Category: Stagflation
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Friday, March 07, 2008
US Dollar-Gold: A Perfect Hyper-Stagflationary Storm / Economics / Stagflation
By: Jim_Willie_CB

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Saturday, March 01, 2008
Stagflation and the Fed- Damn the Inflation Torpedoes! Full Speed Ahead! / Economics / Stagflation
By: John_Mauldin
How Do You Spell Stagflation?
- Memo from the Fed: Inflation? What Inflation?
- The Fed Will Cut and Cut Again
- Damn the Inflation Torpedoes! Full Speed Ahead!
- Apple, Sprint, AT&T, and Going to the Dark Side
This week's topic was inspired by a discussion I had with George Friedman of Stratfor fame last night. He was suggesting the recession would be short and steep, and I of course think it is going to be shallow and with a long, protracted, and slow Muddle Through recovery. And it all hinges on how the Fed thinks about inflation.
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Tuesday, February 26, 2008
US Fed Fueling Hyper Inflationary Global Commodities Market Bubble / Commodities / Stagflation
By: Gary_Dorsch

Nowadays, fund managers are pouring billions of dollars into commodities across the board, as a hedge against the explosive growth of the world's money supply, competitive currency devaluations, and the negative interest rates engineered by central banks. To the chagrin of central bankers, much of new money pumped into the global markets, is also going into commodities, instead of the stock market.
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Monday, February 25, 2008
Recessionary Inflation Equals Stagflation / Stock-Markets / Stagflation
By: Paul_J_Nolte
Recessionary inflation – it used to be called stagflation, but this time around the growth seems to be heading lower while inflation is rising all the way to modest levels. The CPI report showed that inflation was higher than expected, for both the “core” (without the unnecessary food and energy) as well as the “all in” kind. One key report next week will be the Producer price report that should show whether companies are able to pass along their higher prices to consumers. So far, companies have generally been eating the higher costs. Another key report is the income and spending report, here we are looking for spending to be below income growth and too, whether the income gains will be above that of the inflation rates.Read full article... Read full article...
Saturday, February 23, 2008
US Heading for 1970's Style Stagflation? / Economics / Stagflation
By: Paul_L_Kasriel

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Saturday, February 23, 2008
G7 Economies Turn Into Wealth Sucking Black Holes- Opportunities in Emerging Countries / Stock-Markets / Stagflation
By: Ty_Andros

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Friday, February 15, 2008
US Recession Debate Turns Toward Inflation / Economics / Stagflation
By: Michael_Pento
The debate over the "R" word has been the focus on Wall St. for months on end. This obsession over whether the degree of the economic slowdown will in fact reach the technical definition of recession (2 consecutive quarters of negative GDP) is unproductive for the average investor. What investors need to know is that while economic growth is clearly weak, inflation is rising and that the current value of the stock market has not priced this in. Meanwhile, the Fed's response to this crisis is causing great harm to investors and could lead to hyperinflation in the long term.Read full article... Read full article...
Friday, February 15, 2008
Economic Stimulus Packages Overdosing Could Ignite Hyperinflation / Economics / Stagflation
By: Peter_Schiff
In perhaps one of biggest ironies to ever to come out of Washington, this week Congress simultaneously pilloried major league baseball players for using artificial stimulants to pump up their performance while passing legislation to do just that to the national economy. Am I the only one laughing?Read full article... Read full article...