Category: Fiat Currency
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Bitcoins Risk Reward / Currencies / Fiat Currency
Money is supposed to be a store of value. After the recent collapse in the dollar convertible price of Bitcoins, the inevitable scrutiny in the viability of the monetary system is warranted.
The official description of Bitcoin states: Bitcoin is an experimental, decentralized digital currency that enables instant payments to anyone, anywhere in the world. Bitcoin uses peer-to-peer technology to operate with no central authority managing transactions and issuing money carried out collectively by the network. Purported myths and ground rules on how the alternative currency operates, provides calculated reading. Whether this accounting system can or would be accepted as an credible medium of exchange on any large scale is certainly an open question.
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Monday, April 15, 2013
Making Sense of U.S. Money / Politics / Fiat Currency
By: Stephen_Merrill
What possibly has happened to the finest invention in the long history of nation-states?
With the Greatest Depression grinding along the deepest of cliffs, with America’s Afghan wartime ally Harmid Karzai accusing US forces of homicide bombings to spread terror in his country and with our President no better able to stage-manage the federal sequester than he has accomplished with the general economy, the present state of affairs seems dire for the US monolith, a quite Soviesque look actually.
Saturday, April 13, 2013
Bitcoin Money of the Future or Old-Fashioned Bubble? / Currencies / Fiat Currency
Patrik Korda writes: Bitcoin has been all the rage lately. The stuff, or lack thereof, runs on peer-to-peer technology, is fully decentralized, has no patents, and is open source. Currently, there are almost 11 million bitcoin units in existence and the maximum amount of bitcoin units that will ever be created by the logic of its design are 21 million. For more details on how they work, see the recent Mises Daily “The Money-Ness of Bitcoins” by economist Nikolay Gertchev.
Friday, April 05, 2013
China’s Attack on the U.S. Dollar / Currencies / Fiat Currency
By: Investment_U
Carl Delfeld writes: The greenback gets no respect these days.
The latest “sky is falling” event for the U.S. dollar is a plan to make the Chinese yuan and Australian dollar freely convertible into each other. As of now, the Chinese currency is only convertible into the Japanese yen and U.S. dollars.
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Tuesday, April 02, 2013
Fiat Currency Collapse / Politics / Fiat Currency
By: Submissions
Lance Burnham writes: If all fiat currencies in history eventually collapse, how do we see it coming? Could it happen to the US dollar? How do you survive something like that?
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Tuesday, March 26, 2013
World's First Bitcoin ATM to be located in Cyprus / Currencies / Fiat Currency
By: Dr_Jeff_Lewis
While European politicos negotiate in Brussels, deciding the fate of other people's money in Cyprus, the free market has already moved in to help Cypriots get access to their money via other means...
Banks have been closed for the last week in Cyprus and if they do re-open on Tuesday, it has now been announced that daily withdrawal limits at ATMs will be 100 euros per day.
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Thursday, March 21, 2013
Dealing with QE-Wars and Fiat Currency Devaluations / Stock-Markets / Fiat Currency
By: Gary_Dorsch
Whether you live in Cyprus, England, Japan, the United States, or elsewhere, the battle for financial survival is taking on new dimensions. At issue is the steady dilution of the purchasing power of money that is perpetrated by the world’s central banks, and worries about confiscation and taxation of monies by government authorities. Even the giant Multi-Nationals, that stashed trillions of dollars in offshore tax havens, are feeling a bit uneasy about reports that the G-20 plans to crackdown on their money laundering schemes in the future.
Friday, March 15, 2013
Fiat Currency Ultimate Value at Risk / Currencies / Fiat Currency
By: Dr_Jeff_Lewis
The currency by which one measures value will be the ultimate way of measuring risk. Furthermore, the recent increase in currency dilution due to rampant money printing has and will continue to result in currency debasement.
This process is happening to virtually every major currency, but it is often not readily observable because the devaluations occur relative to one another since all currencies are traded in pairs in the forex market.
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Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Venezuela: On the Death of Chávez and the Ailing Bolivar / Politics / Fiat Currency
By: Steve_H_Hanke
Although Hugo Chávez, the socialist presidente of Venezuela, has finally met his maker, the grim reaper is still lingering in Caracas. As it turns out, Chávez was not the only important Venezuelan whose health began to fail in recent weeks. The country's currency, the Venezuelan bolivar fuerte (VEF) may soon need to be put on life support. Indeed, in the past month the bolivar has lost 21.72 percent of its value against the greenback on the black market (read: free market).
Wednesday, March 06, 2013
Gentlemen, Start Your Money Printing Presses / Interest-Rates / Fiat Currency
By: John_Browne
In his Congressional testimony last week in Washington, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke took time to downplay the significance of the few dissenting voices on the Fed's Open Market Committee (FOMC). Those statements, combined with an even more dovish statement by Fed Vice Chairman Janet Yellen earlier this week, clearly reaffirm the Fed's indefinite commitment to $85 billion of monthly quantitative easing. (It is surprising that those figures failed to invoke the attention drawn by the $85 billion in annual cuts detailed in the "sequester"). But the stock markets have gotten the message loud and clear and are setting records on a daily basis. The apparent triumphs of the Federal Reserve in pumping up stock and real estate prices, without triggering a sell-off in the dollar or easily visible inflation, have not been lost by observers around the world.
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Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Buyer’s Remorse at the Fed: Investor Implications / Currencies / Fiat Currency
By: Axel_Merk
A couple trillion dollars ago the Federal Reserve (Fed) decided quantitative easing (QE) is what the U.S. economy needed. Now, as an increasing number of Federal Reserve Open Market Committee (FOMC) members caution about the dangers of QE, are we seeing a classic case of buyer’s remorse? More importantly, will it return its merchandise and what are implications for the economy and the U.S. dollar?
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
The Money in Your Savings Accounts Doesn't Really Exist! / Stock-Markets / Fiat Currency
By: GoldSilver
Best selling author Mike Maloney is launching a new video series on gold and silver, airing on YouTube starting February26th
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Monday, February 25, 2013
How to Make a Fortune If the Currency Wars Go Atomic / Currencies / Fiat Currency
By: Money_Morning
Shah Gilani writes: There's a lot of talk about currency wars these days, but very little understanding about what that means for specific countries, economic growth, inflation, and your pocketbook.
Let's fix that.
First of all, there has been no declaration of any currency war. And there likely won't be.
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Sunday, February 24, 2013
Orwellian Currencies - This Is the Worst Trading Situation I Have Ever Seen / Currencies / Fiat Currency
By: The_Gold_Report
Taking inspiration from George Orwell's "1984," renowned BMO advisor Don Coxe has coined the expression "Weakness is Strength" to describe the current economic situation. In a far-ranging interview with The Gold Report, Coxe explains how an international regime of weak currencies has set the scene for a upsurge in the price of gold shares and believes that gold will return as a preferred hedge against loss of value because inflation is inevitable.
The Gold Report: Your investors' report last week was entitled, "Orwellian Currencies: Weakness is Strength." Could you please explain?
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Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Are You About to Lose Your Savings in the Global Currency War? / Currencies / Fiat Currency
By: Money_Morning
Peter Krauth writes: You may not have even noticed, but the first shots have already been fired in the next World War.
Only this time there are no tanks, fighter jets, nuclear subs, or missiles. And it's not the North against South, or even East against West.
It's war by other means and it pits fiat currency against fiat currency in a multi-trillion dollar knock-down drag out between the world's central bankers.
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Wednesday, February 20, 2013
U.S. Winning the Currency Wars / Currencies / Fiat Currency
By: Axel_Merk
Currency Wars will most importantly play out at the heart of investors’ portfolios rather than in the blogosphere or on TV. While the focus may currently be on Japan’s efforts to weaken the yen, U.S. investors might be particularly vulnerable. Let me explain.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Currency Wars - Race to the Bottom / Currencies / Fiat Currency
The alarmist media always seeks to sell papers or broadcast ratings, built on the unswerving fear that followed the financial meltdown, the banking establishment profits from the debt liquidation panic. The lack of stability in fiscal confidence certainly abounds, but the schemes to paper over the mountain of liability obligations, develop at even a more rapid pace. The implied result of a real currency war is that nations are acting or defending their own national interests. The truth is that fiat currencies, designed to depreciate, benefits the moneychangers as the loss of purchasing power penalizes taxpayers and consumers.
Friday, February 15, 2013
Currency Cold War / Currencies / Fiat Currency
By: Michael_Pento
It isn't much of a secret that gold mining shares have suffered greatly in the past 18 months. In fact, since the summer of 2011 the Market Vectors Gold Miners ETF (GDX) has plummeted nearly 40%. That has caused many precious metal investors to give up hope on mining shares altogether; and to also now anticipate a tremendous plunge in gold prices.
Nevertheless, I believe gold and gold mining shares offer investors a great value at this juncture and let me explain why.
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Friday, February 15, 2013
No End in Sight for Global Currency Wars / Currencies / Fiat Currency
By: Gary_Dorsch
With frigid temperatures expected to hover between 15-degree and 23-degree Fahrenheit this weekend in Moscow, it’s a wonder why the world’s most powerful finance chiefs and central bankers would schedule their Feb 15-16th meeting in Vladimir Putin’s backyard. Instead, a better venue for the Group-of-20 would’ve been the Cayman Islands. The Islands are warm year-round, with average highs holding steady in the 80’s. January and February are the coolest months with lows averaging in the lower 70’s. However, Russia holds the presidency of the G-20 this year, - so finance chiefs will have to endure the frozen tundra.
Friday, February 15, 2013
Currency 'War' or 'Revolution'? / Currencies / Fiat Currency
By: Julian_DW_Phillips
Talk of a Currency War is becoming much more frequent these days. What's meant by this is that the competitive devaluations of currencies, which has gone on for such a long time -many years in fact--is going to become destructive to real currency values! This brings into question the entire system of exchange rates.
Now we have the assurance that the euro will not be 'managed' down to gain a competitive advantage. Let's watch the rate to see if this is true? Actions speak louder than words, especially those of a politician.
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