The Most Popular Financial Markets Analysis
The following represent the most popular articles of analysis published on the Market Oracle website out of a pool of more than 19,000 articles, representing a rich resource of financial markets analysis and research.
(19th December 2010)
September 2010 |
1.Banking System Collpase, on the Edge of The Precipice, Basel III - Matthias_Chang |
2.Fahrenheit 451, Those Who Don’t Build Must Burn - James_Quinn |
3.Sobering Lesson for the World as Gold and Silver Set to Explode Higher - Howard_Katz |
4.Britains Population Growth and Ageing Demographics Impact on UK House Prices - Nadeem_Walayat |
5.1099 Supply Shock for Gold Buyers - Dr_Jeff_Lewis |
August 2010 |
1.Economy Heading for a Systemic Collapse into Hyperinflationary Great Depression - John Williams |
2.Warning Global Fiat Currency Financial System Collapse By Early 2011 - Matthias_Chang |
3.Deflation Delusion Continues as Economies Trend Towards High Inflation - Nadeem_Walayat |
4.Paradigm Shift in the Financial World, Major Structural Changes In One Year - Jim_Willie_CB |
5.Hindenburg Stock Market Crash Omen Confirmed - Robert_McHugh_PhD |
July 2010 |
1. SULTANS OF SWAP: BP Collapse Potentially More Devastating than Lehman! - Gordon_T_Long |
2. China: The US Is "Insolvent and Faces Bankruptcy" - Jesse |
3. BP Gulf Oil Gusher: Methane, Climate & Dead Zones - DK Matai |
4. BP Oil Spill Global Catastrophe Reaches Epic Proportions - Dr. Tom Termotto |
5. Four Shocking Economic Bombshells Bernanke Did NOT Tell Congress About Last Week - Martin_D_Weiss |
June 2010 |
1. Gulf Oil Spill - The Greatest Disaster Since The Flood? - Joshua S. Burnett |
2. BP Oil Disaster Could Hit Europe Via the Powerful Gulf Stream Current - F_William_Engdahl |
3. North European Euro Nations Preparing to Slaughter the PIGS - Jim_Willie_CB |
4. The Next Catastrophic Bubble to Pop Will Be Private Sector Debt - Andrew_Butter |
5. Gold Going to Parabolic Top of $10,000 by 2012 For Good Reasons - Lorimer_Wilson |
May 2010 |
1. The Looming Financial Holocaust, Massive Bearish Patterns Across Multiple Markets - Clive_Maund |
2. Gold Correction Factors, Hidden Dollar Swap Hammer - Jim_Willie_CB |
3. Marc Faber on the Coming Economic Catastrophe Triggered by the Next AIG to Fall - Marc Faber |
4. U.S. Dollar Doomsday Crash 2010, Protect Your Wealth With Gold - Larry_Edelson |
5. Stocks Bull Market Hits Eurozone Debt Crisis Brick Wall, Forecast Into July 2010 - Nadeem_Walayat |
Apr 2010 |
1. It’s Impossible to “Get By” In the U.S. - Graham_Summers |
2. America’s Economic Recovery Is a Rotten Sham - Justice_Litle |
3.U.S. Faces Second Lost Depression, Why This Recession Is Different and What To Do About It - Mike_Shedlock |
4.The Devaluation of the U.S. Dollar, Gold's Springboard - Jim_Willie_CB |
5.Britain's Accelerating Trend Towards High Inflation and UK Debt Default Bankruptcy - Nadeem_Walayat |
Mar 2010 |
1. Bill Gates Talks About Vaccines to Reduce World Population - F_William_Engdahl |
2. Paper Gold Market Is Going to Explode, Buy Physical Bullion NOW!- Gordon_Gekko |
3. Obamacare and the Death of Detroit, the First U.S. City To Face Extinction - Gary_North |
4. The Road to Hyperinflation - Dr_Krassimir_Petrov |
5. The American Dream is Over, It Was A Wonderful Life - James_Quinn |
Feb 2010 |
1. Breakdown Of The Gold Market - Jim_Willie_CB |
2. Gold Analysis and Price Trend Forecast For 2010 - Nadeem_Walayat |
3. Australian Housing Bubble About to Burst, Market About to Crash - Mike_Shedlock |
4. Falling Debt Dynamite Dominoes, The Coming Financial Catastrophe - Andrew_G_Marshall |
5. Stocks Stealth Bull Market Trend Forecast For 2010 - Nadeem_Walayat |
Jan 2010 |
1. U.S. Heading for Hyperinflationary Collapse, Ruling Elite Preparing for Civil War - James Quinn |
2. Economic Stagnation, Wars, Pandemics, Welcome to the The New Dark Age - Elite_E_Services |
3. Pakistan Collapse Could Trigger Global Great Depression and World War III - Nadeem_Walayat |
4. Stock Market Heading for Black Monday Crash? - Clive_Maund |
5. Economic Depression Wealth Preservation, Investing, and Prepping in 2010 - Mac_Slavo |
Most Popular of 2009
Most Popular - All Time Updated: 5th June 2009
Most Popular Dec 2009 |
1.Global Financial Crisis, No Bailout Will Stop It - Mac_Slavo |
2.Gold Nexus for Powerful Struggle Underway for New Global Financial World Order - Jim_Willie_CB |
3.Stock Market , Gold, Commodities and Economic Forecasts for 2010 - Martin Weiss |
4. Global Food Crisis 2010 Means Financial Armageddon - Eric_deCarbonnel |
5.How Deep will the Gold Correction Be? - Ronald_Rosen |
Most Popular Nov 2009 |
1.Gld ETF Warning, Tungsten Filled Fake Gold Bars - Rob_Kirby |
2.Don't Fool Yourself: America Is Now a Communist Nation - Porter Stansberry |
3.The Government Will Default on Its Debts - Gary_North |
4. Government Debt Default, How (Not If) Will it Happen - Gary_North |
5.Deflationists Are WRONG, Prepare for the INFLATION Mega-Trend - Nadeem_Walayat |
Most Popular Oct 2009 |
1.CAUTION: Stock Market Crash /Collapse Dead Ahead Say Faber, Rogers, Dent and Celente - Mac_Slavo |
2.The End of Money and the Future of Civilization - Richard_C_Cook |
3.Gold Analysis, Real or False Breakout? - StocksBuddy |
4. Stock Market Bull Trap Heading for a 50% Crash to 5,000 - Captain_Hook |
5.Government Reports Point to Fiscal Doomsday - Martin_D_Weiss |
Most Popular Sept 2009 |
1. Economic and Financial System Train Wreck Dead Ahead! - Ty_Andros |
2. Economic Fundementals Suggest This Fall and Winter Could Get Ugly - ArbitraryVote |
3. The Crumbliest Flakiest Stocks Bull Market Never Tasted Before - Nadeem_Walayat |
4. Derivatives Collapse and the New China Gold and Silver Markets - Bob_Chapman |
5. Gold, The Big Score - Howard_Katz |
Most Popular August 2009 |
1.Fed Laundering Money through the Big Banks Into the Stock Market - Mike_Whitney |
2.U.S. Dollar Bull Market Trend Forecast 2009 Update - Nadeem_Walayat |
3.There is No Recession, This is Planned Financial Demolition - Mike_Whitney |
4.Economic Suicide and the ABC’s of DEPRESSION!, Stocks Bear Market Rally Underway - Ty_Andros |
5.Stocks Stealth Bull Market Crushes Bears Hopes (Again) as U.S. Dollar Weakens - Nadeem_Walayat |
Most Popular July 2009 |
1.U.S. Dollar Collapse Starting Next Monday ? - Frederic_Simons |
2.Citizens of the United States Welcome to Animal Farm 2009 - James_Quinn |
3.Why Food Prices Are Set To Rocket - Sean Brodrick |
4.Day of Reckoning for California and Ultimately for All of America - Martin Weiss |
5.Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité – Providence, Miracle or What Really Happened - Robert_Singer |
Most Popular June 2009 |
1.China Decision to Buy $80 Billion of Gold, the Dragon's Hoard - Michael_J_Kosares |
2.Cap and Trade Bill HR 2454 Will Lead to Capital Flight - Dr_Ron_Paul |
3.Economic Collapse, Time to Run? - Lila Rajiva |
4.Stock Market Summer Trend Into a Crash - David_Petch |
5.The Coming Stock Market Crash: Time to Review - Brian_Bloom |
Most Popular May 2009 |
1.Imminent Global Stock Market Crash to Support U.S. Dollar - Bob Chapman |
2.Breaking News: Imminent Big Bank Failure on Overnight Bank Loan Failure - Nadeem_Walayat |
3.Global Financial & Economic Crisis: How Much Time do We Have? - Adrian Salbuchi |
4.Stark Evidence of an Impending Global Stock Market Crash- Brian_Bloom |
5.Financial Markets and Economic Crash, the Next Leg Down Will be Worse - Mike_Whitney |
Most Popular April 2009 |
1.Economic Meltdown 2009 is Worse than the Great Depression - Mike_Whitney |
2.JP Morgan Collapse Could Trigger Next Global Stock Market Crash - Brian_Bloom |
3.Stealth Stocks Bull Market, Sell in May and Go Away? - Nadeem_Walayat |
4.The Impending Mother of all Oil Shocks - Andrew_Butter |
5.U.S. Debtor Meets G20 Creditors at the Dollar's Funeral - Jim_Willie_CB |
Most Popular Mar 2009 |
1.Financial Crisis Worst is Yet to Come, Market Forecasts Into 2015 - Lorimer_Wilson |
2.United States Economic Collapse Facing Its Weimar Moment - Robert Freeman |
3.Stealth Bull Market Follows Stocks Bear Market Bottom at Dow 6,470 - Nadeem_Walayat |
4.The Worst Global Crisis of All Time - Larry Edelson |
5.Fed Planning Inflationary Dollar Destroying 15-Fold Increase In US Monetary Base - Eric_deCarbonnel |
Most Popular Feb 2009 |
1.Baby Boomers- Your Generation's Crisis Has Arrived - James_Quinn |
2.US, UK, Eurozone Banks Face Collapse: Global Banking System Insolvent - Mike_Shedlock |
3.Stock Market Crash 2009: Fine Tuning DJIA Target To 5,800 - Eric_Chevrette |
4.Stock Market Crash Red Alert: Meltdown Imminent! - Martin Weiss |
5.The Great Depression has Arrived- Collapsing American Dreams - David_Vaughn |
Most Popular Jan 2009 |
1.Depression 2009 The Largest Train Wreck in Economic History - Darryl_R_Schoon |
2.Emerging Giants Russia, China, Brazil and India Looming Collapse 2009 - Martin Weiss |
3.Ten Major Threats Facing the U.S. Dollar in 2009 - Eric_deCarbonnel |
4.UK Housing Market Crash and Depression Forecast 2007 to 2012 - Nadeem_Walayat |
5.Nouriel Roubini 2009 U.S. GDP Forecasting 40% Home Mortgage Failures? - Andrew_Butter |
Most Popular of 2008Updated: 31st December 2008
Most Popular of 2007Updated: 31st December 2007
Most Popular of 2006Updated: 31st December 2006
Remember to check back for regular updates.
By Nadeem Walayat, The Editor
Copyright © 2007 The Market Oracle- All Rights Reserved.
Disclaimer: The articles published on this site are a matter of opinion provided for general information purposes only and is not intended as investment advice. Information and analysis are derived from sources and utilising methods believed to be reliable, but we cannot accept responsibility for any trading losses you may incur as a result of this analysis. Comments within the text should not be construed as specific recommendations to buy or sell securities. Individuals should consult with their personal financial advisors before engaging in any trading activities.