Category: Financial Crash
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Monday, August 23, 2010
Hindenburg Stock Market Crash Omen is Nonsense Says BubbleOmics / Stock-Markets / Financial Crash
By: Andrew_Butter
Apparently there has been another Hindenburg Omen sighted, and apparently also one of those has preceded every US stock market crash since 1985.
Robert McHugh has a table that proves that:
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Monday, August 23, 2010
The Hindenburg Omen, A Potential Fat Tail Event on the Horizon? / Stock-Markets / Financial Crash
By: David_Urban
The S&P 500 has been flashing a number of technical signals to the market over the month of August. Amongst the various signal we had an inverse head and shoulders and an ascending wedge giving investors bullish and bearish signals. August 11th provided a resolution with the ascending wedge breaking down and the market moving significantly lower. More troublesome was the market's action the next three trading days. After large moves in one direction the market typically consolidates in the opposite direction as short term traders look to book profits and others buy on dips/sell into strength. What we had was the opposite, a market that could not move higher and instead drifted lower.
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Sunday, August 22, 2010
Hindenburg Stock Market Crash Omen Confirmed / Stock-Markets / Financial Crash
By: Robert_McHugh_PhD
So what is a Hindenburg Omen? It is the alignment of several technical factors that measure the underlying condition of the stock market -- specifically the NYSE -- such that the probability that a stock market crash occurs is higher than normal, and the probability of a severe decline is quite high. This Omen has appeared before all of the stock market crashes, or panic events, of the past 25 years. All of them. No panic sell-off (greater than 15 percent) occurred over the past 25 years without the presence of a Hindenburg Omen. Another way of looking at it is, without a confirmed Hindenburg Omen, we are pretty safe. But we have an official Hindenburg Omen as of August 20th, 2010.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Robert Prechter and the Economic Crisis No One Saw Coming / Stock-Markets / Financial Crash
The single most convenient untruth about the 2008 (and counting) financial crisis is that it was unforeseen. For two years policymakers have insisted "There was no way to know ahead of time" that the liquidity boom would come to a screeching halt. Back in November 2008, in fact, the usually tight-lipped Queen of England herself publicly described the turmoil of international markets as "awful" and openly asked a panel of experts from the London School of Economics "Why did nobody notice?"
Saturday, August 07, 2010
Marc Faber Fed's Printing Press to Create Final Crisis and Crash / Stock-Markets / Financial Crash
By: Videos
"Investors should've listened to me already six months ago, when I wrote that the Fed will continue to monetize, and this is my view ... they will print and print and print, until the final crisis wipes out the entire system," Marc Faber, editor & publisher of The Gloom, Boom & Doom Report, told CNBC. David Bloom from HSBC joined the discussion, adding, "I think we're not quite at those draconian points."
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Stock Market Crash Update - Don't Get Fleeced Get Rich / Stock-Markets / Financial Crash
By: Clive_Maund
When I was at school in England and about 15 years old I opted to play golf on sports day, in order to get out of playing rugby, and one of my happy memories, apart from using the same sick note forged by a friend about 17 times to get out of sports altogether, is strolling around the golf practice area at school, which happened to be adjacent to a rugby pitch, occasionally whacking a ball idly with a 7 iron while the rugby teams charged around like oxen after an oval shaped ball, play being interrupted occasionally for one of them to be carried off with concussion or a broken ankle or whatever. If this seems like irrelevant rambling bear with me for we are soon going to get to the point.
Tuesday, July 06, 2010
Hedging the Coming Wall Street Apocalypse / Stock-Markets / Financial Crash
By: LewRockwell
Bruce Watson writes: Predictions of the end of civilization are nothing new, but the direst prognosticators have, traditionally, existed on the fringes of society, where their dark visions can be comfortably attributed to an excess of libertarianism or a shortage of Prozac.
Sunday, July 04, 2010
Gold Charts, Stocks and Bond Market Crash, Currency Wars and Financial Coup d'état / Stock-Markets / Financial Crash
By: Jesse
If there is a stock crash, all asset classes will suffer liquidation for a period of time, except perhaps for treasuries, and chart formations will get tossed out the window. But at some time after the primary crash, the currency is devalued, and bonds are taken out and beaten.
Crashes are low probability events, but need to be accounted for in your planning. I do that by hedging my positions with some shorts, and relying more on bullion than stocks during riskier periods.
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Wednesday, June 16, 2010
US, UK and European Financial Systems Are On the Way to Collapse / Stock-Markets / Financial Crash
By: Bob_Chapman
Were it not for the Federal Reserves purchase of Treasury and Agency bonds the US would already be unable to raise funds to service debt and issue new debt, and it would already have descended into national bankruptcy. It is no wonder the Fed does not want to be audited. Through various artifices the Fed has been purchasing US treasury paper. No one knows how much, because when asked the Fed says it is a state secret. That is what all Americans love. A country run in secrecy. A privately owned corporation operating under the cover of secrecy, and protected by a Treasury Department, that is under the control of the Fed’s owners. How is that for an incestuous relationship?
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Stock Market Internals Are Pre Crash Unhealthy, Sitting on a Precipice / Stock-Markets / Financial Crash
By: Robert_McHugh_PhD
Stocks sit this weekend at the precipice. Conditions are ripe for a waterfall decline. This does not mean there will be a crash starting over the next few weeks, so please do not go out and short the farm. What we can tell you is the risk of one occurring is higher than normal, that conditions that preceded prior stock market crashes exist right here and now.
Monday, June 07, 2010
Stock Market Crash, the X-Wave Confluence / Stock-Markets / Financial Crash
By: Captain_Hook
I’ve either heard or read just about every explanation for why the stock market could plunge dramatically moving forward, and I would like to offer mine now, now that it appears the fundamentals associated with our political economy are finally aligned to sponsor such an occurrence. To get things rolling in this regard, everybody should read Jim Kunstler’s latest, where he offers a few thought provoking ideas of why things are likely moving in this direction. And more so, please take the time to review Martin Armstrong’s latest (you need a great deal of RAM to read the entire article) as well, where as usual he does an exquisite job of explaining why ‘we the people’, have finally had enough, and are now doing something about it.
Monday, June 07, 2010
Stash Cash for Next Stock Market Flash Crash / Stock-Markets / Financial Crash
By: Paul_Lamont
Back in February we stated: “As the chart of the Crash of 1987 below demonstrates, the 3rd wave of a market decline is usually the most distinct.” With the third wave now underway, the Wall Street Journal is reporting on the parallels between the Crash of 1987 and May 6th’s Flash Crash. We suspect that the comparison will transition to the Crash of 1929 as the selling continues. Here is why:
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Friday, June 04, 2010
Confirming the Stock Market Flash Crash Omen / Stock-Markets / Financial Crash
By: Gordon_T_Long
The highly discussed and quickly forgotten Flash Crash was an omen of what lies ahead for the financial markets. It was a uniquely distinctive occurrence relative to anything we’ve ever experienced. Likewise, what we are about to witness will be startling and never before observed by this generation of investors. After only thirty days the Flash Crash signal has become unambiguous and historians will wonder why the public didn’t react sooner to its clarion call.
Tuesday, June 01, 2010
A Vote for Armageddon / Stock-Markets / Financial Crash
By: Graham_Summers
I wanted to start off this week discussing the political climate that surrounds the markets today.
With the entire financial system on life support from the Federal Government either directly in the form of transfer payments (food stamps, unemployment, etc.) or indirectly via the Federal Reserve’s countless lending windows and back-door schemes to funnel taxpayer money to Wall Street Banks, you simply cannot analyze the market without accounting for Government Intervention.
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Thursday, May 27, 2010
Global Financial Crisis Worst Yet to Come / Stock-Markets / Financial Crash
By: Submissions
Economist Michel Chossudovsky gives his assessment of what's going on in the world of finances. He believes the worst of the global crisis is yet to come and all the measures taken to stop it are actually hurting the economy.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Towards Another Stock Market Crash? / Stock-Markets / Financial Crash
By: Bob_Chapman
This past week the Dow fell 4%, S&P 4.2%, the Russell 2000 fell 6.4% and the Nasdaq 100 fell 4.4%. Banks fell 5.4%; broker/dealers 4%; cyclicals fell 5.6%; transports 5.5%; consumers 3.4%; utilities 4.3%; high tech fell 3.7%; semis 1.3%; Internets fell 4.2% and biotechs 4.2%. Gold bullion fell $56.00, the HUI gold index fell 11.4% and the USDX, dollar index, fell 0.8% to 85.38.
Two-year Treasury bills fell 2 bps to 0.73%; the 10-year notes fell 22 bps to 3.24% and the 10-year German bund fell 20 bps to a record low of 2.66%.
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Thursday, May 27, 2010
Warning Stock Market Crash Dead Ahead, Sell, Get Liquid Now / Stock-Markets / Financial Crash
By: LewRockwell
Paul B. Farrell writes: "This game's in the refrigerator! The door's closed, the lights are out, the eggs are cooling, the butter's getting hard and the Jell-O is jiggling ..."
That was legendary Lakers' radio announcer Chick Hearn's signature way of calling a game early, telling fans the home team won ... you can head for the exits before the final buzzer. Chick wrote the book with popular sports phrases like "slam dunk," "air ball," "charity stripe," and a "bunny hop in the pea patch" for a traveling violation.
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Sunday, May 23, 2010
Stock Market Panics Versus Crashes, It Makes All the Difference! / Stock-Markets / Financial Crash
By: Clif_Droke

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Thursday, May 20, 2010
Stock Market Panic "A Deadly Bearish Big Picture" / Stock-Markets / Financial Crash
"A Deadly Bearish Big Picture"
That's the headline Robert Prechter gave to his just-published Elliott Wave Theorist. You can read that entire 10-page issue right now -- for FREE!
Continue reading to learn more or Get it Now.
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Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Protect Yourself from the Next Stock Market "Flash Crash / Stock-Markets / Financial Crash
By: Money_Morning
Shah Gilani writes: Just when you thought it was safe to get back into U.S. stocks, you think you see a shark.
If you are searching - like the regulatory lifeguards and all the political beach bums - to pinpoint and kill the menacing shark that took a huge bite out of investor confidence when the Dow Jones Industrial Average tanked 1,000 points in a just a few minutes late in the day on May 6, don't bother to scan the horizon looking for the dorsal fin of some lurking predator.
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