George Bush in Danger While on Middle East Tour?
Politics / Middle East Jan 09, 2008 - 04:01 AM GMTBy: Ian_Brockwell
The recent “Al Qaeda” video, which was posted just days before George Bush's trip to the Middle East, urges fighters to meet the President with bombs.
U.S.-born Adam Gadahn, who appears on the almost one hour long video, was quoted as saying in Arabic “Now we direct an urgent call to our militant brothers in Muslim Palestine and the Arab peninsula .. to be ready to receive the Crusader slayer Bush in his visit to Muslim Palestine and the Arab peninsula in the beginning of January and to receive him not with flowers or clapping but with bombs and booby-trapped vehicles”
George Bush will begin his trip in Israel and take in the following locations: West Bank, Kuwait, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Egypt.
There are some who believe that certain members of the US government are involved in the creation of “Al Qaeda”, and this could go all the way up to the top. If that is true, and the President is one of those involved in the cover-up, why would he be a target?
To answer this we need to look at George Bush's role as President. Clearly, Bush is not the smartest President to ever grace the floors of the White House, and his success at being elected is more to do with some clever behind the scenes manipulating, than his charm or intelligence.
The real power in the White House is, and always has been, Dick Cheney. George Bush has never been more than a puppet (or patsy), who could be sacrificed at any time if things got too out of hand, or perhaps used in some other way.
George Bush may well have been aware of most of the things that were going on, but after nearly 8 years in office, we know from his actions that he isn't capable of being the architect.
Many writers (including myself) have thought that a new “9/11” was on the cards, in order to gain support for an attack on Iran. But what if the target was not some building or a few thousand civilians, but just one man? Wouldn't that create the same outrage?
Even though recent US reports have shown that Iran are not pursuing any nuclear weapons program, the White House and Israel are still pushing for more sanctions and continue to say that “all options” are on the table (including a military strike). Obviously, even the truth (from the United States own intelligence services) will not deter the Bush administration from their long awaited goal of getting closer to Iran's oil supply.
Knowing the potential dangers involved in visiting certain Middle East countries (by leading world figures), these trips are usually organized in secret and occur without any announcement. Yet this time, every potential “terrorist” has been put on alert! Even the so called “Al Qaeda” video talks about this trip, and when was that made?
Is it possible that George Bush will be “sacrificed” to promote the ambitions of others? The risks of an assassination are quite high, and he will be visiting some areas that are extremely difficult to protect. I asked one security company for their opinion on the trip and they described it as a “security nightmare”, saying that revealing Bush's schedule was just inviting trouble.
But maybe there is a second purpose behind such an event? There are a number of “sensitive” investigations that could appear shortly, which implicate the Bush administration (and Bush of course) in some serious allegations. Would these still happen if the President was no longer around to answer the questions?
In an attempt to keep the “Iran pot” boiling, Washington made a big deal out of an incident in the Strait of Hormuz, involving five Iranian boats and three US Navy ships. The Pentagon said the incident was serious and described the Iranian actions as "careless, reckless and potentially hostile" and said Tehran should provide an explanation. Iran said the incident was not unusual.
White House spokesman Gordon Johndroe said “We urge the Iranians to refrain from such provocative actions that could lead to a dangerous incident in the future”. Perhaps having so many US Navy ships floating off the coast of Iran could be considered “provocative” and lead to some dangerous incident in the future?
Why are the US Naval ships in that region, if not to provoke a situation or take part in some future attack? Iran has only threatened military action if it is attacked.
It is doubtful that George Bush volunteered for this Middle East trip, but you can be sure if anything does happen, the words “Al Qaeda” and “Iran” will be voiced within 24 hours of such an event.
By Ian Brockwell
Ian Brockwell is the creator of and interests include writing, teaching, politics, climate change, UFO reports, businesses of all descriptions, medicine and generally trying to enjoy life. Profindsearch is a very small search engine, which hopes to be a Google one day! (We can all dream) Article source
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