Category: Credit Crisis 2010
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Secret AIG Document Shows Goldman Sachs Minted Most Toxic CDOs / Companies / Credit Crisis 2010
By: Janet_Tavakoli
Richard Teitelbaum Bloomberg News writes: Janet Tavakoli, founder of Tavakoli Structured Finance Inc., a Chicago-based consulting firm, says the New York Fed’s secrecy has helped hide who’s responsible for the worst of the disaster. “The suppression of the details in the list of counterparties was part of the coverup,” she says.
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Monday, February 22, 2010
Solution to the Credit Crisis? The Campaign for State-owned Banks / Politics / Credit Crisis 2010
By: Ellen_Brown
While bank bailouts fatten Wall Street, states continue to battle the credit crisis. In the search for innovative solutions, some political candidates are proposing that states generate their own credit by setting up their own banks.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Falling Debt Dynamite Dominoes, The Coming Financial Catastrophe Part2 / Stock-Markets / Credit Crisis 2010
By: Andrew_G_Marshall
The Collapse of Iceland - On October 9th, 2008, the government of Iceland took control of the nation’s largest bank, nationalizing it, and halted trading on the Icelandic stock market. Within a single week, “the vast majority of Iceland's once-proud banking sector has been nationalized.” In early October, it was reported that:
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Monday, February 22, 2010
Falling Debt Dynamite Dominoes, The Coming Financial Catastrophe / Stock-Markets / Credit Crisis 2010
By: Andrew_G_Marshall
Understanding the Nature of the Global Economic Crisis - The people have been lulled into a false sense of safety under the rouse of a perceived “economic recovery.” Unfortunately, what the majority of people think does not make it so, especially when the people making the key decisions think and act to the contrary. The sovereign debt crises that have been unfolding in the past couple years and more recently in Greece, are canaries in the coal mine for the rest of Western “civilization.” The crisis threatens to spread to Spain, Portugal and Ireland; like dominoes, one country after another will collapse into a debt and currency crisis, all the way to America.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
U.S. 1800 Bank Failures Financial Tsunami on Horizon / Economics / Credit Crisis 2010
By: Fresbee
CalculatedRisk predicts 2010 to account for more number of failures than 2009 but lesser than the peak of 534 in 1989.
Read full article... Read full article...My prediction is the FDIC will close more banks in 2010 than in 2009 (more than 140), but fewer banks than in 1989 – peak of the S&L crisis (534 banks).
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Dimon's Bear Stearns Sticky Bombs Are Worse Than Geithner's / Politics / Credit Crisis 2010
By: Janet_Tavakoli
The Financial Times recently reported more losses on the $30 billion in Bear Stearns's mortgage assets that the Fed took off of Jamie Dimon's hands, when JPMorgan Chase's CEO bought Bear in the spring of 2008. The assets languish in Maiden Lane I, a purchasing vehicle created on the watch of then President of the New York Fed and current Treasury Secretary, Timothy Geithner. At the outset, it looked like a bad deal for taxpayers, and it continues to look lousy.
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Wednesday, February 17, 2010
The Municipal Bond Crisis Is About to Begin / Interest-Rates / Credit Crisis 2010
By: Graham_Summers
Thus ends one more safehaven.
For decades municipal bonds have been considered one of the safest income plays on the planet. If you’re unfamiliar with these investments, municipal bonds or muni bonds as they’re commonly called, are bonds issued by lower tier governments (state, city, or even county) to raise capital for public projects like building a highway, sewer, or what have you.
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Tuesday, February 09, 2010
FEAR DAVOS 2010, Into The Bomb Shelter / Stock-Markets / Credit Crisis 2010
By: Darryl_R_Schoon
Predators and parasites recently gathered in Davos to discuss the mounting problems of their prey. All present agreed the problem needed urgent attention.
Historian David Hackett Fisher describes this passing era as the period of Victorian Equilibrium. England’s Victorian Equilibrium, however, was built on banker’s credit, a foundation of sand; and like the story of Cinderella where the carriage turns into a pumpkin at midnight, the banker’s credit has now turned into defaulting debt and the fairy-tale world it built is collapsing.
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Thursday, February 04, 2010
When Will This Financial Crisis End? / Stock-Markets / Credit Crisis 2010
By: DailyWealth
Steve Sjuggerud writes: We're out of the woods with this financial crisis...
Thursday, February 04, 2010
The Financial Crisis Is Not Over / Stock-Markets / Credit Crisis 2010
By: Paul_Craig_Roberts
Readers ask if the financial crisis is over, if the recovery is for real and, if not, what are Americans’ prospects. The short answer is that the financial crisis is not over, the recovery is not real, and the U.S. faces a far worse crisis than the financial one. Here is the situation as I understand it:
Thursday, February 04, 2010
Bernanke's Bankster's Skimming Operation Exposed / Politics / Credit Crisis 2010
By: Mike_Whitney
The reappointment of Fed chairman Ben Bernanke means that the opportunity for change has passed and the reform movement is dead. It means that and that derivatives trading, off-balance sheet operations, securitization, dark pools and high frequency trading will go on much as they have before. It means that the public will continue to be gouged so that a handful of Wall Street sharpies can rake in obscene profits using complex "financial innovations" and over-leveraged debt instruments. It means that the entire system will continue to be put at risk to protect the interests of investment banks and hedge funds. It means that the subsidies, the preferential treatment, and the bailouts will continue to fuel populist rage and exacerbate deepening divisions in society. It means that the status quo has been preserved and that it's "business as usual".
Monday, February 01, 2010
Are You 100% Sure They Saved the Financial System? / Politics / Credit Crisis 2010
By: Mac_Slavo
Many of us were told in private conversations that if we voted against this bill on Monday, that the sky would fall, the market would drop two or three thousands points the first day, another couple thousand the second day, and a few members were even told that there would be martial law in America if we voted no.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Financial Crisis Triggered Shock and Awe Response for Accounting Driven Recovery / Stock-Markets / Credit Crisis 2010
By: Gordon_T_Long

Beginning in October 2007, the world has survived a Financial Crisis like no other in modern times. It is the first truly Global Financial Crisis ever experienced. This crisis brought to light a vast array of financial instruments (CDO’s, CDS’s, CLO’s, etc.) being offered by murky financial entities (SIV’s, VIE’s, SPE’s, QSPE’s etc.) that were completely unregulated, often offshore, always off balance sheet and never traded through any regulated exchange. None of these are regulated nor understood by sovereign governments. Minimally, this is a recipe for fraud. But definitely, it has been a modern day financial “wild west” for the innovative and aggressive!
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Thursday, January 28, 2010
The Danger behind the Fed's Exceptional Profits / Interest-Rates / Credit Crisis 2010
Mateusz Machaj writes: A few days ago, the Fed announced that it had "earned" a record-high amount of money in 2009. Then it turned $46 billion over to the Treasury. Here we are in the midst of a serious recession, with the unemployment rate high, the housing market still in a slump, and the stock market making only small steps toward recovery. In this climate, the Fed is making profits.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Save the Middle Class Whilst Fixing the Banks For Good / Politics / Credit Crisis 2010
By: Michael_Pento
While I’m disgusted with the level of banker’s bonuses and with the obscene leverage practices financial institutions undertook, I do not think the answer to how we clean up them up now is to pile on yet more regulation. To be sure, banks that helped bring down the world economy and then subsequently got bailed out by the taxpayers should not be making billions of dollars in bonuses, especially while the middle class is suffering so greatly. And if we’re going to keep the FDIC in effect, a certain amount of regulation is required to protect taxpayer-backed deposits. But the real remedy does not rest with government, as it was their consistent meddling with markets that engendered the crisis to begin with.
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Tuesday, January 26, 2010
How Wall Street's Stranglehold on the Economy Is Choking Americans / Politics / Credit Crisis 2010
By: Money_Morning
Shah Gilani writes: America's Founding Fathers were afraid of any concentration of power in the republic. They were particularly afraid that banking interests could hijack our fledgling democracy.
And yet today, 234 years later, our Founding Fathers' worst fears have come true. Wall Street's stranglehold on the economy threatens our very prosperity, and the future of a truly democratic republic.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
The Global Economic Crisis and the Need for World Bank Reform / Politics / Credit Crisis 2010
By: Global_Research
David Shaman writes: The world has come to a line in the sand. Over one and a half billion people live in abject poverty today. Millions die each year of malnutrition or from treatable disease. This condition has existed for decades and yet help from the rich nations of the world has been inadequate, inefficient and achingly slow.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
CNN Money Misses the Real Story on Small Business Lending / Economics / Credit Crisis 2010
By: Mike_Shedlock
Here are a pair of interesting article on CNN Money about Small Business lending.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Goldman Created Value Destroying Securitizations Now Pretends Not Responsible for Massive Systemic Risk / Companies / Credit Crisis 2010
By: Janet_Tavakoli
Janet Tavakoli tells CNN Goldman and others created value-destroying securitizations and are trying to pretend they were not responsible for massive systemic risk.
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Monday, January 18, 2010
Worst Debt Crisis Since the Great Depression to Claim 200 More U.S. Banks During 2010 / Economics / Credit Crisis 2010
By: Martin_D_Weiss
Washington has so thoroughly botched its supervision of the banking industry that 200 banks are likely to fail this year — easily surpassing last year’s 140 bank failures … inevitably involving the greatest bank losses in history … and already costing the FDIC ten times more than the great S&L and banking crisis of the 1980s did.