Category: Dividends
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Wednesday, June 12, 2019
Why Blue-Chip Dividend Stocks Aren’t as Safe as You Think / Companies / Dividends
By: Robert_Ross

I was in the Ipanema neighborhood of Rio de Janeiro.
Ipanema is one of the wealthiest areas of Rio. You get iconic views of the Brazilian shore line and white sand beaches.
I was two blocks from Ipanema Beach when a man on a bike pulled in front of me.
At first, I thought he was going to sell me something. Then I saw him starting to pull a gun out of his backpack.
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Monday, June 10, 2019
If You Invest in Dividend Stocks, Do This to Double Your Returns / Companies / Dividends
By: Robert_Ross

I’m talking about reinvesting your dividends.
It may seem like a minor thing. But if you’re not doing it, you’re leaving a lot of money on the table.
In fact, investors who reinvest their dividends can outright double their investment gains.
Let me show you how…
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Friday, May 24, 2019
This Ultimate Formula Will Help You Avoid Dividend Cutting Stocks / Companies / Dividends
By: Robert_Ross
Many of you probably don’t have a telephone at home.
I’m not talking about a cell phone. I’m talking about a phone plugged into the wall.
The US Health Department reports that only 6.5% of homes are landline only, and most of them are in rural areas.
One company that services these stalwart landline customers is CenturyLink (CTL). It’s not a high-growth business, but its stable customer base made it a prime target for income investors.
This was doubly true after CenturyLink spiked its annual dividend from $0.26 to $2.17 in 2008. That lifted the company’s dividend yield to a hefty 7%.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Trump’s Trade War Is Good for These 3 Dividend Stocks / Companies / Dividends
By: Robert_Ross

Until recently, the nations appeared to be making progress.
That was until President Trump raised tariffs on $200 billion in Chinese imports from 10% to 25%.
The news sent the S&P 500 down 3% in the next two trading days. But not all stocks suffered.
That’s because some stocks actually benefit from tariffs.
I’ll show you why in a moment—and share a few stable, dividend-paying stocks set to benefit as this all plays out.
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Wednesday, May 01, 2019
This Stock Is as Safe as Coca Cola but Pays a 6.4% Dividend / Companies / Dividends
By: Robert_Ross
I bet you’ve never heard of Pat Munroe.
And unless you’re from the Florida Panhandle, I imagine you haven’t heard of Quincy, Florida, either.
But the two can teach us a lot about investing.
See, in the early 1920s, Munroe was a banker in Quincy.
One thing Munroe noticed was no matter how hard the times, the people of his small town always seemed to have money to buy a Coca-Cola.
So he started buying shares of the company. Not long after, he was telling everyone in town to buy shares of Coca-Cola.
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Want To Earn A Safe 5% In Fixed Income? Buy Preferred Stocks / Companies / Dividends
By: Robert_Foss

These stocks have dividend yields averaging 5.7%. Yet very few retail investors own them.
That’s a shame. It means you’re probably leaving a lot of (predictable) money on the table—a thought income investors should cringe at.
If you haven’t figured it out already, I’m talking about preferred stocks, the bond-like cousin of ordinary “common stocks.”
As I’ll explain, today’s interest rate environment makes now a great time to buy preferred stocks.
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Wednesday, April 03, 2019
Avoid This Dividend Trap That Can Cut Your Portfolio in Half / Companies / Dividends
By: John_Mauldin
By Robert Ross :
In its last meeting, the Fed made it clear it would keep interests rates low for a while.
That’s good news for dividend investors.
You see, when interest rates are low, so are government bond yields.
That forces income investors to look for higher yields elsewhere. And history shows that many will flock into dividend stocks.
But in the search for higher yields, many investors fall prey to what I call the “dividend trap.”
Friday, March 29, 2019
This Formula Will Help You Avoid Dividend Cutters Like Kraft Heinz / Companies / Dividends
By: John_Mauldin
By Robert Ross
Think blue-chip dividend stocks are safe?
You better watch out. Buying iconic “tried-and-true” stocks might give you a false sense of security.
Take a look at Kraft Heinz.
The iconic brand lost 30% of its value in one day:
Thursday, February 28, 2019
How to Earn 25%+ Dividends with Blue Chip Stocks / Companies / Dividends
By: Robert_Foss
They are known as the Coca-Cola millionaires.
In the early 1920s, a Florida banker named Pat Munroe convinced his clients to buy shares of Coca-Cola (KO).
He saw that even in tough times, people would still have a few nickels to buy Coca-Cola.
Those who followed Munroe’s urgings made fortunes. His advice minted 67 Coca-Cola millionaires.
While investors reaped giant profits as the stock price climbed higher, the dividends they earned are even more impressive.
Thursday, February 14, 2019
How To Find High-Yield Dividend Stocks That Are Safe / InvestorEducation / Dividends
By: John_Mauldin
BY ROBERT ROSS : Investing is all about making the right choices. And one of them is owning dividend stocks.
Let’s look at two companies as examples: Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.B) and JPMorgan Chase (JPM).
Since the 2008 financial crisis, both stocks have more than doubled:
Wednesday, December 12, 2018
Stock Dividend Yields Over 9% and Discounts Up to 22% Make for Buy / Companies / Dividends
By: The_Gold_Report
Money manager Adrian Day looks at several non-resource companies in his portfolio, most with very attractive dividend yields as high as more than 9%.
Gladstone Investment Corp. (GAIN, Nasdaq, 9.92) fell sharply after reporting a decline in Net Investment Income (the number on which dividends are based) to a level below the distribution. But it wasn't as bad as the headline number suggested, and the stock, after falling from $10.61 to as low as $9.58, has since recaptured part of its loss.
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Friday, April 27, 2018
Hold Dividend Payers To Weather Stock Market Volatility / Stock-Markets / Dividends
So far in 2018, equities have swung wildly, leaving market participants with whiplash. Consider that the S&P 500 rose +7.5% in January, fell -11.5% in early February, jumped back +10.5% in March, fell back -8.2% at the end of March, rallied +5.4% in early April only to give back -3.7% since last week. Phew! Investors who have relied on the “trend is your friend” investment strategy have gotten absolutely crushed so far this year. Those who have made money in 2018 are the algorithmic and high-frequency traders, as well as the courageous (and lucky) day traders willing to stand in front of apparent run-away moves.
For most of us, trying to “trade” a volatile market, guessing which way a squiggly line will turn, is most often a losing proposition. Instead of buying rallies on optimism and selling after the market drops on fear -- a game that won’t last long no matter what the size of your portfolio – a much better strategy for most investors in a volatile market is patience. Hold high quality companies which pay a regular dividend (preferably with a high dividend yield), don’t fret about market swings, and patiently collect your dividend payments.
Friday, August 26, 2016
Dividend Fund Choices for Long-Term Investors / Companies / Dividends
By: Submissions
Market Bulls writes: With global interest rates holding at historically low levels, many long-term investors are looking for new ways of generating income returns. One of the most attractive choices in the space is the Vanguard High Dividend Yield Index Fund (VHDYX), which is an open-end fund. The central aim of the fund is to track the share price and dividend performance seen in the FTSE High Dividend Yield Index, which is comprised of common stocks that offer higher dividends when compared to the sector averages.
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Friday, August 19, 2016
Here’s Why You Should Look for Dividend Stocks — and How / Companies / Dividends
By: John_Mauldin
BY TONY SAGAMI : I love dividends, and I’m not alone.
One of the biggest dividend lovers of all is Warren Buffett. He has more than 90% of the Berkshire Hathaway portfolio invested in dividend-paying stocks.
Sure, a 1%, 2%, or 3% dividend may not sound like a fortune, but what looks like small payouts really adds up.
For the first seven months of 2016, the S&P 500 was up 6.3%.With dividends, the total return increased to 7.7%. That’s an extra 22%!
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Friday, June 17, 2016
Stock Investors Get Higher Returns and More Dividend Income - In Less Time With Less Risk / Companies / Dividends
By: Charles_Carnevale
Investing in blue-chip dividend growth stocks such as the Dividend Aristocrats or Champions has become very popular with retirees. This is understandable considering the low interest rate environment we find ourselves in. Traditional fixed income investments do not currently offer enough yield for the retired investor to live on. Consequently, current low interest rates, coupled with the possibility of a steadily increasing level of dividend income have made dividend growth stocks a viable and even attractive alternative.
When choosing the appropriate dividend growth stock, many dividend growth investors will rightfully focus on the company’s dividend record and dividend growth more than they will its price history. However, this can be a detrimental practice if the investor ignores valuation. Unfortunately, this is not an uncommon practice. There are many dividend growth investors who will invest in a blue-chip Dividend Aristocrat even when it is overvalued at the time. Many of these investors argue that since the dividend is what is of paramount importance, being out of a blue-chip will cause them to generate less dividend income. To these investors, a dividend missed is a dividend lost.
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Friday, October 23, 2015
Retirees: I Did Not Buy IBM to Sell, It’s About The Dividend Income Stupid / Companies / Dividends
By: Charles_Carnevale
There are many investing strategies and principles that retired investors can utilize to reduce the risk associated with investing in equities (stocks) for their retirement portfolios. Choosing to invest in the highest quality stocks your mind can conceive sits at the top of the list. There are many components that investors can analyze and examine to determine whether a company is high quality or not.
The primary determinant of high quality is superior financial strength. Financially strong companies possess the staying power and resources to weather the occasional bad storms that will inevitably occur. Every business will on occasion face challenges and difficulties. Meeting those challenges requires a strong balance sheet and an adaptive and competent management team to guide the company across troubled waters.
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Wednesday, April 15, 2015
The Hottest New Place to Find Stock Dividend Income in Q2/2015 / Companies / Dividends
By: Money_Morning
Keith Fitz-Gerald writes: Many investors believe that growth and income are mutually exclusive – that you can’t have one if you want the other. So they don’t give a second thought to high-growth sectors that haven’t traditionally paid out.
It’s one of the costliest mistakes they can make, for the simple reason that the markets change constantly. Think about it for a moment. Just because a sector hasn’t paid dividends in the past and it hasn’t been attractive to income investors, doesn’t mean that it won’t be in the future.
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Monday, November 03, 2014
Six Dividend-Paying Blue Chips Selling at a Discount / Companies / Dividends
By: DailyGainsLetter
George Leong writes: One of the key tenets to success in the stock market, as I have learned from more than 20 years of trading, is the need to make sure you have a system in place to actively monitor your outstanding positions. Any major changes to the underlying fundamentals are critical.
Unless you invest in mutual funds or are happy with a buy-and-hold strategy, ignoring your positions is not prudent and will likely result in damage to your portfolio—and maybe even your quality of life.
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Thursday, February 13, 2014
Top-Yielding Dividend Stocks to Combat Low Interest Rates / Companies / Dividends
By: DailyGainsLetter
John Paul Whitefoot writes: Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen has confirmed what most already knew. The recovery in the U.S. jobs market is far from complete. Yellen noted that the unemployment rate has improved since the Federal Reserve initiated its last round of quantitative easing in late 2012, falling from 8.1% to 6.6%. Curiously, in 2013, the U.S. economy grew just two percent.
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Friday, November 29, 2013
Ignore the Dividend Stocks Bubble Babble / Companies / Dividends
By: Investment_U
Marc Lichtenfeld writes: As every investor knows, dividend stocks have been hot for years. Since the market bottomed in March 2009, the Dow Jones Select Dividend Index is up 226%, versus 171% for the S&P 500.
And lately, the idea of a market bubble has been gaining momentum. Alex demolished the notion of a broad-market bubble on Friday.