Category: Austrailia
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Sunday, November 21, 2010
Australia's Housing Bubble Illustrates All Governments Intervening to Delay Inevitable Bust / Housing-Market / Austrailia
By: Bryan_Rich
The past three years have been dominated by government intervention …
The U.S. propped up the banks with TARP money, and then gave banks ultra-easy money terms to recapitalize. And to unfreeze the global credit markets, the U.S. provided unlimited dollar swap lines with global central banks.
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Thursday, October 28, 2010
Investors Get Down Under With Australia ETFs / Companies / Austrailia
By: Ron_Rowland
See if you can guess the country …
• Straddles two different oceans
• Part of the British Commonwealth
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Thursday, September 02, 2010
Australia Politics: Greenies and Democracy or lack of it / Politics / Austrailia
By: Dan_Denning
We see in Australian politics the Greens and Labor have made a deal and that U.S. police have shot an armed man at the headquarters of the Discovery Channel in Maryland after he took people inside the building hostage. And we see that in some strange way, the events are not unrelated. Not causally, mind you, but philosophically.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Investing in Australia, The Brighter Future Down Under / Stock-Markets / Austrailia
By: Sean_Brodrick
Is Australia the world’s best stock market? Credit Suisse thinks so, and makes its case in its Global Investment Returns Yearbook 2010. Credit Suisse calls Australia “the lucky country,” pointing out that Australia’s market has outperformed the rest of the world’s major markets over the last 110 years. But what about this year, and on into 2011? I think there are plenty of good reasons to place your bets down under. And I’ll give you some specific picks in a bit.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
How to Profit From Australia, The Worlds Luckiest Country / Stock-Markets / Austrailia
By: Money_Morning
Martin Hutchinson writes: When the late Donald Horne called Australia the " Lucky Country" in 1964, the professor and well-known social critic meant it as an insult: He believed that while other countries were getting rich by developing special skills and embracing new technology, Australia prospered just because it happened to sit on a pile of valuable natural resources.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Investing in Australia's Stunning Resource Wealth / Companies / Austrailia
By: The_Gold_Report
Richard Karn, managing editor of The Emerging Trends Report, is taking a hiatus from North American markets to explore the long-term investment opportunities in Australian resources. The Gold Report caught up with Richard, currently in Australia gearing up for the trip, in an email exchange about his journey to circumnavigate the country visiting a wide variety of precious and specialty metal projects "down under."
Friday, March 05, 2010
Australian Housing Market BubbleOmics / Housing-Market / Austrailia
By: Andrew_Butter
I have a mate with some rental property in Sydney so when I saw Mike Shedlock’s piece on Australian property I sent her the link.
Wednesday, February 03, 2010
Australian Housing Bubble About to Burst, Market About to Crash / Housing-Market / Austrailia
By: Mike_Shedlock
Today the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) unexpectedly held interest rates at 3.75%. No doubt this was in fear of the Australia's enormous housing bubble that exceeds the height of the bubble that long ago burst in the US. 20 economists predicted the RBA would hike. Not a single one predicted anything else.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Australia Currency and Country ETF Analysis / Stock-Markets / Austrailia
By: Guy_Lerner
Figure 1 is a weekly chart comparing the Currency Shares Australian $ (symbol: FXA) to the i-Shares MSCI Australia Index Fund (symbol: EWA). As you can see, these two instruments are highly correlated across multiple time frames.
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Sunday, November 15, 2009
Not so fast Australia! / Economics / Austrailia
By: Kevin_George
The “lucky country” managed to live up to its name in becoming the only industrialized country to escape recession.
Monday, November 09, 2009
Commodities Rich Australia Leads the West’s Economic Recovery / Economics / Austrailia
By: Money_Morning
Bob Blandeburgo writes: The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) last month became the first Western economy to raise its key interest rate since the financial crisis began almost two years ago. It proceeded to raise the rate for a second time in a month last week, just before it published its quarterly report on Friday, which says bottlenecks obstructing exports of its vast resources such as iron ore and coal are about to be relieved.
Monday, June 01, 2009
Economic Crisis in Australia / Economics / Austrailia
By: Global_Research

Tuesday, February 03, 2009
Increased Investor Risk Appetite Boosts Australian Dollar (AUD) / Currencies / Austrailia
By: Ashraf_Laidi

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Thursday, August 21, 2008
Will the Federal Reserve Bank Sink the Australian Economy? / Interest-Rates / Austrailia
By: Gerard_Jackson
Dr Stephen Kirchner figures that the Reserve should have acted sooner with respect to inflation. (Centre for Independent Studies Reserve Did Not Go Far or Fast Enough ). Unfortunately Dr Kirchner's article did nothing to illuminate the present inflationary situation and the role of interest rates. In fact, I got the distinct impression that he believes that monetary expansion[1 does not matter. This view was reinforced by his opinion that:
If the RBA's forecasts are right, then the Australian economy will need to slow dramatically by the end of this year, just to bring inflation back to the top of the target range by the end of 2010.
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Monday, May 26, 2008
Inflation accelerates while the Reserve plays guessing games / Economics / Austrailia
By: Gerard_Jackson
The CPI now stands at an annual rate of 4.3 per cent (1.3 per cent over the Reserve's maximum target rate). And what does Governor Glenn Stevens do? He blames the commodity boom and 'excessive' wage rates, warning that they might force him to lift bank rates.Read full article... Read full article...
Monday, May 19, 2008
Is the Australian Economy Heading for Recession? / Economics / Austrailia
By: Gerard_Jackson
The situation could become very nasty for the Australian economy. For years I have been warning that the Reserve Bank's reckless monetary policy would eventually end in tears. Since March 1996 bank deposits have risen by more that 224 per cent and M1 by 200 per cent. Regardless of views to the contrary, Australia cannot continue to escape the consequences of the Reserve's delinquency. Glenn Stevens " the Reserve's governor " recently made it clear that he wants to slow aggregate demand, reducing it to a rate that is "significantly slower than it was in 2007".Read full article... Read full article...
Monday, April 21, 2008
Is China Driving the Australian Economy Out of Business? / Economics / Austrailia
By: Gerard_Jackson
I have written several articles drawing attention to the possibility that monetary policy may have reduced the ratio of manufacturing to GDP, only to have my concerns dismissed by the likes of Des Moore, a former Treasury official, as not being part of "the traditional explanation". But I was not saying anything new or radical. The possibility of an overvalued currency reducing the size of a country's manufacturing base is sometimes called the "Dutch disease" or the "dual economy".Read full article... Read full article...
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Bad Economics Caused Our Economies Current Account Problems / Economics / Austrailia
By: Gerard_Jackson
The current account deficit, rising prices and our deteriorating foreign debt situation has caused the Reserve Bank of Australia to raise the cash rate from 7 per cent to 7.25 per cent. Bank assets are a useful guide to monetary policy. These fell by 36.25 per cent from May 2007 to January 2008. These figures suggest that the RBA means business and will continue to raise rates until it brings spending under 'control'. Unfortunately this cannot be done without bringing the economy to a grinding halt. So how did we arrive to this situation?Read full article... Read full article...
Monday, February 11, 2008
Are Interest Rates Driving the Economy into Recession? / Economics / Austrailia
By: Gerard_Jackson
Interest rates are rising and it looks as if the Rudd Government is beginning to panic, a sign of which was Treasurer Wayne Swan's silly threat to banks not to be greedy by raising interest rates. This would be funny if it were not so serious. It is abundantly clear that our Treasurer is at a complete loss to understand what is really happening with interest rates. Unfortunately for Australia the same can be said about our economic pundits.Read full article... Read full article...
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
2008 Crunch Time for the Australian Economy? / Economics / Austrailia
By: Gerard_Jackson
The economy is beginning to look more and more like the proverbial "poisoned chalice". The Treasure, Wayne Swan, is complaining about interest rates putting "financial pressures on families". This bloke is every bit as bad as Costello. If he really wants to know what is happening he should visit the Reserve Bank, there he will find that the bank's balance sheet is collapsing, not that he would know how to interpret the figures.Read full article... Read full article...