Category: Afghanistan
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Strategic Calculus and the Afghan War / Politics / Afghanistan
U.S. and allied forces began their first major offensive in Afghanistan under the command of U.S. Gen David Petraeus and Gen. Stanley McChrystal this July. Inevitably, coalition casualties have begun to mount. Fifteen British soldiers have died within the past 10 days — eight of whom were killed within a 24-hour period — in Helmand province, where the operation is taking place. On July 6, seven U.S. soldiers were killed in separate attacks across Afghanistan within a single day, and on July 12 another four U.S. soldiers were reported killed in Helmand.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Military Escalation From Afghanistan To the Caspian Sea and Central Asia Largest Since Vietnam War / Politics / Afghanistan
By: Global_Research
Rick Rozoff writes: The Pentagon and its NATO allies have launched the largest combat offensive to date in their nearly eight-year war in South Asia - Operation Khanjar (Strike of the Sword) with 4,000 US Marines, attack helicopters and tanks and Operation Panchai Palang (Panther's Claw) with several hundred British engaged in airborne assaults - in the Afghan province of Helmand.
Sunday, July 05, 2009
Shadow Secrets, Taliban Links with the CIA, FBI, MI6, Pakistan and Saudi Intelligence Agencies / Politics / Afghanistan
By: Submissions
This new film looks at the origins and history of the Afghan Mujahedin & al-Qaeda and their associations with various intelligence agencies including the CIA, FBI, MI6 and those of Saudi Arabia & Pakistan
Friday, March 14, 2008
Al Qaeda, Afghanistan and the Unwinnable War / Politics / Afghanistan
By: John_Mauldin

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