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Walkers Pay Packet Promo Win After 540 Crisp Packets?

Personal_Finance / Freebies and Comps Jun 18, 2017 - 07:01 PM GMT

By: Anika_Walayat


Were into the final month of Walkers pay packet promotion, and has anyone won anything? Lets see if we finally win something, even a fiver after another walkers crisps buying trip to this time TESCO! Will buying from Tesco make any difference to our lack of winnings so fare? Lets find out what the chances are after 90 multi-packs and 540 packets of crisp packets later....

Walkers Pay Packet Promo Win After 540 Crisp Packets?

For how to get free multi-packs watch:

How to Get FREE Walkers Crisps Multi-packs! £5 to £28k Pay Packet Promo

For why the chances of winning a cash prize in Walkers pay packet promotion have just got a lot harder -

And see our the following video for the estimated odds of winning a cash prize which could save you a lot of time and money.

Walkers Crisps Pay Packet Instant Win Odds of Winning a Prize

Here's Morrisons trying to cash in on the Walkers promotion by raising the price of multi-packs by 50%!

Walkers Crisps £5 to £28k Instant Pay Packet Win!

Ensure to subscribe to our channel for new videos in this series to see what it takes to win a prize in Walkers Pay Packet promotion!

By Anika Walayat

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Disclaimer: The above is a matter of opinion provided for general information purposes.

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