The following are a selection of economic and financial markets analysis online video's.
Down with 'Too Big to Fail': Angry Americans march on Wall Street 2nd May 2010 - 3 minute |
The largest anti-Wall Street rally since the credit crunch has taken place in New York. Thousands of workers and trade union leaders marched in anger over lost jobs and ruined lives, demanding answers from the source of the trouble - the banks. |
Marc Faber Says Time To Kick Greece Out of E.U. 30th April 2010 - 1 minute |
Marc faber kick Greece out of eu European Union greek Portugal euro eurozone default bonds imf emf central bank pigs piigs spain italy Ireland downgraded junk |
Goldman Sachs Selling Shitty CDOs30th April 2010 - 5 minute |
Senator Carl Levin (D-MI) and former Goldman Sachs Mortgages Department head Daniel Sparks, Senate Governmental Affairs Subcommittee on Investigations hearing.
Bigot Gate, Does Gordon Brown Despise Labour Voters In Private? 29th April 2010 - 1 minute |
UK General Election Tipping Point Against Labour - After an 10 minute exchange with a Gillian Duffy a 66 year old life long Labour voter concerning issues such as the National Debt and Immigration, Gordon Brown when getting into his car left his radio microphone on and referred to the Labour voter as a bigot.
Gerald Celente, Obama's Financial Reforms Just a Show 25th April 2010 - 6 minutes |
Wall Street regulation is the hot topic today; President Barack Obama gave a speech to the finance industry encouraging them to join him in reforming Wall Street. Gerald Celente says that there is a huge problem with Obamas Financial Reform bill because the same people that got us into this economic mess are the ones advising Obama.
Marc Faber Says Holding Cash Will be a Disaster, Investors Should Accumulate Gold
23rd April 2010 - 4 minutes |
Marc Faber explains why investors should not own cash as it is set to be 'a disaster'. He speaks to co-guest host Michael Yoshikami, founder, president and chief investment strategist at YCMNet Advisor, CNBC's Martin Soong, Bernard Lo & Sri Jegarajah, about why investors should accumulate gold instead.
Marc Faber Warnings on China, Industrial Commodities and Australian Stocks
21st April 2010 - 12 minutes |
Marc Faber talks about growth in lending and increases in property prices in China. Faber also discusses his caution about buying industrial commodities and Australian stocks. He speaks with Bloomberg's Liza Lin in Singapore.
SEC Goes After Goldman
19th April 2010 - 7 minutes |
Lots of people are puzzling through the SECs fraud allegations against Goldman Sachs, trying to work out how it allegedly committed fraud. The way Paddy Hirsch sees it, its a bit like a bookie and gambler teaming up to fix a horse race.
Can U.S. Dollar Remain the World's Reserve Currency?
18th April 2010 - 26 minutes |
Remember to check back for regular updates.
By Nadeem Walayat, The Editor
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