Category: Natural Gas
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Thursday, October 15, 2015
How to Profit From America’s Growing Natural Gas Reserves / Commodities / Natural Gas
By: Investment_U
David Fessler writes: Once every two years, a little-known committee conducts a very important study. The Potential Gas Committee (PGC) estimates how much natural gas we can recover from U.S. deposits.
Currently, the U.S. uses 26.7 trillion cubic feet (tcf) each year. That’s a lot of gas. Fortunately, the PGC’s 2014 year-end estimate for recoverable gas is 2,515 tcf... or 2.5 quadrillion cubic feet.
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Thursday, October 08, 2015
Optimistic Natural Gas Forecasts Underreport Risks / Commodities / Natural Gas
By: AnyOption

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Friday, August 21, 2015
The Future of Natural Gas, Part II / Commodities / Natural Gas
By: ... Dr. Kent Moors writes: As I discussed in the last edition of Oil & Energy Investor, this morning I made the keynote address at the Dominion Transport-hosted meeting of natural gas executives in western Pennsylvania.
My address comprised my primary take on natural gas prospects and is entitled “Natural Gas Moving Forward: LNG, Hubs, and Pricing Prospects.”
As always, I try to keep you in the loop of what’s happening when I meet with the movers and shakers, so today I’ll be sharing the rest of my address with you.
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Tuesday, August 18, 2015
The Future of Natural Gas / Commodities / Natural Gas
By: ... Dr. Kent Moors writes: On Thursday morning, I’ll be delivering my major address on the future of natural gas. The occasion is a high-powered meeting hosted by Dominion Transport at the beautiful Nemacolin Woodlands Resort in western Pennsylvania.
Attending will be more than 100 leading CEOs and other executives from principal gas production, transmission, distribution, and end using companies.
My keynote presentation is entitled “Natural Gas Moving Forward: LNG, Hubs, and Pricing Prospects.” And in it I address where liquid natural gas (LNG) prices have been… where they are now… and where they’re going.
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Sunday, June 14, 2015
Is Natural Gas A Good Investment Opportunity? / Commodities / Natural Gas
By: AnyOption

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Wednesday, May 13, 2015
Obamacare Caused The Gas Tax Cut To Go Up In Flames / Politics / Natural Gas
By: Michael_Pento
Wall Street analysts unanimously cheered last fall when the price of oil fell from nearly $100 a barrel in June of 2014, to almost $45 a barrel by the end of January 2015. The theory was that the average American family, paying less at the pump, would plow this savings into other goods and services, giving GDP a much needed boost.
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Have Natural Gas Prices Bottomed? / Commodities / Natural Gas
By: OilPrice_Com
Last Friday we finally got confirmation of where all the natural gas supply has been coming from as Cabot (COG) reported its earnings. Just like Chesapeake (CHK), they reduced natural gas output, but on a much grander scale. CHK has yet to report and will do so on May 6th providing even more color on the subject.Read full article... Read full article...
Saturday, March 14, 2015
Natural Gas Price Forecast / Commodities / Natural Gas
By: Austin_Galt
Natural gas has been absolutely pummelled for the last decade after making an all time high in 2005 at US$15.78. Price now sits around US$2.75. What a spanking!
So, does there look to be an end in sight to this devastating downtrend? Yes and no. Let's begin with the "no" which involves the big picture yearly chart.
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Friday, December 05, 2014
Russia and China’s Natural Gas Deals Are a Death Knell for Canada’s LNG Ambitions / Commodities / Natural Gas
By: Marin_Katusa
In recent years, a number of Asian companies have been betting that Canada will be able to export cheap liquefied natural gas (LNG) from its west coast. These big international players include PetroChina, Mitsubishi, CNOOC, and, until December 3, Malaysian state-owned Petronas.
However, that initial interest is decidedly on the wane. In fact, while the British Columbia LNG Alliance is still hopeful that some of the 18 LNG projects that have been proposed will be realized, it’s now looking less and less likely that any of these Canadian LNG consortia will ever make a final investment decision to forge ahead.
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Wednesday, November 05, 2014
Natural Gas Prices are Going Higher (So are these “Super Shift” Investor Opportunities) / Commodities / Natural Gas
By: Money_Morning
Dr. Kent Moors writes: While everybody is focused on oil, natural gas prices are moving in a very different direction.
As of this afternoon, natural gas prices at Henry Hub stood at $4.15 per 1,000 cubic feet (or million BTUs). Since last Thursday, the price of natural gas has jumped by 13.7%.
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Sunday, October 19, 2014
How LNG Exports Almost Bankrupted Australia, Is the U.S. Next? / Commodities / Natural Gas
By: Money_Morning
The world’s leading liquefied national gas (LNG) exporter is the tiny Arab kingdom of Qatar, whose 77 million tons per year (mtpy) account for 30% of global LNG exports.
When the U.S. begins exporting massive quantities of LNG in 2015, it will immediately be catapulted into a position as one of the world’s largest exporters as well.
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Wednesday, September 03, 2014
What’s in Store for Natural Gas and Crude Oil Prices / Commodities / Natural Gas
By: Money_Morning
Kent Moors writes: To hear some analysts tell it, geopolitics and the weather are exogenous events when it comes to energy prices.
That is, somehow both natural gas and crude oil prices would operate quite “rationally” if it weren’t for either of them.
According to these guys, supply and demand is what drives the market, and from time to time these “outside elements” only muddle things up.
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Friday, August 29, 2014
Russia, Ukraine War - It’s Time to Play the “Gazprom Card” / Politics / Natural Gas
By: Money_Morning
As the situation in Ukraine continues to unravel, the West is certain to develop another round of sanctions against Russia.
Unlike the first set, these new sanctions will almost certainly have a more direct bearing on the energy sector.
And now that Russian gas behemoth Gazprom (OTC: OGZPY) has once again threatened to cut off the gas supply to Ukraine if Kiev doesn’t pay what it owes, worry has begun to creep into the European Union headquarters in Brussels.
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Wednesday, August 27, 2014
The Risky Business of Methane-Rich “Fire Ice” / Commodities / Natural Gas
By: Money_Morning
Dr. Kent Moors writes: During the height of the Deepwater Horizon tragedy four years ago, I had my graduate students monitor the flow of oil from the sunken platform in the Gulf of Mexico.
Most of their work involved rather straightforward calculations based on undersea camera footage.
But from time to time, flimsy protoplasmic-like structures would float across the screen. The students called them “ghosts.”
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Sunday, August 24, 2014
LNG Catalysts About to Hand You the investment Opportunity of the Decade / Commodities / Natural Gas
By: Money_Morning
A century ago, the opening of the Panama Canal changed the face of global trade.
By joining the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, ships from the East Coast no longer had to make the treacherous 8,000-mile trip around Cape Horn to reach the markets in Asia or on the West Coast.
Now, 100 years later, the 50-mile long canal is about to do it all over again.
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Sunday, June 22, 2014
LNG: The Long, Strategic Play for Europe / Commodities / Natural Gas
By: OilPrice_Com

Wednesday, May 28, 2014
The Achilles Heel of the Russian-Chinese Natural Gas Deal / Commodities / Natural Gas
By: Money_Morning
Dr. Kent Moors writes: Pundits have been quick to label last week’s mammoth gas deal between Russia and China as “historic.”
That may be true. But the fact is there are a number of important elements in the $400 billion agreement that have yet to be decided.
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Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Russia's Weakened Hand Could Pay Off For Beijing In Major Gas Deal / Politics / Natural Gas
By: OilPrice_Com
A major gas deal between Russia and China could finally be sealed this week when Russian President Vladimir Putin visits China on May 20-21 and meets with President Xi Jinping. In the lead up to Putin's arrival, the two sides have been working on putting the finishing touches on a 30-year contract for a gas deal a decade in the making, and Russian officials have suggested that the deal will be completed by Putin's arrival.Read full article... Read full article...
Friday, May 09, 2014
Natural Gas Pipeline Macrame Game In Ukraine / Commodities / Natural Gas
By: Andrew_McKillop
An Unglorious Mess
Usually away from the microphone, natural gas experts say that “pipeline corridor country” Ukraine in fact heavily needs a pipeline rationalization program. The country is oversupplied with a patchwork accumulation of lines built up over decades, which are under-used (and badly maintained). And as we and the IMF know, Ukraine cannot pay for the gas it takes from Russia.
Friday, May 09, 2014
How to Exploit the Coming Natural Gas Export Explosion / Commodities / Natural Gas
By: The_Energy_Report
There's more than one way to invest in energy, and you don't have to choose between majors and juniors. Frank Curzio, editor of the Small Stock Specialist newsletter, tells us exactly why every investor needs a diversified portfolio of juniors, large-cap oil and gas producers and natural gas services. In this interview with The Energy Report, Curzio talks of a shifting political climate and why it could mean a massive boom for U.S. natural gas exports. Don't let yourself be caught out in the cold when the natural gas market catches fire.
The Energy Report: Frank, will the ongoing crisis in Ukraine keep oil prices above $100/barrel ($100/bbl)?
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