail you out. A best friend will be in the cell next to you saying, 'Damn, that was fun'.”― Groucho Marx
It was quite a week with the FOMC decision, the ECB rate cut and then Friday’s employment report so we have a lot to talk about. I want to start out discussing the jobs report as we saw that the U.S. economy created 165,000 jobs in April, and the unemployment rate fell to 7.5% from 7.6% even though the size of the labor force increased. What's more, hiring in March and February were revised up by a combined 124,000 jobs. The increase in hiring in April beat Wall Street's forecast for a 135,000 gain, with unemployment remaining at 7.6%. The decline to 7.5% puts the jobless rate at the lowest level since December 2008. Meanwhile, the number of new jobs created in March was revised up to 138,000 from 88,000, the Labor Department said, while February's figure was revised up to 332,000 from 268,000. The number of jobs created in February was the highest since November 2005 for any month that did not include temporary Census bureau hiring.
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Saturday, May 04, 2013
Investor Profit from Several Coming Crises / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2013
By: DeepCaster_LLC
(The Fed is) “creating massive fraud…in the short term it’s great for assets…at some point there’s a levitational problem.” Nouriel Roubini,CNN Money, April 29, 2013
Like it or not, several crises are impending in the next few months. And it is highly likely certain of these are unavoidable.
Fortunately, it is possible to prepare to avoid significant damage from most of these and indeed to profit, as we indicate here.
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Friday, May 03, 2013
World Governments Prepare Stealth Capital Controls as International Money flows Tighten / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2013
By: Casey_Research
By Kevin Brekke, Editor: Metals & Mining Division :
The EU continues its chainsaw juggling act. The austerity pledge from France is holding about as well as its Maginot Line, while Greece has sworn to meet its fiscal targets in 2014 2015 2016 soon, and the Italians promise they're going to kick some serious fiscal butt as soon as the country returns from holiday.
Friday, May 03, 2013
The Euro Crisis is a Moral Crisis, GLD and SLV ETFs Tarnished / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2013
By: Christopher_Quigley
Ireland’s President Michael D. Higgins has intervened in an unprecedented manner in the political debate on the euro zone debt debacle. Yesterday he was reported saying that the Euro crisis was a moral crisis as much as an economic one and he believed that unless the hegemony of Germany was mitigated the ideal upon which the European Union was founded would be lost forever, with grave consequences.
Monday, April 29, 2013
Free Access to Bob Prechters Latest Elliott Wave Theorist / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2013
On Tuesday afternoon (April 23), Robert Prechter, a famed market technician known for calling the roaring bull market of the '80s, the 1987 crash and the March 2009 stock market low, published an urgent new issue of his Elliott Wave Theorist.
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Saturday, April 27, 2013
Why Next Week’s Economic Data Is The Most Critical in Months! / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2013
By: Sy_Harding

As a result, while the market gets high marks for its resilience and ability to shrug off the negative economic reports, it has also made almost no further progress over the last six weeks. The Dow closed yesterday (Thursday) just 1.1% higher than six weeks ago on March 14. The broad NYSE Composite closed Thursday just 0.7% higher than on March 14. Even the usually more volatile Nasdaq closed at 3,258 on March 14 and just 0.9% higher on Thursday. Meanwhile, the DJ Transportation Average and Russell 2000 are 3% and 2% below their levels of six weeks ago.
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Friday, April 26, 2013
Warning Stocks, Bonds, Gold Major Shift in Asset Class Trends / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2013
By: Jordan_Roy_Byrne
The latest warning sign on US equities came from the recent issue of Barron’s. A recent survey of big money managers showed extreme bullish sentiment. 86% polled were bullish on stocks over the next six to 12 months while only 7% were pessimistic. Meanwhile only 11% were bullish on bonds. The cover of Barron’s emphasized the view of the participants with its title “Dow 16,000” and picture of a bull, leaping away from a bear. In regards to Gold and commodities, 50% were bullish on commodities with 35% bullish on Gold.
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
The #1 Destructive Lie Responsible for Financial Distress / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2013
By: Money_Morning
Mary Rivas writes:
Like seeds, our thoughts about money get planted deep in our minds and multiply. They grow into ideas, into beliefs that define us. What if your thoughts about money and wealth creation are poisoned seeds? What if those poisoned seeds grew into worthless weeds, beliefs that breed self-sabotage, self-criticism, fears, self-doubts and procrastination?
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Monday, April 22, 2013
Stock Market, Gold, Time to Get Very Bearish / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2013
By: Anthony_Cherniawski
If you review Friday morning’s outlook on the SPX, you will find a projection for where it might go on that day. Here is the actual result in comparison. It turned out that the SPX was forming an Expanding Diagonal in wave c. The last zigzag formed in the afternoon shows up as complete at the trendline.
This version of the Wave action shows Primary Wave [1] ending at 1541.86 and suggests more rally this morning since the retracement did not even reach a 38.2% Fibonacci level.
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Monday, April 22, 2013
The Danger of Gold and Stock Market Investors Ignoring Technical Analysis / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2013
By: Clif_Droke

One sign this bull is getting old can be seen in Wall Street’s attitude toward practitioners of technical analysis. Market technicians have never been highly respected on Wall Street and are usually accorded only second-class status in the research departments of large institutions. About the only time technical analysts are given a hearing is in bear markets when the fundamentals stop working and everyone wants to know what’s going on with the market. In desperation they turn to the despised technicians because they are the only ones properly equipped to navigate the treacherous waters of a cascading stock market. As my mentor the late Bud Kress used to say, “In a bear market everyone becomes a closet technician.”
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Sunday, April 21, 2013
United States Decaying From Within! Stocks, Gold and Dollar Outlook / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2013
By: Robert_M_Williams
No one seemed to notice or care that on June 28, 2012 the City of Stockton, California filed a petition for chapter 9 bankruptcy protection with the United States Bankruptcy Court, Eastern District of California, Sacramento, Case No. 2012-32118. On Monday, April 1, 2013, a federal judge ruled that Stockton was eligible for bankruptcy protection, over the objection of creditors who argued the city could come up with more money. U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Christopher Klein said Stockton can move forward with a plan to reorganize debt. He twice stated that the creditors had acted in bad faith and had refused to pay their share of the costs for negotiations.
Saturday, April 20, 2013
Mammoth Market Forces Prospects / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2013
By: DeepCaster_LLC
“[O]n Friday, April 12, the Fed’s agents hit the market with 500 tons of naked shorts. Normally, a short is when an investor thinks the price of a stock or commodity is going to fall. He wants to sell the item in advance of the fall, pocket the money, and then buy the item back after it falls in price, thus making money on the short sale. …
“…with naked shorts, no physical metal is actually sold…
“Consider the 500 tons of paper gold sold on Friday. Begin with the question, how many ounces is 500 tons? There are 2,000 pounds to one ton. 500 tons equal 1,000,000 pounds. There are 16 ounces to one pound, which comes to 16 million ounces of short sales on Friday.
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Monday, April 15, 2013
This is a Great Ponzi Scheme - Video / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2013
By: Videos
Sometimes I am shocked at what leaks out over the mainstream media. Two days ago, former White House Budget Director in the Reagan Administration, David Stockman, dropped some financial bombs in an interview on FOX. He said the Social Security Trust Fund was “filled with confetti.” This was not included in the cut I posted. What is included in the clip is Stockman saying if the Fed was “gone fishing” for six weeks (meaning it would stop the $85 billion a month ”open-ended” money printing), “there would be calamity in the markets.” I think if the Fed stopped its $85 billion a month money printing, there WOULD be “calamity in the markets” in six minutes.
Saturday, April 13, 2013
Surmounting Mainstream Financial Media Spin, Distortion & Censorship / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2013
By: DeepCaster_LLC
“Since the Financial Crisis erupted in 2007, the US Federal Reserve has engaged in dozens of interventions/ bailouts to try and prop up the financial system. Now, I realize that everyone knows the Fed is “printing money.” However, when you look at the list of bailouts/ money pumps it’s absolutely staggering how much money the Fed has thrown around….
“The Fed is not the only one. Collectively, the world’s Central Banks have pumped over $10 trillion into the financial system since 2007. This money printing has resulted in a massive expansion of Central Bank balance sheets ….
“This money printing has unleashed inflation in the financial system. In the emerging markets, where consumers can spend as much as 50% of their income, this has resulted in food riots and even revolutions as we saw with the Arab Spring in 2011.”
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Friday, April 12, 2013
How to Protect Yourself From the Biggest Threat to Your Wealth / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2013
By: Casey_Research
Doug Casey on Internationalizing Your Assets : In a wide-ranging interview with Casey Research editor Louis James, Doug Casey discusses why it's imperative to start diversifying one's assets today, and provides some guidance in considering countries to diversify into.
L: Doug, we're getting a lot of questions from readers on how to follow your advice to diversify assets politically. I know it's a prickly subject, but what can you tell us about getting our money out from behind the new iron curtain that seems to be descending?
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Friday, April 12, 2013
U.S. Dollar to Become Next Japanese Yen? / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2013
By: Profit_Confidential
Michael Lombardi writes: Gold prices on the Tokyo Commodity Exchange have jumped 7.8% since April 4, when the central bank of Japan announced its new and aggressive round of asset purchases. (Source: Wall Street Journal, April 9, 2013.)
The Bank of Japan has become notorious for printing extreme amounts of paper money. It wants to end the economic misery the country has faced for many years.
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Taking Economic and Market Statistics and Data Distortion at Face Value / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2013
By: John_Mauldin
Last Friday I was in Sonoma, California, for Mike Shedlock’s investment conference. The weather was grey and gloomy, but the conversation was animated and bright. I was fully engaged the whole day and never more than when John Hussman was speaking, commenting, or asking tough questions. John and I have talked on the phone and corresponded for years but had never met. What a consummate gentleman and scholar. We felt like we had been old friends for years and committed to finding opportunities in the future to get together and compare notes in person.
John is no stranger to long-time readers of Outside the Box, as he has probably been the source of more OTBs than any other writer. John and I share a common foe that focuses our attention: a weekly deadline that we sometimes battle long into the night. This week John shares with us some of the insights he presented in Sonoma. One quick quote that I bet will spark your interest:
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Tuesday, April 09, 2013
Euro and Gold Topping, Japan Not in Control of its Destiny / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2013
By: Anthony_Cherniawski
It appears that XEU has finally completed its Intermediate Wave [2] and is ready for a strong Wave [3]. XEU has both a Broadening Top and a Head & Shoulders pattern to help Wave [3] along.
Monday, April 08, 2013
Japan Hyper QE Inflation Wars, Bank of England's Bail-in Secret, Buy Gold, Silver? / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2013
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Many Gold and Silver commentators have repeatedly been shocked into silence as their expectations for a mega bull run to $2,000 continues to not only fail to materialise but the market's appear to have gone mad in the wake of Cyprus's banking system exploding in spectacular style resulting in the overt theft of a growing percentage of deposits that could reach as high as 85% as the following real life example illustrates to what an 85% theft of this customers bank balance at Laiki Bank actually looks like -